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Douchey Customer Strikes Again

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  • Douchey Customer Strikes Again

    A little while ago, I posted about a customer of mine who is quite proud of being an asshole (refer to this thread: He's been in a number of times since then, but I've taken to ribbing him a bit since he ought to be able to take what he dishes out. I mentioned before that he used to come in quite often with his girlfriend. Well, they split up and buddy (henceforth referred to as Buddy) found himself a new lady-friend. The two of them came into the restaurant in the late evening a few weeks ago. They had been speaking to the chef/owner in the convenience store we operate next to the restaurant, and he called me into the back to say,
    "Buddy is coming around. I know you don't like him, but be nice. He's got a new girlfriend, don't mention the old girlfriend."

    So, they come into the restaurant and I seat them in the lounge area. I ask them if they would like to see the menu, or if they are just drinking. Buddy informs me that chef is already making them a dessert. I soon realize that Buddy's attitude has done a 180 since I last saw him. He is not only being polite, he's bordering on pleasant. And the new girlfriend is much more personable than the last. Therefore, I have no reason to be snarky with him, so I serve him like any other customer, and even try to make polite conversation.

    Fast forward to this morning. I go in for my lunch shift and chat with the chef before my shift starts. Somehow the conversation turns to Buddy
    Chef: I know you two don't get along. I don't mean to say this harshly, but he feels the exact same way about you as you feel about him. You need to know he's old country and he probably takes in instant dislike to you because you are British. Oh, I've been meaning to say something to you. Do you remember when Buddy and his girlfriend came in a few weeks ago? Apparently you made a comment that offended both of them.
    Me: Uh, what? I don't recall saying anything offensive to them.
    Chef: He said that when they walked in, you said "So, this is the new girlfriend?" He just wanted me to know that they were both unimpressed by that comment.

    Now, I'm pissed. Not only did I not say that, I would NEVER say that, regardless of what an asshole the guy is to me most of the time. I told the chef that I didn't say it, and I think he believes me, but he doesn't really care that much anyway because he knows Buddy is a douche. It just royally fucks me off that he would make up something like that to make me look bad to my boss.

  • #2
    What an ASS! I hate to say it but it sounds like he may have it in for you, but since the boss knows what he's like then you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

    It just pisses me off how someone can make up a complete fabrication about someone who does their best to give good service to them, what a bloody prick.
    I am but a tiny, barren, insignificant rock caught in the glorious orbit of your shining sun. Gravekeeper.


    • #3
      Quoth Supermarket Slave Girl View Post
      What an ASS! I hate to say it but it sounds like he may have it in for you, but since the boss knows what he's like then you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

      It just pisses me off how someone can make up a complete fabrication about someone who does their best to give good service to them, what a bloody prick.
      that's those quality SC's we know and love.

      Well, know anyways. The only time love enters into the relationship is when the chipper is involved
      Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


      • #4
        Not only that but that tool can be sued if he lies and causes you to lose your job. Perhaps getting sued a couple times for being an asshole will straighten his sorry ass out. My dad once knew someone that used to get into a lot of fights until it started costing him money in court.


        • #5
          If they know how much you both dislike each other why do they still make you serve him?


          • #6
            Ok - WTF????

            First of all, he lied about you.

            Second of all, the fact that "Oh, it's because your British and he's old fashioned." - THAT'S supposed to be a reason to dislike someone?????

            Isn't that a form of discrimination?

            Not to start a big commotion (mods, I swear I'll keep it short), but if you were black or gay or some other minority, this guy could get into HUGE trouble for making a comment like that.

            It's rare that I'm shocked by a post, it really is. But this one takes the cake.

            As much of an asshole this guy is, your boss is an even bigger one, IMO.
            "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


            • #7
              "You need to know he's old country and he probably takes in instant dislike to you because you are British."

              Huh?! As an American (which means at least 2/3 of the world is pissed off at me already) I am confused on a couple of points...

              1. Who have the Brits pissed off lately? The empire has been gone for a loooooong time folks!

              2. With so many places now stating and even adhering to a "no racism" policy, why is Buddy allowed to get away with this, and why, if such is the case do you need to serve him?
              "I've never had a heart attack, but it isn't for my son's lack of trying." - Me


              • #8
                I am speechless. What a douche! Okay, maybe not so speechless. What a total asshole though.
                It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
                -Helen Keller

                I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


                • #9
                  Quoth TTAZ View Post
                  "You need to know he's old country and he probably takes in instant dislike to you because you are British."

                  1. Who have the Brits pissed off lately? The empire has been gone for a loooooong time folks!
                  There are British troops in Iraq and Argentina tried to take over the Falklands in the'80's. And, remember, most former colonies were better off under the Brittish and they'll never forgive them for that.
                  Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Mark Healey View Post
                    There are British troops in Iraq and Argentina tried to take over the Falklands in the'80's. And, remember, most former colonies were better off under the Brittish and they'll never forgive them for that.
                    I wouldn't say most were better off, aside from the former African colonies, who seem to sadily be stuck in a slow death spiral of genecide, quite a few of the former territories of the empire have thrived since they've become self governing.

                    I don't get the "old country" remark. Is this guy from Northern Ireland? Because, if he is a resident of the US he really shouldn't have any issues with the British.

                    unless of course, he is so old country that he was alive during the time of John Adams, Ben Franklin, and George Washington. Because, that generation had a reason to dislike the British.
                    Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


                    • #11
                      Quoth LifeCarnie View Post
                      unless of course, he is so old country that he was alive during the time of John Adams, Ben Franklin, and George Washington. Because, that generation had a reason to dislike the British.
                      I was going to say, how old is old country? Pre revolution?

                      Currently, Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwean government hates the British as do a lot of Afghans, Iraqis and others sympathetic to their cause. I'm sure their are still Irish and Northern Irish who still hate us, but at least they've stopped trying to kill us.
                      "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                      • #12
                        I don't know why my boss said that Buddy hates on my for being a Brit. I lived half my life in England, half in Canada. I have a predominately Canadian accent, but I still use Brit colloquialisms and enunciation. Buddy is the epitome of the stereotypical north american asshole.

                        Buddy came in again today, with a friend. I happened to be by the door when they entered, so I greeted them in a very friendly manner, and said 'Good afternoon, gentlemen! Would you like the table by the window?'. Buddy immediately turned to my manager (who was the other server on shift), without even acknowledging my greeting, and said 'You're the one who's going to be serving me, right?'
                        I couldn't handle it. I had to go sit in the bathroom for five minutes to stop crying.

                        I don't want him in the restaurant anymore, but the management isn't backing me up. They say he is a good customer, because he comes in regularly and spends a fair amount. I say the only reason they feel that way is because he kisses the boss' ass. He causes far too much hostility among the staff to be considered a 'good customer'. He makes me want to quit.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Happy Otter Lover View Post
                          I don't want him in the restaurant anymore, but the management isn't backing me up. They say he is a good customer, because he comes in regularly and spends a fair amount. I say the only reason they feel that way is because he kisses the boss' ass. He causes far too much hostility among the staff to be considered a 'good customer'. He makes me want to quit.
                          The term "hostile work environment" comes to mind.

                          I'm also curious what the Hell old country American is suppose to mean. He's mad because you actually spell English words correctly? ;p


                          • #14
                            It sounds like your Mr. Douchebag is probably a close relative to my Mr. S. He would regularly complain to my gentle, understanding, overly patient manager that he knew I didn't like him. Guess what, chucky, that'd be your fault. Sheesh. If the man hadn't been such a jerk in the umpteen interactions up to that point, I probably would've been just the opposite. I happen to like being able to like people. Go figure.

                            Luckily for me, the two managers that saw me through his phase were understanding enough to allow me to take a break or work in the back room when he arrived.

                            Maybe you should ask that of your manager? If he's such a problem with the other workers as well, why doesn't the manager make it a special effort on their part to wait on the man instead? As Gravekeeper said, it's a hostile work environment. Nothing good will ever come of that, for either employees or work place.
                            "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

                            "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


                            • #15
                              I'm not sure what "old country" means in this instance either. Maybe it was meant as "he's just an ol' country boy, set in his ways of meat and potatoes and hating everyone not exactly like him?"

