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Tales From a Discount Store, Bag Woes (language, long)

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  • Tales From a Discount Store, Bag Woes (language, long)

    I haven't posted for a while, so I think it's time for the second edition of Tales From a Discount Store. This time, it's all about carrier bags. Honestly, some of the rudeness I got from asking a customer if they wanted a carrier bag was absolutely unreal.

    Anyway, here goes!

    Suck 1)

    A man decided to come straight in, without buying a thing and help himself to not 1, but a whole wad of our carrier bags. "Excuse me," I said. "You can't take that many bags. Besides, you have to ask first. You can't just take."

    "Listen here, sweetheart. I'm a regular. I spend more here in a week than you earn in a year, so I'll take as many bags as I like."

    And he took the bags.

    But lol what. I made over £8000 a year there. WHO the fuck spends £8000 every week in POUNDLAND? He was obviously talking out of his arse. He was trying to make me feel small. But LOL.

    Suck 2)

    We had run out of regular carrier bags (management suck). We had the 10p re-usable ones and the very small ones that barely fit anything in them. We’ve been giving out the reusable ones for free IF the customers have got big transactions or can’t fit their purchases inside a small one. A lady came up with a gardening product that was really small and could fit inside a small bag, so I bagged it up for her.

    Her: Don’t you have any bigger bags?

    Me: I’m sorry, but we have completely run out of our regular bags.

    Her: What? Well that’s a bit stupid.

    Me: You’re welcome to buy one of our reusable bags for 10p.

    Her: And be 10p out of pocket for YOUR mistake? No.

    She begrudgingly paid for her product and grabbed the small bag that I’d put it in. As she left my till, she whipped around and had a look around my till.

    Her: So what are those then?

    I thought she was looking at the reusable bags so I told her that they were 10p.

    Her: Not those! Those! *pointing under my till*

    I looked under my till and saw about twenty of the smaller bags that I’d opened up beforehand (they’re a pain to open, see, so I opened a lot in one go when I’d got no customers).

    Me: These are the small ones.

    Her: No they’re not! Give me one!

    So I grabbed one of the bags, held it in front of her so that she could take it, seeing as she wanted one that badly, and she just went, “Oh,” and walked off. I told you they were small, duh. Did she think I was lying to her for shits and giggles? I swear, some of the people who shop with us think we’re that low.

    Suck 3)

    A man of around 25 walked into the shop. He approached my till.

    Him: Can I have a bag?
    Me: We can’t give them out, sorry. You can either buy something, or you can buy one of these *holds up one of our re-usable bags*.
    Him: *glare* How much for a fucking bag then?
    Me: *smiling* These ones are 10p *smile smile*
    Him: WHAT?! 10p for a fucking plastic bag? You having a laugh?

    He then threw his hands in the air and walked off. All that anger just because I wouldn’t GIVE him a plastic bag. We can’t just give people plastic bags if they’ve not bought something. I make an exception is if someone’s bag is visibly splitting or if they’re clearly desperate and NEED that bag. It doesn’t matter if they’ve bought anything from the shop or not, I’m going above and beyond to help them. But I’m not going to just give them to anybody, especially if they’re being rude or if they’ve not actually got any other bags or anything. He was empty handed.

    Suck 4)

    Sir, thank you for not only wasting my time, but for being rude to me as well.

    A guy came to my till with loads and loads of stuff. As in, a basket full. I asked him if he needed a bag.

    “Hmm…” he said, while he started to look in his coat pocket. “Now… let me see. Hold on, this is a really hard one. Hmmm…” more fumbling in his coat pocket. “Oooh, it’s tough!” Yet more fumbling. This went on for at least 20 seconds. Not that long, usually, except he was holding my queue up and I still had to process his stuff. I actually thought he’d got a reusable bag folded up in there and was wondering whether to use that bag or ours.

    Then he glared at me and yelled, “Well whadda YOU think?” More glaring. “I’m not going to get all of that stuff in this bloody pocket, am I?!?”

    So, he was essentially playing with me, getting all sarcastic and making me feel THAT small.

    So, in future, when I ask you if you need a bag, just say yes or no. Thanks.

    Suck 5)

    A guy came to my till and I asked him if he needed a bag.

    “Er… well what do you think? Not gonna carry them in my pockets am I?!”

    “Sorry but I have to ask everyone.”

    I started packing his bag for him.

    “Chill out! It was a bloody joke!”

    I tried to smile but my face must have looked like thunder.

    “I said chill out,” he told me. “Taking the piss is a sign of respect!”

    “Sorry?” I said out of confusion more than anything. Because er… no. It isn’t a sign of respect.

    “Oh, just forget it! You need a sense of humour!”

    Oh, I’m sorry! Please excuse me while I roll on the floor with laughter. You should really be a stand-up comedian with jokes like that!

    Thing is, he was with a group of girls who thought he was oh-so-hilarious. The world has gone mad.

    Suck 6) This one's got an added suck, in that the customer was on the phone too.

    A woman came to my till on her phone. She was talking really loudly and not focused on me at all. She didn’t look at me, just threw her stuff on my counter with her free arm. I asked her if she needed a bag and she ignored me, so I asked again. Ignored. I asked her a third time and finally got her attention.

    Her: Well of course I do! I’m not going to carry all this in my bloody hands!

    But that’s not the worst of it. The worst of it is that she then started to tell her friend over the phone how stupid I was.

    “I’m at Poundland and the cashier just asked me if I needed a bag when I’ve got loads of stuff! How stupid is that?!”

    Her friend was obviously talking about me too because then the woman at my counter said:

    “Tell me about it! My daughter’s got more common sense than she has!”

    I scanned her stuff through in silence, but I gave her a look that said “I’m standing RIGHT here and I don’t approve of you insulting me over the phone to your friend.”

    She saw the look of disapproval and then said:

    Her: She’s giving me evils! How rude! She obviously can’t take a joke.

    Oh, all this was a joke? Oh, I’m so sorry for not splitting my sides with laughter at your little joke. But last I heard, talking on your phone and ignoring the cashier is rude, but insulting said cashier over the phone to your friend is even ruder and definitely NOT a fucking joke.

    Suck 7)

    I was working next to a new cashier today. She's very shy and has been here for about a week. A woman came up to her till with a bag of compost and flipped out when the cashier said she didn't have a bag big enough.

    The woman shouted "Then WHY are you selling things like this if you don't have any bags big enough to fit them? This is absolutely ridiculous!

    The cashier didn't know what to say. I told the woman, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but we haven't had any large bags come in for about six months now."

    "So do something about it then!" she demanded. "You're the cashier! It's YOUR job to make sure your customers are satisfied."

    "I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do. Head Office issues the bags. We don't have any bags big enough for your purchase."

    *Sigh* "This is terrible customer service. You're just making it harder for your customers. I'll be complaining to Head Office about this."

    Yes. Please do.

    Suck 8)

    A lady came up to my till with a basket of things. I politely asked her, "Hello, do you need a bag?"

    And she just flipped.

    "Well, yes, of course I need a bag! What kind of question IS this? How else am I going to carry all of this stuff? What a stupid question to ask."

    I said in response, "I'm sorry, I was just trying to be polite."

    "Polite? I don't think so. You have wasted SO much of my time by asking such a pointless question. I find that quite rude."

    I'M rude? Lol.

    I didn't bother apologising to her. I did nothing wrong. All I did was ask her if she needed a bag. I bagged up her stuff, but some of the items were heavy. If I put all of the items in one bag, the bag would split. So I did the kind thing and asked her if she would like me to put some of the other heavy items into another bag. She huffed and then said,

    "Oh for goodness sake! YES!"

    And how I kept my cool after that, I don't know. I was so glad when she went.

    Suck 9)

    There's a limit on carrier bags. The limit isn't set, and we can use as many bags as we want if it means accomodating the customer and their goods. But what we can't do is put a seperate toy in a seperate bag for a seperate child or give the customer extra bags when they don't need them etc. A man came up to the till. He was on his own, but he wanted a bag for his stuff, a bag for his wife's stuff and three bags for each of his children - they each had a single toy. All together the stuff could have fit into a single bag and there still be room for more stuff. I told him that I could seperate his wifes items and that the most I could offer him was two bags. He didn't throw a fit as such, but he was questioning me and asking if bags really were as expensive as I was saying they were. He started to laugh then and said it was a bit pathetic etc etc, but I wouldn't back down. He left with two bags and didn't say thank you, just gave me a snide look. Whatever, I don't care that you didn't get your own way, I'm here to do a job, and if the company wants to crack down on overusage of carrier bags, then I'll uphold that rule.

    I got him out the way and served a woman. She said that she had overheard the conversation and that I was being unfair. She then said,

    "I'll give him a bag myself. Please pass me a bag."

    "I'm sorry," I said, "but like I said, bags are expensive and I just can't allow it."

    "I was just trying to do a good deed, because I'm a nice person. I can tell you're not a very nice person."

    Ugh. If you got to know me, you'd see that I was infact a nice person. Doing my job, however frustrating it can be to the customers, doesn't make me a bad person. It makes me a hard, loyal worker who upholds the rules of the shop, however silly those rules might be.

    I asked her if she wanted a bag, and she said, "No" in a really snippy tone. So I scanned her stuff and left her items on the counter for her. She snatched up a carrier bag and said, "I asked you for a bag! Or are you not giving carrier bags out now?!"

    Um... you said you didn't want one? *facepalm* And yeah, I forgot, you're the nice person and I'm the horrible one. Yes, definitely seems that way, doesn't it?

  • #2
    I think the Euro Poundland needs an on-site torturer. You know.. those guys with bare chests with masks covering the whole head. When a customer gets out of line.. whoo boy..


    • #3
      Wow, where do I start? Every single one of those people deserves the two-finger salute.

      (1) Basically stole a bunch of bags. Wonder what he wants them for?

      (2) Talk about cheap!! 10p is like 10 cents in the U.S.! And she could re-use the bag another time.

      (3) Another jerk. Want a bag? Buy something. Probably walking his dog and forgot to bring a bag for the dog's, ahem, "deposit."

      (4) Just a complete ass. All he had to say was “yes.” You don’t know if he might have his own bags!

      (5) F*cking idiot. I hate people who say mean things and then claim to be “joking”.

      (6) Hey, lady, take that phone and shove it somewhere dark & unsanitary.

      (7) Apparently thinks that cashiers have all kinds of power at the company. If only.

      (8) You wasted her time by asking her a question that took 6 little words?? What a twat.

      You must have amazing self-control. I would’ve flipped out at some of those people.
      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


      • #4
        How do they think you can charge such low prices? Obviously economies need to be made, and reducing or charging for bags is a primary means to do it.

        Bunch of numpties.
        This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
        I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


        • #5
          I had a great line for when people expected a bag, especially for small purchases, "Our environmental policy is to not offer bags for transactions of fewer than five items. You are, however, able to politely request one."
          Calmed most people down, but had on guy blowup and start calling me a liar amongst other unmentionable things. I just stared at him blankly and pointed to the sign saying such right behind my head.


          • #6
            Hang on, people go to a discount variety store, and they expect bags on demand, even though if the store was liberal in it's bag giving it would ultimately mean that 'Poundland' could become 'Fiverland' as a result.

            I went to a discount variety store near my place recently for the first time in a long time, and was surprised they offered bags for free at all.

            To me, if a cashier is offering a bag, it's a simple yes or no answer.
            the end of an era is not the completion of a destiny. Momentum comes when we believe the best for the future, we keep speaking life into the future, and we commit to the future - Brian Houston


            • #7
              Wales has a Welsh Assembly imposed 5p charge for bags (all bags too - carrier bags in Tesco/Asda/Poundland, etc, and paper bags in KFC, McDonalds, etc). Initially it was troublesome but now everyone's used to it. I believe this rule is to be rolled out across the rest of the UK so maybe people will get used to limiting their carrier bag usage.


              • #8
                Baggerit! Mill end em, 'at's some scrimp...
                [/F.O. Ron]
                I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                • #9
                  Replace cashiers with EV-9D9 from Return of the Jedi so it can simply reply, "'Yes' or 'No' will do..."


                  • #10
                    Ugh... I guess you'd risk your job talking back to these people but I wouldn't have been able to keep my mouth shut. You have a lot more willpower than me, but you shouldn't let these scumbags walk all over you, either.

                    bring down the banhammer - see how rude/funny/etc. it is when they can't shop there any more.

                    Did you mention to your manager you were being harrassed and verbally abused by these people?


                    • #11
                      Of course I'll give you a bag...

                      ...this bag here full of rocks. I'll give it to you right upside your head!

                      Some people are just plain bullies and assholes. I'm sorry you have to put up with that.
                      Last edited by XCashier; 01-31-2014, 04:20 PM.
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!


                      • #12
                        Quoth Evannah View Post
                        A man decided to come straight in, without buying a thing and help himself to not 1, but a whole wad of our carrier bags. "Excuse me," I said. "You can't take that many bags. Besides, you have to ask first. You can't just take."

                        "Listen here, sweetheart. I'm a regular. I spend more here in a week than you earn in a year, so I'll take as many bags as I like."

                        And he took the bags.
                        Shoplifting is shoplifting, whether it's merchandise or bags being stolen. This one is a police matter.

                        I got him out the way and served a woman. She said that she had overheard the conversation and that I was being unfair. She then said,

                        "I'll give him a bag myself. Please pass me a bag."

                        "I'm sorry," I said, "but like I said, bags are expensive and I just can't allow it."

                        "I was just trying to do a good deed, because I'm a nice person. I can tell you're not a very nice person."
                        How would she react if someone, on seeing a homeless person, took a fiver out of HER purse to give to the HP? After all, that would be doing a good deed. I'm sure people here would see the analogy - after all, we're not SCs.
                        Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                        • #13
                          I assume Poundland is like the British version of a dollar store? Where everything is £1 or less? Yeah, those places are like SC magnets. I've never worked at one, but I don't even like shopping at them.

                          Do you guys have Horlicks? I want some so bad but no one in the US carries it.


                          • #14
                            Quoth emax4 View Post
                            I think the Euro Poundland needs an on-site torturer. You know.. those guys with bare chests with masks covering the whole head. When a customer gets out of line.. whoo boy..
                            I'd gladly volunteer for that job.
                            If anyone breaks the three pint rule, they'll be running all night to the pisser and back.


                            • #15
                              Quoth wolfie View Post
                              Shoplifting is shoplifting, whether it's merchandise or bags being stolen. This one is a police matter.
                              This is what I kept telling management when we still had plastic bags...they didn't see it quite the same way seeing as we didn't charge for the plastic and 'the customers are using the bags anyway'

                              It even goes on with the paper bags--keeping them under the registers doesn't matter as people will just reach over (there's a REASON why I don't fill the selfscan racks full--personally I'd rather be running more bags than finding out we ran out days before we should have due to SCs stealing them all). I keep saying that we should charge for double-paper requests; not only might it mitigate the extra cost to the store, but it could go into the band-aid fund for the inevitable papercuts.
                              "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                              "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

