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  • *shudder*

    *waves* I'm new.

    backstory: My mother and grandmother are co-owners of a "crafter's mall" type store in a historic tourist trap town. We actually live in the nearest city, which is 45 minute drive away. Basically the store is made up of other smaller stores that people rent out. They trade out work days so everyone spends at least 2 days a month working. Not a bad gig...but there's a downside. This particular building used to be a bordello. A high end whorehouse. And they use that as a selling point to get people to come in and look around.

    Now I'm not a big girl....about 5'3" and 110 lbs soaking wet.

    Everytime I'm working I always get the big biker dudes coming in and asking "where are the ladies?" Sometimes I know they're kidding and I just giggle and go into my speil on the history of the building. Sometimes I honestly think they might try something and I just shudder and ask them if they're looking for something in particular.

    But's not like that sort of thing is legal there.

    We even have a tape that plays outside that talks about what kinds of things we sell (Antiques, quilts, children's toys, tourist town stuff) and still people come in and ask. It was funny the first time, sure. But when you look like you're gonna start something? No.

  • #2
    I've never understood why people have this fascination with old bordellos. You used to be able to get a hooker there. Not anymore, so what's the point?
    The High Priest is an Illusion!


    • #3
      I used to not have stretch marks and look good in a bikini, but I've had kids and we all know the lightning bolts won't what's the point of me trying to get in shape enough to look good in a bikini?

      And bikers are nothin. I trust them more than cops. Act like a lady, they'll treat you like a lady. Remember that you are the one in charge. (But don't be a snob, they hate that).

      People have a fascination with 'taboo' history. Wasn't it John Wayne Gacy's house that they had to tear down so people would quit trekking there to look at it?
      Last edited by zzapp the witch; 03-18-2008, 11:00 PM. do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

      Chickens are Asexual!

