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Wal-Mart customers...Fun or full of stupid...

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  • Wal-Mart customers...Fun or full of stupid...

    Work Life! So as you know I work at Wal-Mart. Yeah it's a corp, and it has a bad name for it being a corp, but I don't mind it over all. The job pays well and the people I work with are not too bad ether. Sadly though some of the people I have to deal with drive me out of my mind.
    Where to begin?? Oh wait I know. You know what completely drive me nuts. When stupid people get up to my register and I am scanning away at there items, and I get to this item with no barcode, and I inform them that it doesn't seem to have a barcode, and then they go on to tell me that they ripped it off while they were walking because they didn't see that it was important. What the hell! Of course it important. How the hell can I have a customer pay for the item if they ripped the stupid tag off, that had the barcode that allowed me to see the price and what the heck I was selling. Then it gets better, I would call for someone to help track down the item, so we could scan it and complete the payment processes, and then just before someone finds the item and is heading back to the register so we can scan it, the person changes there mind and doesn't want that item anymore. Basically that means they completely wasted not only my time but the 10 other pissed off people in line, waiting to get the hell out of the store. What the heck!! I would have loved to know this about 20 minutes sooner, so that I wasn't wasting time. Way to go. I should let you help the pissed off people in my line. Also on that topic what really drives me crazy is when the item clearly doesn't have a barcode or a price, and the customer just ignores the fact that I tell them that it doesn't have a bar code, and they repeatedly tell me the price of the object, when clearly I don't give a crap, because I know sometimes people are completely full of crap, I just want the fricken bar code.
    Another thing that is so stupid is the fact that when people don't want something when they get up to the register, they just decide, hmm where I can shove this because no one will notice this giant jug of pickles in the Winter fresh Gum. It will completely blend in... Yeah right... Honestly if people would just tell us that they didn't want the god damn thing, I would be more then happy to take the item from them instead of having to go on a treasure hunt for treasure that the customers didn't want, and god knows I don't want.
    Another thing that is stupid. Is when people flip out. Honestly if I had a dollar for every time I have witnessed this... From flipping out that they are too stupid to pay there credit card bills and there cards have been declined, all the way to my favorite, the once a week corp jail speech.
    There is this guy that comes in once a week, and is always really angry. The first time he came in, the fire sparked when a fellow cashier said it was like a jail at register 9, (which was where I was at) He completely flipped and told me that Its nothing like jail and in jail you only make $3 a hour and its hard work. Then he went on and told me that all of us employees and corporation people should go to jail because we are all crooks. Also that we are all going to rot in hell.
    This past visit, I didn't recognize him, because I try to forget people like that... Anyway he came in and was mad because the manager wouldn't let him use a power drill before he bought it.. wow...Oh and not to mention I got the same speech again... this past day, he came in again and was angry because he still thinks we are crooks, and this time he went on to tell me that Wal-Mart doesn't own anything of his, and that he want to be at Wal-Mart when the police come in and raid the place. The as he left, he proclaimed I will never come back again this is my last time I will walk through those doors. I just laughed and said, "See you next week" then turned and said ass whole in a quiet voice.
    Something else...when people ask you where something is, and you tell them, then they will swear to god that it isn't there and that you are lying to them. Then when you walk them to the item, they just give you the oh.... then walk away.
    Also when people pay large sums of money in change...Such as this one person that decided to give me $49 in quarters... or the person who paid me $30 in nickels dimes and pennies... What the heck. Safeway across the street has a change counter; do I look like someone who wants to count your massive amounts of change?? Also I am not sure where in the hell these jars of coins come from, because the purses these people bring in are just little hand bags. Maybe they go around robbing people in the store till they have enough change to pay there way out.
    One of the biggest problems I have seen, stupid stealers.. The first person I caught had a towel covering a bunch of items. I couldn't figure out why she would have a towel. It wasn't a store towel. Well it turns out it was covering her baby oil, and cat food.... wow out of all things to try to take..
    The second time was a person that had a square shirt. As if I wouldn't notice she was oddly square shaped... I am sure god doesn't create square women. But wow, she thought she could escape.
    As you see, that's one of the reasons I hate stupid people. Why does he keep coming back to a place he hates??

    So I have met another stupid person...This lady come into Wal-Mart and decides she needs her laundry stuff. I am not sure what exactly it was. I was on my lunch trying to escape the stupid of the people around me, and all of a sudden I run into this lady that is in the Chemical area, and is trying to dump one chemical into another so she gets a completely full container and her dollars worth.... If she knew what she was doing it might be ok, I might let it pass, but instead she was missing the second bottle completely and poring it all over the floor. I walked up to her and asked her if she needed help. She gave me a blank stare.. then I said hold on, and before I could get someone she was running away.... Wow. Not only stealing, but also stupid it's a two for one deal...

  • #2
    I used to work at Wal-Mart & EVERYTHING you talked about I saw every freakin' day!
    The thing that used to make me wonder is how seemingly normal looking people would flip out over the most trivial of things. Heaven help the poor cashier if there was some moron in line who had to get a price check & the line of people is wayyyyyy long & they're bitching up a storm. Has anyyone ever heard of PATIENCE?


    • #3
      Gah! Wall of text! Crushing!

      Welcome to the boards HelsingAnime, and please forgive me for that little outburst. If you double-tap 'Enter' between paragraphs you'll have a less overwhelming post, though.

      I can understand certain kinds of stupid, but there are some people, like the ones that tear off the barcode, that I can't understand even when I intentionally trip my hamster.
      And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


      • #4
        The great benefit of Wal-Mart is that it gives all the stupid, ugly people in America a place to congregate, meet others of their kind, and reproduce.
        "Wouldn't that be unethical?"
        "That's only an issue for those who aren't already in Hell."


        • #5
          Yeah, that's much better for them. It used to just be their family reunions where the congregated and reproduced.
          The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

          Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


          • #6
            Quoth freaktard View Post
            The great benefit of Wal-Mart is that it gives all the stupid, ugly people in America a place to congregate, meet others of their kind, and reproduce.
            As an occasional Wal-Mart shopper, I can't help but feel somewhat offended by that statement.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Quoth JustADude View Post
              I can understand certain kinds of stupid, but there are some people, like the ones that tear off the barcode, that I can't understand even when I intentionally trip my hamster.

              Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
              As an occasional Wal-Mart shopper, I can't help but feel somewhat offended by that statement.
              Don't be. It has absolutely nothing to do with you.

              Just because it's a place for the stupid to gather, doesn't mean that all that gather are stupid.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                Quoth JustADude View Post
                Gah! Wall of text! Crushing!

                Oh come on thats not a wall of text. I had space. Ive seen ones that had no space at all... at all....


                • #9
                  Becks, it's not meant as a slam to everyone who shops at Wal-Mart.

                  It's the people we always post about in Sightings and whatnot, the trash, the sleazebags, the filthy people and their filthy barefoot naked children.....
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    Quoth freaktard View Post
                    The great benefit of Wal-Mart is that it gives all the stupid, ugly people in America a place to congregate, meet others of their kind, and reproduce.
                    Reproduction IN Wal-Mart?! Thank God I usually steer clear of that place!

                    "I need a stockboy with a mop and a bucket to aisle 6 please!"
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      I have a friend who works at Wal-mart. I heard a lot of those stories that you said. That's why I always try to be as pleasant as possbile in any store I go in.
                      "Oh, very good....Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. 'Ghosts are transparent.'" Severus Snape


                      • #12
                        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                        Don't be. It has absolutely nothing to do with you.

                        Just because it's a place for the stupid to gather, doesn't mean that all that gather are stupid.
                        Meh. I was in a mood earlier. I apologize.

                        Quoth blas87 View Post
                        Becks, it's not meant as a slam to everyone who shops at Wal-Mart.

                        It's the people we always post about in Sightings and whatnot, the trash, the sleazebags, the filthy people and their filthy barefoot naked children.....
                        Don't forget the people who let their grade school age boys go out and about in JUST A T-SHIRT.
                        Unseen but seeing
                        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                        3rd shift needs love, too
                        RIP, mo bhrionglóid

