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Severely Disgusting Night At Work (super gross)

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  • Severely Disgusting Night At Work (super gross)

    For the record, this was the worst mess I have ever had to clean up in the bathrooms. This mess was an epic scale in men's, and in women's, restrooms.

    If you have a quesy stomach over these things, turn away. Because I am blunt and to the point about the horrors I and my many used gloves saw.

    Women's Restroom

    Just because I went there first.

    The small stall had a huge pile of TP in the 2ft deep garbage can. There was a diaper full of poopie in it... but not baby poo? Wha.. OH NOES it had to be adult poo! Just laying on top!

    Why do I think it looked adult? While the diaper was -3 yr ol size, there was a monster of a mess in that diaper. Holy cow. Ew.

    The handicap stall was worse. I don't know if this poor woman couldn't make it to the potty, or had something happen to her. We were never notified of an emergency, no customers were messy, and no one ran out the door in a hurry.

    Basically, it was a large puddle of tinkle and blood. And an unused tampon in the garbage, with a very used personal pad on the ground by the toilet.

    The sink was immaculate.

    Men's Restroom

    My first step in landed in tinkle. It covered such a large area that I don't honestly believe the elastic men of sci-fi could have escaped it.

    The urinal had a vast amount of four inch pubic hairs under it, and someone appears to have had expolsive diarrhea. Where, you ask? It looked like they turned their booty to the urinal and just let loose. Blegh...

    But what took the cake was how the stall looked. There were piles of dookie on both SIDES of the toilet ON THE FLOOR! The potty was so filled with urine, that if I had flushed it, the water coming in while it went down would have overflowed it.

    What's that on the wall? Someone obviously set their cheeks to the wall, walked left along it going #2, then walked back higher/lower than the first run, pooping on their stepped-on poo.

    How do I know it happened that way?

    The heel marks of brown leading from the line, to the sink, and out into the hallway.

    That was horrid. Absolutely horrid.

    We were so busy in the kitchens/up front/cleaning dishes no one had time to check the bathrooms. I know everyone left early to use the toilet if they had to, because we yell "Going to the back!" when we go**. Why, customers... why?!

    **We yell that because next door there are stabbings every other week. The fellows over there come by and eat, so we're just trying to be safe in case one of them gets a sticky trigger finger while they're visiting.

  • #2
    I seriously believe retail workers should get major hazard pay for having to deal with horrors like that.
    ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


    • #3
      I just had visions of the shit demon from Dogma.

      I am so sorry you had to clean that up.

      For next time, can you get access to a fire hose?
      I know nothing and I can prove it!


      • #4
        Quoth unholypet View Post
        For the record, this was the worst mess I have ever had to clean up in the bathrooms. This mess was an epic scale in men's, and in women's, restrooms.

        If you have a quesy stomach over these things, turn away. Because I am blunt and to the point about the horrors I and my many used gloves saw.

        *MOD EDIT - Please edit quotes
        I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
        Last edited by Ree; 03-05-2008, 11:20 AM. Reason: Excessive quoting


        • #5

          Please tell me your bosses provide you with approrpiate PPE for dealing with biohazardous material?
          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


          • #6
            Agreed, PPE should be mandatory provisions with any public restroom maintenance.

            Also, saying that something 'took the cake' when relating a description about urinals... let's just say I was a bit confused for a moment wondering who the $%#^ stole the urinal freshener cake.


            • #7
              You have to ask yourself when seeing that mess in public bathrooms..."Do they do that at home?" So if they don't then then why in the world would they forget public decency & just let the "shit" fly?


              • #8
                I think the fact that all that mess took place but the "sink was immaculate" really grosses me out.

                Don't you work in a place that has a buffet? if that's the case, that means someone made all that mess in the ladies room and went back to the buffet to grab food.

                Oh my god, I feel so bad for you.

                When I worked in a VERY LARGE sports bar our tiny bathrooms sometimes couldn't handle the large amounts of drunk folks that would use them. It was part of the opening servers duty to clean the bathrooms from the night before and I HATED that fucking task with every ounce of passion I could muster up. I'm a server for freakin' crying out loud - this is not a servers job! Even though I would wash my hands thoroughly after each time I had this task, I would be so grossed out. ..not to mention the fact that I knew fellow co-workers who would have to clean it who were not as thorough in the washing of their hands.

                When I moved to another location of that restaurant, I left with a manager of the large one. When we got to the new location...she said she promised herself that she would NEVER make her servers clean the bathrooms!!!! And we never did!

                EDIT: The buffet things reminds me of a story one of my ex-b/f told me...

                not for the queasy

                He had an older aunt who had a colonoscopy (sp?) bag - basically one of those bags that was hooked to a person to collect their waste because they couldn't go on their own anymore...well, his aunt would often mess with the bag...moving it around, checking its fullness, "squishing it down" - often making a mess. She would then go to a buffet line and the hand that she used to play with this bag often made its way into the food she was serving herself because the way she used utensils put her hands close to the food and often, at times, in it. I have NEVER eaten at a buffet since then.
                Last edited by friendofjimmyk; 03-05-2008, 12:46 PM.
                "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                • #9
                  Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
                  I think the fact that all that mess took place but the "sink was immaculate" really grosses me out.

                  Don't you work in a place that has a buffet? if that's the case, that means someone made all that mess in the ladies room and went back to the buffet to grab food.
                  That is a horribly disturbing thought.

                  If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                  • #10
                    Quoth Boozy View Post
                    That is a horribly disturbing thought.
                    Yeah...absolutely disturbing.
                    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                    • #11
                      I'd quit right there. You couldn't pay me enough.
                      "Because that's how magical meteoric size-altering space goo works." IMDB Message boards.


                      • #12
                        Dear Unholypet,

                        Is is required by law that your establishment provides a restroom service to the public? It is, isn't it, if your place serves food to be eaten on the premises... Oh well. So much for that. I would venture to suppose that you folks would close your toilet facililties to the general population if it were legal to do so. No?

                        You poor l'il powder puff. How DID you last so long?
                        I was not hired to respond to those voices.


                        • #13
                          Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
                          colonoscopy (sp?) bag
                          *blink, blink* A colostomy bag? A colonoscopy is that thing they do to check you don't have anything wrong with your intestine... sticking the camera up in you.
                          "I call murder on that!"


                          • #14
                            I don't think anyone that has to handle or be around food should be in the bathrooms cleaning them. It's not what they were hired for and it's gross, even if in a perfect world everyone was thorough with washing their hands, it's still gross. Don't restaurants have cleaners for this type of thing???


                            • #15
                              There is not enough money in the world for me to clean that! I would have quit on the spot.
                              Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                              If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                              Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.

