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Don't you just hate...

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  • Don't you just hate...

    When someone comes into your store asking for your advice, then proceeds to argue with you.

    If. You. Aren't. Going. To. Take. My. Advice.



    This happens so often, I wonder what's going through people's heads when they decide to ask me for advice. If you don't believe me, why ask? arghhh!

    Example: Just now a fellow came in to my aquarium and the following conversation ensued:

    SC: Hi, I'm just after some advice (), I've got a fish tank but we're going to flea bomb the house. I was just wondering what I do with the fish tank?

    (A flea bomb is just a spray can that you leave on the floor and leave it spraying until its empty, you typically vacate the house for the day and make sure your fish tank is well covered to avoid any of the bomb getting into the tank water.)

    Me: Well, the best idea is to cover the top of the tank with cling wrap, and turn off any air pumps you have running, for about a day after bombing the house.

    SC: But last time I just put a blanket over the tank!

    Me: Oh, well that may work, I'm just telling you how I've been told to protect a tank from flea bombing.

    SC: Yeah, I know, but last time I just covered the tank with blanket! And the fish didn't die!

    Me: Well, do that then. (I love being self-employed )

    Also, while I was typing, a lady came in for some aquarium plants.

    PL: Plant lady
    Me: Hai thar.

    PL: So how much is a bunch of plants?
    Me: $4.50, or 3 for $12
    PL: Oh, I may as well get the three then.
    Me: Sure. Which ones would you like?
    PL: That one there's nice, I'll have that one please.
    Me: Just one of this one?
    PL: No, I want three!
    Me: OK (starts getting more)
    PL: NO, I want different plants for the other 2!
    PL: .....
    Me: ......
    PL: *sheepish look* Sorry. Just one of that one, one of this one and one of that one.

  • #2
    Think she was more confused than you, nice that she apologized.
    I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
    In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.


    • #3
      Quoth Tee View Post
      Think she was more confused than you, nice that she apologized.
      Not to derail the thread but your name + your forum title made me choke on my drink. <cough> hehe


      • #4
        yes tee, when you get enough posts that it changes your title you have to change it back, that's just too funny to ever get rid of


        • #5
          Name: Tee
          Title: Bagger

          That's funny. I don't care who you are!
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
            Not to derail the thread but your name + your forum title made me choke on my drink. <cough> hehe
            "Drink" looks like another word at first glance, in such a context.

            I almost choked on my coke.


            • #7
              Haha. Story of my (work) life and I work for a lawyer. You know, the guy you actually have to pay for his advice? The problem is people only hear what they want to hear and if the advice requires them to actually do something, then there must be another way.

              Case in point, former client comes in wanting to know what to do about a mobile home that's on his parent's property. The mobile home was secured collateral and was surrendered in the client's bankruptcy years ago, but the finance company never made arrangements to come and get it. Now the parents want it gone and the guy doesn't know what to do. Since it's been years and we have no idea what the situation is at the property, it doesn't make sense for us to try to relay messages back and forth from the finance company to the client, etc. Not to mention the guy picked up his file eons ago and we have no details about any of it anymore.

              Client: So what should I do?

              Lawyer: Just call the company and tell them that since they never made any arrangements to come and get it, you are giving them "X" amount of days to get it or you're going to dispose of it. Then write them a letter that says the same thing and send it to them certified. If they don't do anything, then just do whatever you want with it.

              Client: Oh, that sounds too complicated. What should I do?

              L: It's really not complicated and it's the best way to cover yourself if they should come back later and want to cause a problem.

              C: Can't you do it?

              L: Well, I could, but you would need to bring the file back and I would have to charge you for the additional work which would be unnecessary since you can do it yourself in ten minutes.

              C: Oh, I don't still have the file (It never ceases to amaze me that people don't care to keep track of their legal paperwork - it's important idiots!) and I don't want to pay extra for this. What should I do?

              And on and on and on. Now this guy calls at least once a week with the same question - "What should I do?". Holy crap, we've told you what to do. I'm about to tell him to just burn the damn thing down for all I care, but then he would probably say that would be too much work.


              • #8
                I work in a shoe store and I get it all the time when customers ask me to measure their child's foot.

                I'll tell them what size to get and then they'll either say 'that's impossible' or they say, 'So, should I just get <two sizes bigger> then?"

                The worst are the ones who have had their kid in a wide... half the time, kids' feet slim down as they get older but the parents can't seem to get a handle on it. So I'll be saying, no, she's not wide. And they'll be saying, "But she's ALWAYS been wide before!"

                Why ask me to measure just so you can tell me you already know what size to get?


                • #9
                  Quoth Skoobeedu View Post
                  C: Oh, I don't still have the file (It never ceases to amaze me that people don't care to keep track of their legal paperwork - it's important idiots!) and I don't want to pay extra for this. What should I do?
                  "Sir, your options are:

                  A: Find the file


                  B: Pay extra

                  A and B are your only choices. A and B will always be your only choices. We are not witholding a choice C. Choice C will never exist, no matter how often you call us expecting it."

                  I know you can't really say that, but...
                  The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                  The stupid is strong with this one.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Dips View Post
                    "Sir, your options are:

                    A: Find the file


                    B: Pay extra

                    A and B are your only choices. A and B will always be your only choices. We are not witholding a choice C. Choice C will never exist, no matter how often you call us expecting it."

                    I know you can't really say that, but...
                    Yeah, they always seem to think that there is an "option C" and that it must be whatever it is they *want* to do, not what actually needs to be done. I can't tell you how many times my boss has finally gotten fed up and said "That's my advice. It's what you pay me for. Take it or leave it."

