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Cops, guns, and fun!

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  • Cops, guns, and fun!

    This was told to me last week by my boss and co-workers.

    Guy pulls up and hands my co-worker a credit card. My co-worker slides the card in the pump and is doing what he has to. The customer tells him he is way to slow and to hurry it up.

    My co-worker asks him if he was the guy he told the week before that if he didnt like the way things ran at our station he could go someplace else? The customer said yes. My co-worker canceled the pump out and handed him back the card and told him to leave.

    The customer made it 2 feet before a white van cut him off in front and a white car from behind. Two cop cars jumped the curb and cops jumped out of all the cars and van with guns drawn, yelling for the guy in the Jeep to put his hands up.

    They took the guy out and handcuffed him and took his Jeep and left. We have yet to find out why. One co-worker later said he heard on a police scanner that they were pulling someone over and needed back up but didnt say why.

    If you ask me he got what he deserved. LOL
    Last edited by VenomX; 01-01-2008, 02:53 AM.

  • #2
    Sounds like a stupid criminal story.

    "ummmm, yeah I wuz like, y'know, runnin' from the cops 'n junk and I started this totally lame argument with the pump attendant 'stead of runnin' frum the law and I totally got busted. How lame is that?"

    Got what he deserved indeed
    My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


    • #3
      I keep teasing my co-worker about it.

      I keep telling him the guy needed gas to get away yet he didnt give him it fast enough so he got caught. That the guy is prob. sitting in jail saying over and over Ill get that SOB for what he did!


      • #4
        Last night on New Years eve, I had a guy come into the store with severe abrasion on his face and he made a beeline for the bathroom. A cabbie parked out front waved for me, so i stuck my head out for the door while the cab driver told me that he's calling the cops and he was warning me in advance not to be alarmed.

        The dude in the bathroom appeared to have gotten into a big fight, hence the abrasions on his face. The cops arrived about 5 mins after the cabbie warned me. They asked me where he went and said the bathroom.

        They knocked on the door and he came out and they questioned him, they eventually handcuffed him. Paramedics arrived and took him to the hospital and I suspect after treatment, jail.

        Then later after 1 AM, after I had locked up the doors and cleared the service window for the customers, a cop pulled over a gray SUV and it was a kid that I recognized as a mouthy smartass kid that always give me shit for locking up the doors.

        A cop knocked on my door requesting to come inside with the kid so they can get out of the cold blowing wind and do some questioning with the kid. The cop asked for some information like some ID (he says he didn't have any) he asked for name, D.O.B., address, etc.

        The cop calls it in and it didn't pan out, so he asks again with a very demeaner voice and warns him about lying saying he's already getting himself in deep in the creek for lying the first time. Eventually he owns up and he calls it again, this time he got info that he's driving with a suspended license.

        After handcuffing him, he frisks him and finds a bag containing a quarter ounce of pot and some paraphelia. Watching the kid's face was priceless when he pulls them out of pocket. So I'm figuring the kid is finally getting what's been coming to him for quite some time.

        What goes around, comes around!

        Oh yeah, some excitement afterwards!

        4 ladies come out of the longass limo hummer pulls up to the station who were very thirsty from partying hard and grabbed some drinks. All dressed in some very sexy outfits and revealing some major skin. That made up my night before the end of my shift.

        Can't beat that!

        "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein


        • #5
          I had this nutcase come in one afternoon. She appeared to either be on something or was one of those who spent most of her life on something and her brain was fried as a result, not sure which. After roaming around the store a while she then dumped a crap load of bills on the counter asking me to grab whatever I needed for her purchase. (ok)

          So she leaves and I started around the counter to grab a soda and outside, I see 3 CHP's are parked behind her. I never heard for sure what they wanted but she wasn't supposed to be driving apparently. I couldn't tell them for sure that she drove in and she claimed some guy was driving so off they went to look for the non-existant driver (even checking our bathroom). In their search of her they found something she shoplifted. I told them not to worry about it figuring I got it back and they were already taking her in.

          Without a word to me they just left her there! Had her car towed and left her in front of my store with about 10 bags of crap! I was never so pissed in my life. Had they told me they were going to do that I would have told them to take her in for stealing.

          I had to call a CHP friend of mine to find out what happened.

          "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


          • #6
            My boyfriend has a story about how one night he was getting gas at a station right off the freeway.

            Here a car comes ripping and tearing into the parking lot, the guy driving leaves the car running and has a huge struggle with his seatbelt, and then makes a break into the store and runs towards the bathroom.

            Bf hears sirens, and pretty soon, two cop cars pull up, both cops run inside and within minutes, out they both come with said guy in handcuffs, reading him his rights.

            What a night, eh?
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              I love these stories. Keep em coming.
              Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


              • #8
                The cops get a call that a local convenience store has been robbed. Apparently, these are really hard to solve (unless you manage to catch the perps later & hang that on them, too) so the cops send out a rookie.

                Rookie drives up to the station & sees a guy, standing & looking in the driver's window of a car, with the motor running. Rookie also see the store staff in the window pointing at the guy.

                Cop parks his car. Walks up to the guy morosely standing next to the car.
                C= cop
                G= Guy

                C: "So, locked your keys in the car?"
                G: "Yep."
                C: "With the engine running, too."
                G: "Yep."
                C: "Are you the guy that just robbed this store?"
                G: "Yep."

                Easiest arrest ever.
                I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


                • #9
                  I got a story of my own.

                  I was stepping outside for a break. In the back of the store we have a covered section for merchandise pick up. Usually, associates hang around under the hood when it's not busy. I step down off the side walk and I'm nearly run over by a police car. Then I notice a police helicopter circiling the other anchor store of our mall and three more police cars drive through our pick up area.

                  They surround a little white car about five hundred feet away and jump out, guns drawn. They start screaming at whomever was in the car to get out.

                  Someone pops out the other side of the car and runs into the store, followed by all the police officers.

                  Five minutes go by and the police drag out a struggling suspect, throw him on the ground, and handcuff him.

                  I learned later after talking with the other store's workers that the guy in the white car had just shoplifted and pulled a gun on LP when they took him in. Then apparently, the guy's car couldn't start or something like that--for some reason he just stayed in his car.

                  Either way, it was kind of intense; I wish the cops didn't whip through our pick up area like that, though.


                  • #10
                    Quoth TryNotToBeThatOne View Post
                    The cops get a call that a local convenience store has been robbed. Apparently, these are really hard to solve (unless you manage to catch the perps later & hang that on them, too) so the cops send out a rookie.

                    Rookie drives up to the station & sees a guy, standing & looking in the driver's window of a car, with the motor running. Rookie also see the store staff in the window pointing at the guy.

                    Cop parks his car. Walks up to the guy morosely standing next to the car.
                    C= cop
                    G= Guy

                    C: "So, locked your keys in the car?"
                    G: "Yep."
                    C: "With the engine running, too."
                    G: "Yep."
                    C: "Are you the guy that just robbed this store?"
                    G: "Yep."

                    Easiest arrest ever.
                    Around here:

                    Store gets robbed.
                    Police called.

                    Robber gets into his car, employees get his plate and description to 911.
                    Robber gets away because the police take 4 hours to get there then when they take the security tape they say they cant find the robbery.


                    • #11
                      I don't have any cool stories like this but they are good reads. Ahhh stupid criminals you will make my future career much easier.
                      Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


                      • #12
                        odd, it almost sounds like your co-worker was in on a sting...he probably isn't saying anything because it's against the law, but I'd gaurantee, based on that description it was a sting and he was in on it, and the handing the card back was the mark the police were looking for to go. Very cool...
                        We Pick Up the Pieces


                        • #13
                          No all the employees are getting tired of the same idiots/stupidity day in and day out.

                          We now have our own little rules that the boss hasnt agreed on.

                          If we run your credit/debit card and it doesnt work and didnt work the last 20 times you were in, we ask you to go on down the road.

                          If you come in 10+ times a day and get $4 or less of gas each time, we now tell you theres a $5 minimum.

                          If you cuss at us you will hear good bye. And you will not get a drop of gas or cigarettes.

                          If you tell us you can do our job better we will ask you why you didnt go to one of the 30 other stations in town were you can pump your own, and told good bye.

                          If tell us how slow we are (its NOT us its the new slower pumps) youll be told ONCE why its so slow now. If you repeat that we are slow youll be told you can now go someplace else.

                          Yes some of you on here dont think I should be in this job. But this has built up over the years. Its the same people day in and day out doing the same things.

                          Me and my co-workers all have an answer to "How you doing?". That answer is "Same sh*t, Different day, Same flies.

                          We have lighters from $0.35 to $1.25, yes the cheap ones are ones that may only last 2 packs of cigarettes, but the BIC's are only $0.95. We offer free matches too, one pack of cigarettes gets you one pack of matches. If you want more matches then its $0.05 a pack.
                          We have people that will stand there for 10 minutes trying to get you to give them 4 or 5 packs of matches for their one pack of cigarettes. My boss absorbs the cost of the matches on the 1 for 1 deal. They think he gets them for free and cant understand what we mean when we tell them they are not free. We are the only place in town that gives matches.

                          I finally had to tell this older guy yesterday that I am tired of telling him every day that he can only have one pack. That if he wants more he will have to buy them at a nickle each or he can just buy a lighter. I told him he asks for extras again I will give him NO matches. I told my boss this today and told him who the guy was, he said his dad already had that talk with the man and he agreed, if he asks for extras again I am not to give him any matches.


                          • #14
                            I am so happy I no longer work at a gas station.

                            I know all about the silent "rules". I had my own as well.

                            And I hear you on the same customers coming in multiple times a day. I could never understand why someone could afford to put $4 of gas in their car twice a day but never $20 a week.
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              What I love every year...

                              We are open 24/7 except for Christmas and New Years.

                              I started telling everyone we will be closed starting Dec 24th at 6pm until Dec 26th at 6am. I had most people tell me they dont believe me because we never close. They insist we are always open on Christmas. One co-worker gets locked in for the time we are closed as security. He has no kids, girlfriend or wife so he volunteers to do it.

                              I stop in just to give him a rest room break and bring him some Christmas dinner, and stand there watching people sit at the gas pumps looking at the big closed sign not knowing what to do. Even better is the ones that knock on the door and cry because they need a pack of smokes or need gas. Sorry but we told you and had a sign up for days that we were not going to be open.

                              Same thing for New Years, Boss closed at 9pm Dec 31st and opened back up 10am on Jan 1st. Sign was up 3 days before we closed. There was two guys there doing inventory over night, people still didnt understand we were closed and couldnt open to sell them stuff.

