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ID for loading gift cards, funny manager

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  • ID for loading gift cards, funny manager

    The store I work at used to let people load up gift cards for any amount of money up to $1000, and not show ID, even if they were paying with a credit card. The largest I've ever seen has been a few hundred dollars.

    Anyway, apparently we've had problems with people loading gift cards with stolen credit cards. There's a little sticker put at the register for the cashiers that says we must ask for ID for any gift card purchases of 100 or more when people are using a credit card to pay with. People don't usually like it.

    One woman got upset and said "Every time I come in here to get a 100 dollar gift card, I have to show my ID! This happens every time! It's not right!" I didn't remember her but she could have come regularly and just not stood out from the hundreds of other people that are regular customers. Just because you come in doesn't mean I'll automatically recognize you or have you memorized. I suggested that since she was always getting a one hundred dollar gift card to save her money on gas (if you pay with the gift card at the gas station outside it saves you three cents a gallon) that she get it for $99.99. When I said that it was like gears were grinding in her head, and then a lightbulb came on. "Oh!" she said "Ok, I'll do that!" At least that problem was easy to solve!

    There was another woman the other day, who came in, and wanted to get a two hundred dollar gift card. I told her I needed to show her ID and credit card to the manager so they could verify it. She got upset and demanded to know why she had to do that. I peeled off the sticker and showed her the sticker. She scowled and said "You've shown me that before!" I was thinking to myself, that if I'd shown it to her before, that she should know the rule by now and not act like this. I told her that was still the rule and she still had to show her ID. She said she just didn't want the gift card at all then.

    I voided it off but it went over the void limit, so I had to call for a manager to approve the void.

    While we were waiting I stood there listening to the woman bitch about it while an equally clueless woman behind her in line started agreeing with her that it was total bullshit that people would have to show their IDs. If it weren't for so many customers being crooks, we wouldn't have to ask! I was really angry with the second woman because she was escalating the situation rather than seeing how unreasonable my current customer was being.

    I told the customer I just did what I was told to do by the managers, and that it wasn't my place to question their policies, just to follow them. I said this about three or four times.

    When the manager came over she asked what was going on and I said "This lady doesn't like this policy." I pointed to the sticker. The manager casually said "Oh, ok." The woman glared at the manager with shock and anger, like she had expected her to give her something or at least sound like she cared. It was hard not to laugh at the stupid customer.

    The customer decided to get one for forty dollars so she wouldn't have to show ID.

    I wanted to reach over the counter and slap both of those customers but then I would have been considered the bad one.
    Last edited by Rubystars; 06-16-2007, 02:59 AM.

  • #2
    I have a simular policy at my work.
    Under 20 with a card its ok thought i may need a signature
    20-50 i need to see Id and a signature
    50 on up you cant ill reject it.

    Its gotten me a few curses.


    • #3
      i don't understand why people ask why and then say you told me that before! then why ask why??!!! gah!
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        Why the frick do people have to get so pissed off when they show ID for a gift card amount? It's not like you're attractive or studly enough for an innocent worker like me to stock you!!
        Providing Excellent customer service and Filtering out nonsense people.


        • #5
          They should be glad you ask for ID. It could be one of their cards stolen! People piss me off to no end. Idiots.


          • #6
            Anakah you're right about that one. If it were their stolen card, they would be moaning and screaming if we didn't ask for ID.


            • #7
              We started doing that about 4 months ago, but it's for any amount. So far we haven't had anyone complain about it. When it says on my register "Please enter ID number" and I ask them for their license they don't seem to mind. If they ask I just say it's a new policy for gift cards and they usually will just say "Oh okay."


              • #8
                At my work we don't have a policy that requires customers to show ID for GC purchases, but I think they'll be implementing one soon for a very good reason.
                At another location a man bought $15,000 (yes, you read that right) worth of GCs (the max for each card is $500) with a stolen CC, then went to ANOTHER location and bought $10,000 MORE with ANOTHER stolen CC.
                People like that are EXACTLY why ID policies are in place.

                (personally i think the cashiers who rang through those purchases should have been a little smarter about it. even without the policy, if someone wanted that much on GCs that would send up a red flag to me and i would be asking for ID anyway. don't like it? oh well. suck it. either show me some ID or go somewhere else.)


                • #9
                  I know at my store we are not allowed to issue a GC for more than $200 at the register. They have to go to customer service for that. Too many people buying GCs with stolen credit cards, so now they have to show id. People really need to just get over it already.
                  Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


                  • #10
                    Did you explain to the woman the reason behind the policy, or just that it's store policy?


                    • #11
                      I always THANK the cashier wherever I go when he/she asks for my ID when I use my credit card. Nice to know that they took an extra two seconds for my financial safety.

                      Seriously, people that pitch a fit over showing ID need to get over it!


                      • #12
                        Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
                        Seriously, people that pitch a fit over showing ID need to get over it!
                        I particularly love it when They freaking wrote "See ID" or one of its many analogues on the card, and get angry that I do so.
                        "I call murder on that!"


                        • #13
                          I wish, wish WISH it was policy EVERYWHERE to show ID for GC purchases.
                          I talked to our security dept the other day, and they said every area in our store has been hit by fraud because of stolen credit cards being used to buy GCs. Mostly, they steal credit cards and go to banks to buy VISA GCs, and then use those to either buy merchandise, or MORE GCs from our store.

                          It is the #1 theft problem in our company right now (ticket switching being a close second, if you ask me) and security admits they can do NOTHING about it except research the purchase after the fact. (if they find out the VISA gift card used to buy OUR GCs was bought with a stolen card, they CAN cancel out the STORE GC, and now the customer can't use it. But that is pretty rare.)

                          Every time I have a customer buying 500$ worth of fancy clothes with a GC, I am suspicious. (that amount is usually what they get the cards for.)
                          It's getting so I don't trust ANYONE anymore....sadly.
                          I no longer fear HELL.
                          I work in RETAIL.


                          • #14
                            Quoth rerant View Post
                            At another location a man bought $15,000 (yes, you read that right) worth of GCs (the max for each card is $500) with a stolen CC, then went to ANOTHER location and bought $10,000 MORE with ANOTHER stolen CC.
                            People like that are EXACTLY why ID policies are in place.
                            I'm surprised either of the cards allowed that sort of activity.

                            Did they do that all as a single transaction, or would it have to be done one by one? If it was the latter, I'm surprised the credit card company didn't flag it after the first 10 or so.

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #15
                              Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                              Did you explain to the woman the reason behind the policy, or just that it's store policy?

                              The little sticker says it's due to an increase in people buying gift cards with stolen credit cards. I've also explained it to her in the past. That time I just told her policy was policy basically.

