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Speaking of Psychics

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  • Speaking of Psychics

    I just recently picked up a couple shifts at a sub shop I used to work out to help both manager and owner, they are good buddies of mine. That coupled with the constant mention of customers thinking anyone working in CS is a psychic reminded me of this story. This is almost two years ago now, back when that sub shop just opened and I had just started working there.

    It is a relatively normal day, slow as all hell considering it was maybe the third or fourth week and not many people realised we were there. The manager and I are standing around chatting, not much to do seeing how the store is still immaculate. And then this loon walks in, appearing normal. She places here order, I whip it up, and sent the culinary masterpiece (read sub) through the oven for her. She heads down to the register to pay-up, and the following ensues.

    M: Manager
    CPW: Crazy "Psychic" Woman

    CPW: I have a studio down the street. I do psychic readings, tell the future and fortunes of people who see me.
    M: Really now?
    CPW: *Launches into all the people she has helped, and telling my boss there how all these different businesses in the area would give her things in exchange for her readings and fortunes.* (Bet you know where she is going, eh?)
    M: *Visibly unimpressed, but trying to make a regular customer* Maybe I should stop by some day, you can tell me how well this place is going to do.
    CPW: How about I give you a reading now in exchange for this sandwich. *Starts giving crap about getting good vibes and whatnot off bossman*
    M: You know, I'm a little psychic myself.
    CPW: Really?
    M: Yeah, I see you paying for this sandwich in the near future.

    At this point, I couldn't help but laugh at the woman, who was quite surprised and upset that this had not worked in her favor. She paid and stormed out. Never saw her again in that shop.

  • #2
    Ooh! Burn!

    I must say, well done.


    • #3
      we really need a warning about these kind of stories....i fiance would be really mad if my juice had ruined his laptop.....

      i love that response! ill have to try to use something similar to that with my customers who won't shut up....


      • #4
        Quoth Ljt09863 View Post
        i fiance would be really mad if my juice had ruined his laptop.....
        Is that a breach of rule #1?
        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


        • #5
          Quoth Xieg View Post
          (Bet you know where she is going, eh?)
          Hey look, we're physic!
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            Quoth bainsidhe View Post
            Hey look, we're physic!


            • #7
              it was a quite baffling story until I realized the title was "Speaking of psychics" and not "Speaking of physics" as I originally read :P when you mentioned subway I was expecting someone to be smacked by a flying sub or something :P lol
              I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

              "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


              • #8
                The only physics involved there were us employees fighting boredom. Stale subrolls make awesome hockey pucks.

                And even though I typed the title in, I still make that error in reading it.

