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The Most Ridiculous Excuse For A Refund

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  • The Most Ridiculous Excuse For A Refund

    This one takes the cake, literally. Man comes up to customer service with a four pack of iced cupcakes wich were marked down to $2, demanding a refund. What was wrong with them you may ask, Were they stale? No. Did they taste awful? No. His excuse was " I can't eat them because they are CRUMBLY"

    How do you expect a farking cupcake to be? So bloody rock hard so that if you pegged one at someones head it will knock them out? I was seriously waiting for candid camera to jump out and yell ha ha gotcha, but alas it was not to be.

    My boss told me to give it to him, it wasn't worth the arguement over a pissy $2 but still I really didn't want to give it to him.

    Anyone else have some stupid refund excuses.

  • #2
    My wife had one last night. She works the Customer Service desk at a particular chain associated with marksmanship, and had a lady bring in three framed pictures wanting to return them from 6 months ago, because:

    "My decorator repainted the living room and now these don't match the color scheme any more"

    She was told to go away.


    • #3
      Quoth Chained to the counter View Post
      Anyone else have some stupid refund excuses.
      Had a customer want a refund for a bottled smoothie because she didn't like the flavor.

      After telling the other cashier (I was senior and she was a trainee) to go ahead and do the refund, I waited for the lady to leave and then said, "Now, the way I was raised, if you buy something you've never tried before and it turns out you don't like it, that's on you. It's rude to ask for your money back.
      "But, company policy is that if the customer is not satisfied for any reason they can return the product for a refund. So, if they ask, we give it to them."


      • #4
        When I worked returns I had a man bring back light bulbs because he said they were to bright....uh they are light bulbs...that's why you buy new ones because the old ones burn out....


        • #5
          From he days Iran a seafood department.

          CS - Customer Service
          SC - You know who
          Me - Yo!!

          (Roughly guessed)
          CS: How can I help you?
          SC: I want to return these shrimp
          CS: OK, let me get the seafood manager for you. (intercom) Draggar to customer service.
          Me: Hi, what's wrong?)
          CS: This customer would like to return the shrimp
          Me: That's not a problem, what's wrong with them?
          SC: They're bad. I just bought them and you sold me bad shrimp, you need to make sure you food is fresh before you make someone sick and they sue you.
          Me: I assure you, the shrimp you bought came in this morning and it was not bad. Can I see the shrimp?
          SC: I threw it out, it was awful.
          Me: Do you still have the bag?
          SC: Yes, here it is.
          Me: OK, how did you cook them because shrimp are sensitive to how they're cooked.
          SC: You don't even know what you're talking about? The shrimp you sold me were cooked!
          Me: No, in fact, it says on the tag here, 'Maine Coldwater raw shrimp"
          SC: But they were red. Only cooked shrimp are red.
          Me: No, while most shrimp are white to a brownish color, or grey, the Maine coldwater shrimp are red due to the high iodine content and the colder waters. Cooked shrimp are a bright pink color. As the tag says, these are raw shrimp.
          SC: That's bull. You expect me to cook the shrimp?
          Me: It is raw shrimp. We do offer cooked shrimp for sale.
          SC: That's much more expensive.
          Me: Because shrimp shrink in size when cooked, like any shellish, and you're paying for them to be cooked.
          SC: This is ridiculious! I shoudln't have to cook these!
          Quote Dalesys:
          ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


          • #6
            • I hated it!!
            • No comment. (On a sex book nonetheless.)
            • I didn't like the wording. (Um, specific?)
            • No need.

            Of course, sometimes trying to get a reason from someone is a task in itself!!


            • #7
              I had a woman demand I credit her some data charges because "my dog must've pressed something to make the phone go on the internet!"

              Also when I was at the games store I had to laugh at people who tried to return game after two or three weeks because "They didn't like it"

              1) It should take no more than a day or two to make a determination on whether or not you like a certain game
              2) For most decent to skilled gamers, two to three weeks is plenty of time to BEAT a game

              You think I gave many of those people refunds?

              I also remember a thread awhile back from here where some woman tried to return a DOG to a pet store or something because her house had been repainted and now the dog didn't match the drapes!


              • #8
                Quoth CrazedClerk View Post
                I also remember a thread awhile back from here where some woman tried to return a DOG to a pet store or something because her house had been repainted and now the dog didn't match the drapes!
                Heck, Miss Monkey-Monk doesn't match my drapes either, but then I'm getting rid of them (the drapes) and having shutters put in when the office is remodeled.

                That woman had it all wrong: you don't match the pet to the decor, you match the decor to the pet.

                The office is going a medium taupe with white trim . . . and everyone knows black goes with anything.
                Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                • #9
                  Quoth CrazedClerk View Post
                  I had a woman demand I credit her some data charges because "my dog must've pressed something to make the phone go on the internet!"
                  Maybe there's a market for doggy internet sites - doggy games, doggy music, doggy shopping, doggy style ... (oh wait ,there are sites about this already )
                  "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                  • #10
                    A woman once came into my restaurant, ordered something with chili (fries or a burger, I can't remember which), ate the ENTIRE thing, came up the counter, and demanded that I refund her money because the chili on her fries/burger was "burned". When I asked for the food, she said she didn't have it because she "was so hungry I ate it anyway, but it wasn't good, so give me my money back".

                    I promptly told her to leave. And guess what? I got a pat on the back from management! *pisses pants with sarcastic joy*


                    • #11
                      Quoth guitardude1987 View Post
                      I promptly told her to leave. And guess what? I got a pat on the back from management! *pisses pants with sarcastic joy*
                      No way! Management that backs up their workers?
                      Pics or it didn't happen.
                      Last edited by Imogene; 09-04-2007, 09:37 PM. Reason: Upping the joke
                      "I call murder on that!"


                      • #12
                        Quoth guitardude1987 View Post
                        I promptly told her to leave. And guess what? I got a pat on the back from management! *pisses pants with sarcastic joy*
                        Riiiiight, and unicorns are real . . .

                        Just kidding! Good for management, revel in it while you can, I'm sure it doesn't happen often.

                        I get (somewhat often) "I didn't like this movie (or game), can I exchange it for another?" Luckily, management doesn't really go for that either. If you didn't like it, it's not our problem.
                        This area is left blank for a reason.


                        • #13
                          I had a gal return a camera yesterday because she "didn't realize it needed batteries".


                          • #14
                            Don't have what I want? I want a discount!

                            Oh I have been wanting to post this for a long time. So last year, I was in my department and this guy was there. He actually seemed pretty normal at first, even helping me with another customer who couldn't understand that I don't know everything about everything that we sell. Then he asked me for help.

                            This guy wanted to buy three 3 LCD headlights (literally, a light with an elastic strap that goes around your head). We only had two, however we did have one 6 LCD headlight, but it's about $5 and change more than the 3 LCD.

                            The idiot wanted a discount on the 6 LCD because he didn't want to pay the extra money for it. He wanted it to be the same price as the cheaper ones. I told him no, I couldn't do that and left it at that. I rung him up and it came out to $36 and change. His response, "So where's my discount?"

                            I ended up calling the manager, who told me NO over the phone. When I told the guy, all he could say was "What he can't come down here and talk to me himself?" I told him, "He's busy helping another customer sir, your total's $36.47" He paid and left pissed off. It was wonderful it was magical, it was 30 MINUTES into my first shift of the week, and about the time I started hating my job.


                            • #15
                              Don't you love how SCs feel they should be entitled to a discount simply because you are out of a particular item? Amazing.

                              My store will charge $6 to ship an item either to the customer or to another store. Actually, they all do. So if we find say a pair of pants, or jacket, that we do't have, but another store does, there is a MINIMAL shipping charge. You would think we asked for their first born or something like it! We will, however, waive the shipping if there are extenuating circumstances, say one store put it on hold for a customer, and can't find it, or the item they have is damaged. Its up to the discretion of the manager...but we WON'T just waive it for no reason.

                              Its amazing; my store has some fairly pricy clothing, so an extra $6 really isn't much, compared to the cost of the items. And its usually the ladies who spend$500 plus that whine about it!

