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Anorexics, Racists and pisstakers... (language)

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  • Anorexics, Racists and pisstakers... (language)

    Ah, you gotta love New Years Eve.

    These few 'customers' are in the last half hour. None of them buy ANYTHING.

    Racist but not brave enough to admit it.
    RSB: Racist, Scatty B*tch
    ME: Your stunning girl with Irish ancestry
    S: My manager and good friend.

    my thoughts in italics.

    Very scatty woman comes in, fifteen minutes to closing. She is all flustered and indecisive and giggly. I, personally, think that once you're above about 20 you shouldn't act like a stupid giggly school-girl and she was about forty and doing it. SO, strike one.

    RSB: Ooooh, I don't even know what I want *I know what I want. For you to fuck off so I can go home* Thats a bit Irish of me isn't it? Ooh, I hope neither of you are Irish...
    Me: I am. *lie. Technically, only a quarter irish, but I refuse to allow 'Irish' being related to stupid, lazy or cheap anywhere near me unless it's ME or a close friend (as long as I can insult their heritage right back) saying it*
    Proceed to her muttering and stammering about 'just menaing it was stupid to not know what you want... she just wanted a look" and me and my manger treating her with cold disdain till she left.
    Whatever Bitch. I know it's realtively mild, but using a race to describe negative attributes is not on, and it's still racism even if you're both white.

    Seriously, eat a sandwich
    SS: Super skinny
    Me: skinny but healthy
    S: Manager with booty

    SS comes in about half an hour before closing, and spends about 20 minutes there. When I say Super Skinny I mean it. She's about 3, 4 inches taller than me, and probably around a stone lighter (and I'm about the lowest weight for my height most people can be healthily). Now, this wouldn't bother me. I have friends who are naturally model tall and thin, and friends who would need ten times the amount of fabric I do to cover them. It doesn't bloody bother me... Until your buying diet pills when you don't need them. She had the hollow eyes and razor-sharp collarbone of the unhealthily thin.

    She is asking S a lot of queations about the diet pills, asking about if we have any strong ones without caffiene. And she is DUMB AS A POST. Shirley keeps trying to answer questions honestly, without telling her she doesn't need it, saying about healthy diets, how most people don't need appetite supressants, and the woman is just not taking any of it in. She wanders around, is rude to us, and leaves. I am left with an odd sensation of grief for the fact she will probably kill herself soon, and anger for her time wasting stupidity.

    ANother one S suffered. A group of young men came in. They're of indian extraction and there's a bit of a language barrier, but even more of a suck barrier. They are asking questions about 'Pills to make you stronger and more muscle' and S is trying to explain that You need extra calories and weight training to achieve that, nothing will make it heppen in a fortnight, and the sort of things they are asking for are STEROIDS and ILLEGAL. We have a strong sense they are taking the piss out of us, so when they leave we bitch.
    Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.

  • #2
    technically, steroids aren't illegal unless you're getting them from someone who isn't authorized to produce them, and they're banned from sports because they give an unfair advantage, but hey, I'm splitting hairs I guess. Also, thank you for refusing to let Irish be used to mean stupid. I'm not even a quarter Irish, I've got alot of different blood mixes in me, but it's nice to know that some people don't like the insults associated with ethnicity.
    We Pick Up the Pieces


    • #3
      Quoth d962831 View Post
      I've got alot of different blood mixes in me
      All red, aren't they?

      As to steroids, a guy I know at work knows how to get prescription chemicals legally - just know what to ask for at a Chinese herbalist and you can get what you want. He used to be a bodybuilder. He's currently our best bullshitter in chief, but he generally knows his gear.



      • #4
        Giggly annoys me in teenagers. I'm not sure I could keep the look of disgust off my face at a middle aged woman doing it. Ugh!

        I'm a cantankerous, crotchety broad. You can imagine how "giggly" improves my mood.


        • #5
          *agrees with kinkoid* i'm of that mindset as well; by the age of 25, any female (unless there's some mental issue) should have gained enough maturity to behave more like an adult and less like a child. if you're my age (high side of 30, with 40 in the VERY near distance) there's no excuse; you're just an idiot.

          with the comment she made, i'd probably have refused to serve her, and let my manager make what they will of it. i'm intolerant of that form of stupidity (hell, any form of stupidity) and refuse to accept it simply because 'they're the customer.'

          as for skinny, one less mar on the gene pool, i suppose. *shrug*
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            Quoth d962831 View Post
            technically, steroids aren't illegal unless you're getting them from someone who isn't authorized to produce them,
            Unless prescribed by a Dr, steroids are a Class C controlled Substance in the UK, in the same group as cannabis. Therefore Illegal.
            A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


            • #7
              Quoth chainedbarista View Post
              i'm of that mindset as well; by the age of 25, any female (unless there's some mental issue) should have gained enough maturity to behave more like an adult and less like a child. if you're my age (high side of 30, with 40 in the VERY near distance) there's no excuse; you're just an idiot.
              you would not do well in China or Japan then-women are ENCOURAGED to act like children-with the giggling, baby talk, etc.(some even carry teddy bears)-they believe acting young keeps you young-and actually it doesn't bother me-who am I to say how ANYONE should be acting.
              Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


              • #8
                Quoth crazylegs View Post
                Unless prescribed by a Dr, steroids are a Class C controlled Substance in the UK, in the same group as cannabis. Therefore Illegal.
                Uhhuh. And as we you know, aren't a doctor and he has no medical NEED for them...

                Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                you would not do well in China or Japan then-women are ENCOURAGED to act like children-with the giggling, baby talk, etc.(some even carry teddy bears)-they believe acting young keeps you young-and actually it doesn't bother me-who am I to say how ANYONE should be acting.
                Ok, there is a difference between young at heart and acting 'cute' ( I myself am a bouncy cute addict) and behaving... urrg, how should I put it? As if being all fluffy and ineffectual and pouty somehow makes you appear more interesting.
                Last edited by Broomjockey; 01-04-2008, 04:06 PM. Reason: multi-quote
                Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


                • #9
                  Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                  you would not do well in China or Japan then-women are ENCOURAGED to act like children-with the giggling, baby talk, etc.(some even carry teddy bears)-they believe acting young keeps you young-and actually it doesn't bother me-who am I to say how ANYONE should be acting.

                  Oh, it's in more Asian countries than just China and Japan. When I lived in Thailand, I ran into that a lot.

                  Except, when I asked my female Thai friends why they acted like that only at certain times, I was told that it was to attract a man.


                  • #10
                    Race: I'm so mixed (though it's all white, except a little Cherokee, which most people in this state claim to have) I probably would have said, "Maybe. Do you really think it's less stupid and offensive if we're not?"

                    Giggly: Now, as far as the discussion of other females in public go, while I admit it can be a little disconcerting when older people act that way, I myself can be quite childish when I am with friends and very happy. My pet peeve is when I'm doing this with friends somewhere open and already loud (like a mall or park), and some hag comes to tell me that I'm not behaving appropriately. I am acting this way because I am HAPPY, and I am perfectly within my right to BE MYSELF.

                    That said, when I am actually buying something or interacting with other people, my behavior changes back to something calmer, because it is distracting and annoying to be confronted with that by someone you don't know. But when I'm minding my own business, I expect you to mind yours.
                    The icon is a bunny with a spiked collar from some carpet ad.


                    • #11
                      Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                      you would not do well in China or Japan then-women are ENCOURAGED to act like children-with the giggling, baby talk, etc.(some even carry teddy bears)-they believe acting young keeps you young-and actually it doesn't bother me-who am I to say how ANYONE should be acting.

                      I know. That's the main reason I have problems watching a lot of anime. I just cannot STAND the way the female characters act. I just cant' take it seriously. Hell, I have guy friends who can barely tolerate it either.

                      I won't comment on the deliberate child like behavior and teddy bear carrying except to say that what I think of that, and other things over there, belongs more on the Fratching board than here.

                      I had one joker at an SCA event, this young guy I don't think I'd ever even had a conversation with, said to me "Oh, you know how giggly you are." I said "Really? I know how giggly I am?" I to this day can't figure out what the blazing blue hell he was talking about and neither can anyone I hang out with. WTF? What was THAT??? I don't think he had me confused with anyone else. To be honest, I'm pretty well known on the scene, it's highly unlikely I'm going to be confused with anyone else. I've had people outright deliberately INSULT me that didn't offend me as much as that little asshole did. I dont know what his deal was.


                      • #12
                        Quoth napoleana View Post
                        Giggly: Now, as far as the discussion of other females in public go, while I admit it can be a little disconcerting when older people act that way, I myself can be quite childish when I am with friends and very happy.
                        I think anyone can get a bit goofy when having fun with friends, but I got the impression that this woman was shopping alone...
                        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                        • #13
                          Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                          I think anyone can get a bit goofy when having fun with friends, but I got the impression that this woman was shopping alone...
                          Oh yes. No-one else with her. And, as I said- I myself am bouncy and a cute-addict. In fact, when opening a delayed christmas present and seeing the adorable bag in there, I spent a few seconds doing a happy dance and going 'Eeee!' in a high-pitched voice. When dealing with other people I behave in a calmer manner, I don't flutter around like an underaged chicken.

                          Exact example of conversation...
                          "Ohhh *giggle* I don't know *giggle* what I *breathy giggle* want. That's a bit Irish of me isn't it? *breathy giggle* *flutter* I hope neither of you *giggle* are Irish *flutter, bustle*... Oooh, I *flutter* didn't mean anything bad *breathy giggle* It's... I was... Just looking to see if you had anything I wanted *giggle* and it's silly to shop when you don't know what you want!! *giggle*

                          All pronouned in this high-pitched, trilly, wobbly little voice. My mother would have asked her if she was 12.
                          Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


                          • #14
                            Giggly gal sounds to me like she'd started the festivities a bit early, if you know what I mean, and I know you do.
                            Civilized men tend to be ruder than savages because they know they can be impolite without getting their skulls split, as a rule.
                            - Robert E. Howard


                            • #15
                              There was a girl I used to see in Store1 all the time, who was clearly anorexic. She was always buying fashion magazines. She was always dressed all nice, with expertly-applied makeup (if a tad too much, IMO) and favored really pointy high heels. (I saw her one day in sandals and her feet were just bright red.) When I didn't see her for a while I started to worry if she's had a heart attack or something.

                              *not saying the fashion industry causes anyone to be anorexic, but I suppose in her case it didn't help.
                              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

