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Yeah, that big sign right behind me.

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  • Yeah, that big sign right behind me.

    So because I work swing shift and because I get along with my CSM's, half way through my shift, I generally get moved up to help close the service desk. A few nights ago I was busy sorting returns, minding my own business when up stormed one of my CSMs, S and asked where the return policy was posted. At that exact moment an irate lady and her friend came storming up demanding to see the return policy.

    S- Ditzy but lovable CSM
    P- Service Desk Co-worker
    ME- Cashier of all trades
    IL- Idiot Lady

    IL: I bought these jeans here last year! I have the receipt, they won't fit, I demand you let me return them!!

    S- Like I told you m'am, you bought those a year ago, you have the receipt. Our return policy won't allow it.

    IL- "Return Policy" I've never heard of anyone have ANYTHING like that. What if I didn't have the receipt.

    P- **Appears out of thin air, it was crazy** Like I told you yesterday m'am when I tried to return those jeans for you without your receipt, we no longer carry them. They are not in our system, there is nothing we can do.

    IL- **turns a little pale, apparently she thought P wouldn't be here today** How can you not have them! I bought them here! A year ago!!

    P- Because that was a year ago.

    IL- And where do you have this so called "return policy" listed-

    **All three of us point to the HUGE sign, right behind the customer service desk that details the policy in Bright BOLD letters.

    IL- **Taken a bit aback, but not ready to give up** well I see the 90 days, but what are all those small rules under it?

    ME- Those would be the details of special cases in which our retern policy is shorter.

    After that, she just gave us a really nasty look and took off.

    "I just figured you would be terrified, and I would be sarcastic about it."

  • #2

    I love it when they just dont have a leg to stand on, but try to stand anyway, even if its on the lower half of their beaten and bloodied torso.

    I like your sig, btw. Anya rocks.


    • #3
      Quoth Kali View Post
      I love it when they just dont have a leg to stand on, but try to stand anyway, even if its on the lower half of their beaten and bloodied torso.

      I like your sig, btw. Anya rocks.
      <3 Thank you! You are the first to ever recognize it!

      And me as well, especially when they set themselves up for the final blow!
      "I just figured you would be terrified, and I would be sarcastic about it."


      • #4
        "Your legs are off!"

        "It's just a flesh wound."


        • #5
          Quoth MiloMorai View Post
          "Your legs are off!"

          "It's just a flesh wound."
          You know, thats EXACTLY what i was picturing when i came up with that analogy.

          I even considered adding "what are you gonna do, bleed on me?"


          • #6
            Quoth Kali View Post
            You know, thats EXACTLY what i was picturing when i came up with that analogy.

            I even considered adding "what are you gonna do, bleed on me?"
            "I'll bite your legs off!"
            "Well, ergo cogitum daltitum e pluribus shut your piehole." -Mike Rowe


            • #7
              Ahhh monty python and SC analogies, gotta love it.

              Also gotta love the story.
              Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


              • #8
                Quoth Forensic Waitress View Post
                Ahhh monty python and SC analogies, gotta love it.

                Also gotta love the story.
                If only we were allowed to use hand grenades on SC's as long as we can count to 3 and no more or no less.
                I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                • #9
                  And if they should count to 4, it would be too far?

                  Ah, yes. Holy Grail. I often find that Life of Brian reminds me more of sucky customers, but that's just me. I always think of the ex-leper-

                  All right. Cut the haggling. Say you open at one shekel. I start at two thousand. We close about eighteen hundred.
                  "I just figured you would be terrified, and I would be sarcastic about it."


                  • #10
                    all i can think of is...
                    "I bought these a year ago and they don't fit!"

                    And how exactly is it the store's fault? It's not like you can't try them on before buying them... and it's sure not the store's fault if she gained or lost enough weight that the pants no longer fit.

                    the crap people pull these days.


                    • #11
                      There's nothing more ridiculous than people who pretend they don't know your policy when it's posted in big bold letters all over the place. We get that at my work, too, and I usually just point, let them read the signs on their own, and ignore their stupid asses.


                      • #12
                        Holy Grail Rocks!

                        E's got to be the king. e' asn't got shit all over im!

