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Please, just go away

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  • Please, just go away

    Three weeks ago in the portrait studio, photos were taken for a lady of her jewelry (AKA Jewelry Lady or JL). Even getting to that point was a pain. I had first contact, passed her onto the photographer to give her a quote and a day or so after they had talked, she called the store. To get confirmation on the quote the photographer gave her. Lady, I ain't got nothin' to do with that. So she was mad that it took 2 days before photographer called her back to "confirm his quote." (He was off!)

    Then, despite being told that she could bring in 16 PIECES of jewelry for the shoot, she brought in 30-40. Manager says to just deal. Ok, fine. She was getting 16 photos so would just have to deal with multiple pieces in each image. Apparently arranging the things took forever. Photographer took about 18-20 because there were some questions about getting lighting right - we don't do this stuff as a rule, we photograph people.

    She comes back after picking up her CD, witching that she didn't get all of the images. She had 16 images of 30-40 pieces of jewelry, not the photos of 16 pieces that was the original agreement. But nooo, she wanted *everything* that was taken. So I had the wonderful job of adjusting the lighting (remember above, when there were issues with lighting being right?) on the "throwaway" shots so everything would match.

    I like my manager as a general rule, but he needs to grow a fricking spine.

    She was in yesterday. I didn't recognize her and went to help her.
    JL: Blargle, blargle, biz cards made.
    Me: You need a photo taken for cards?
    JL: NO! I need them printed.
    Me: We don't do that kind of work, we're a photo studio.
    Me: Did you want cards with a photo on them>
    JL: NO I need cards made!

    lather, repeat for another minute or so. She never gave me more information until...
    Me: You'll have to go to someplace like Kinkos for that kind of thing
    JL: *something about a mangled version of my manager's name and price quote*
    Me: (Oh, fuck)

    So I go and get him from the back, she gets po'ed she had to wait for him to finish what he was doing.
    JL: Is he HERE?
    Me: I'll go let him know you needed to speak with him, I'll be right back.
    JL: Is he on the premises?
    Me: Yes, I'll go get him (if you'll just let me!)

    Spineless as he is, I got a new project last night - designing her a biz card. Joys.

    I had several other pressing projects to deal with and didn't have much time to deal with them today as our door had magically turned into a revolving one - finish with one customer and *poof* another is right there! (Very unusual for a Tuesday)

    Middle afternoon, manager is getting fussy about getting these cards worked on. Why? Because she had called 3-5 times already! (That's about once per hour we had been open!)

    So, I did her biz cards (with photo - see above!), manager said they looked good to him, printed a proof, and fervently prayed I would not be the one to deal with her when she came in to look at it.

    I don't know what he's charging her, but it's not enough. She keeps getting more and more from us, but my manager keeps giving in. We'll never get rid of her at that rate. But within a day of the jewelry photo shoot, JL had po'ed every employee at our store except the manager - and that's a record!

    I can't wait to
    Oh, the name of her company? Something about Unicorns and Jewelry. Sheesh!

  • #2
    she frightens me
    I will need a pill to not have nightmares to night now


    • #3
      My words to the Wimpy Wonder on hearing that I've got to keep HIS promises for something not in my job description: "Uh, no. That's not my job. You made the deal, you finish the deal, boss. That's why you're manager," and walk away. If he's that spineless, I seriously doubt he'd get on me about it. Managers would stop caving in if they had to live with the consequences.
      And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


      • #4
        Unicorns. eh?

        Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

        "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


        • #5

          Well fiddle dee dee!!


          • #6
            Quoth SnapAddict218 View Post
            Ooohhhh no, not anything nearly that nice.

            Beaded stuff - shells, etc. Fairly nice stuff but I'm sure it's overpriced (and I'm saying that even knowing what kind of work goes into that sort of thing).

            But seriously, UNICORN as part of your company's name? What are we, 8?

            Shironu - I LOVE it.

            I really, really hope she has been and gone before I go in today. And that she doesn't need changes made.

            I will flatly refuse to cut all 100 of her cards down (they will print 4 on a sheet), though. I have too many other things to do.


            • #7
              Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
              Unicorns. eh?

              Sweet. I've gotta get myself one of those. I collect unicorns.

              If JL is from this place, or her prices are similar... Well, the place charges from 2 to 5 times what my mother and aunt charge for the same or better. And you can make most of that yourself fairly easily. It's all really quite generic.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                I just don't understand why managers think these customers will go away! You CAN'T GET RID OF STUPID CUSTOMERS BY CAVING TO THEIR DEMANDS! THEY JUST COME BACK FOR MORE! Maybe I should make a bumper sticker with that saying......


                • #9
                  Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
                  Unicorns. eh?


                  I've got one of those! Not sure where it is....but I have one! Bought it at The Wizard's Chest when I swung by for a visit once. I loved working at that store.


                  • #10
                    And the joys continue.

                    She came by last night, approved the design - and wanted 500 cards by TODAY!

                    Apparently, when she came in to order them (see confusing conversation I had with her from first post) she was threatening my manager with calling the cops and stuff like that because he wasn't doing what she wanted him to!

                    At that point I would have told her "we have the right to refuse service to anyone....byebye!"


                    • #11
                      When I worked in printing - that constituted a rush order - charge her a $50 rush order fee for a 24 hour turnaround. Oh, wait spineless manager - charge him the fee if he wants you to do it


                      • #12
                        Well, unfortunately for my coworker (but lucky for me), by the time we got all communication straight and had the availability in the machine to print them, I was leaving. So coworker had to cut down 500 cards - 4 each set into 4x7 pieces.

                        I told him that if I were him, regardless of what time I finished I would call her to let her know they were done at *exactly* 2 minutes before close.

                        My manager gives in to customers waaay too often (when you own the store, it's your right I guess), but I'm amazed he put up with her attitude and didn't charge her a setup fee for the cards (which he should have) or a rush charge (which he should have). At this point, all of the employees will do the crud jobs with this order just to get it done so we don't have to deal with her any more.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                          If JL is from this place, or her prices are similar... Well, the place charges from 2 to 5 times what my mother and aunt charge for the same or better. And you can make most of that yourself fairly easily. It's all really quite generic.


                          As a someone you makes beaded jewelry I have to agree with you that the some of the beaded jewelry is overprice and easy to make (just stringing beads pretty much). Now I have made similar items and most of it is fairly cheap to make. The other stuff you probably can find similar things at Wally World or even Claire's and of course, it would be cheaper then the site.

                          Now I don't think it's the SCs site because the OP did mention that they had to take pictures of multiply items and these items look like they were shot individually. He also mention it was beaded things and nothing about sterling silver.
                          Yours truly, Robyn unless your an SC
                          My space


                          • #14
                            Quoth rdp78 View Post
                            He also mention it was beaded things and nothing about sterling silver.

                            You're right, not the crystal or glass beads - and perhaps more elaborate than those pieces, but it's still stuff I know I could do one evening if I wished to (I've done some beading/jewlery making in the past, but only a litte).

                            I have no idea what her prices are - but based on the way she has treated our store, I can't imagine she'll be all that successful, KWIM?


                            • #15
                              Quoth Reyneth View Post
                              (I've done some beading/jewlery making in the past, but only a litte).

                              I have no idea what her prices are - but based on the way she has treated our store, I can't imagine she'll be all that successful, KWIM?
                              Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                              If JL is from this place, or her prices are similar... Well, the place charges from 2 to 5 times what my mother and aunt charge for the same or better. And you can make most of that yourself fairly easily. It's all really quite generic.
                              Quoth rdp78 View Post
                              As a someone you makes beaded jewelry I have to agree with you that the some of the beaded jewelry is overprice and easy to make (just stringing beads pretty much). Now I have made similar items and most of it is fairly cheap to make.
                              Hey! I love finding other people who make jewelry. I agree with the overpriced comment. I figure if she bought her supplies online, she could've probably made most of those bracelets for 3-5 dollars(maybe a little more for sterling).

                              I wonder if the lady in the original post is as snotty and demanding to her customers as she is to Reyneth and her co-workers? I'll bet she's not - or else she won't remain in business very long.
                              Last edited by justZu; 05-18-2007, 12:39 AM.

