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There's nothing worse than...

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  • There's nothing worse than...

    ...racist SCs. For those who don't know me, I'm LambChop, and I've been working retail for going on 8 years now, so I've been around the block in terms of sucky customers. And for any of my friends that know me, they can tell you that I'm quite an understanding guy and it's very hard to get on my bad side. But one thing I will absolutely not stand for is racism, and that's in both my professional, as well as personal life.

    Anyways, this story of a racist SC was from when I was at Computer America, a big name computer and electronics retailer. At the time I was still a cashier but I also worked Customer Service on Mondays and Fridays. Not to sound full of myself, but I was good at what I did. I have a knack for keeping my cool around upset customers and most of the time, I can calm them down eventually. Plus I knew my way around returns, exchanges, etc. quite well.

    Now anyone who's worked retail knows that when it comes to software, once it's been opened we can't return it for a cash refund due to international copywright laws. You can only return it for another copy of the same software if it's been opened and if it's defective.

    So I'm working the Service desk and it's relatively busy for a Monday. At around 2:30, in walks this older black couple. I give them the usual greeting and go back to helping the customers in line. After about 3 customers they finally get to the counter and here's the jist of what happened, being that I don't remember the exchange verbatim.

    SC1=Older black male
    SC2=SC1's wife

    Me: Hi there, welcome to Computer America. How can I help you?
    SC1: *puts a piece of software on the counter (I forget what it was)* I'd like to return this and get our money back.
    Me: Oh okay. *picks it up and sees that it's been opened* What was wrong with it, sir?
    SC1: *says snidly* We just don't like it. It's too hard to use.
    Me: Oh well I'm sorry sir, but unfortunately I won't be able to offer you a refund. Under our return policy, we can't return a piece of software that's been opened due to international copywright law. We can only exchange it for another copy of the same program.
    SC2: What?! That's ridiculous!
    Me: I'm sorry you feel that way maam but it's clearly stated in our return policy.
    SC1: We didn't see it anywhere!

    Now just for these occasions, I had taken a copy of one of our reciepts, blown it up, and highlighted the sections on return policies. So I pointed to the sign on the counter in front of them, pointed to the huge sign above customer service, and, just for good measure, whipped out my handy-dandy huge reciept and placed it on the counter for them to see.

    SC1: Well I still didn't see it!
    Me: *shrugs* That may be the case, but the policy remains the same.

    At this point they had been arguing with me for about 5 mins or so and a line was beginning to form behind them. I tried explaining that the store could get sued if I returned it but he just wasn't listening. I was already not in the best of moods because of the busy day we'd been having, but so far I was still able to remain calm, despite becoming increasingly irratated at these two SCs.

    Then came the kicker.

    SC1: *looks at me with a scowl on his face and says very loudly* This motherfu**er is a racist! You just doin' this because I'm black!
    Me: *eye twitch* ...excuse me, sir?
    SC1: You heard me, you cracker-a** motherfu**er! Yous a goddamn racist!
    Me: *eye twitches more, thinking to myself 'Stay calm, stay calm'* Sir, this has nothing to do with the color of your skin. Our return policy clearly state-
    SC1: *interrupts, slamming his fist down on the counter* F**k your policy, you're a racist! This whole company is racist! You wouldn't be doing this to the 'nice' white lady behind me!
    (White lady gives me a look that says "WTF is wrong with this guy?")

    Now you should know that the GM's (General Manager) office, whom we'll call William, is within clear view of the Service desk, IE: He can see everything that's going on at the service desk at all times that he is in his office. This continues to go on for another 5 mins, him hurling racial insults and me trying not to lose my cool. Meanwhile, there are no other managers on the front end and William appears to be off somewhere else. To his wife's credit, she could see this was getting out of hand and tried to calm her husband down but he wasn't having it. Then the SC said something I will never forget:

    SC1: I'm tired of having to deal with your racist ass! So why don't you go find someone else to help me and go home to f**k your Klan member girlfriend some more!

    Now I'm not quite sure what I looked like, but I'm told that my face twisted into a look of shock and horror, thinking to myself "He did not just say that." I have now hit my highest level of pissed-offedness.

    SC1: So what're you going to do, white boy!?

    It was at that point that I pulled out my wallet. I remember my hands shaking so much I actually ended up dropping it once. But what I pulled out was a picture of B, who was my girlfriend at the time. B is black. I show him the picture and he asks:

    SC1: Who's that?
    Me: *trying desperately not to punch this man in the face and I say very coldly* That's my girlfriend, you self-rightious prick. So for you to sit there and call me a racist over something so petty as a piece of software, is an insult to both me, as well as her."

    He stutters something but I interupt him. "No, you're going to let me finish! Now as I've told you dozens of times already, I'm not returning this piece of software because of company policy, not because of your 'black' ass. But I swear to god if you call me a 'racist' one more time, I will jump over this counter and slap the shit out of you. We're done here."

    After that, I turned off my register, put his software behind the counter and simply left. I walked out of customer service and headed for the back. I honestly don't remember what was going through my mind just then but I remember seeing William running up towards Customer Service. He must've heard something going on and went to investigate. I was so livid that I didn't even care.

    So I go into the back room and try to calm myself. My whole body was shaking and I remember punching a divot into one of the stock room walls. After about 15 minutes, I was finally calming down and realization set in: I had just cussed out and threatened a customer! Now I'm scared to death because I know I'm gonna get fired over this. 5 minutes later, William shows up in the back room, looking for me. I immediately start apologizing, babbling about what happened and what he was saying and so forth. He just stopped me and said he saw the last 5 minutes of the altercation and was waiting for the right time to walk in.

    He then told me he talked to the SC. Apparently, the SC tried to say I threated him without cause and wanted his money back, plus more for the ordeal. William looked at him and laughed. He then told the SC that he would be doing no such thing since he saw what happened while he was hurling out racist comments, especially the 'Klan girlfriend' remark. He banned both customers from the store for harrassment, threatened to call the cops if they showed up again, and didn't even give them back their software. More racial slurs were thrown but they eventually left.

    Now personally, when I get really mad, I start getting emotional so he could tell how much that whole experience affected me just from the look on my face (red-rimmed, glossy-eyed, and sniffling). He told me I wasn't going to get in trouble over this but he wanted me to go home for the rest of the day so I could cool down. To this day, William is still my most favorite manager out of all the jobs I've had as he was the most understanding manager I've ever had the pleasure of working with.

    So I stuck around in the back for another 10 minutes or so, just to make sure that the SCs had actually left. On the way out the white lady who was behind them the whole time came up to me to see if I was okay. She could also tell that it was a taxing ordeal for me. She said she completely understood, commending me for putting him in his place and that she wished she had the guts to say something like that, to which I thanked her and headed out the door.

    To this day, they still talk about the incident at that location, as I was the only person there to ever cuss out a customer like that and still keep my job. I ended up leaving that job to seek other employment about a year later. It really just makes me sick when people resort to race cards when things don't go their way. I mean, did he ever think that I was just following the rules? No. He wanted to throw a hissy fit and in so doing, insult my girlfriend and my personal character. I'm just glad I never had to see his ass again. Personally, I just wish it'd happened within the past 9 months. Then I could've just shown him a picture of my daughter...that would've shut him up big time.

    Me? Racist? Hah!
    Some people are like slinkies,
    They don't really serve a purpose,
    But they still bring a smile to your face
    When you push them down the stairs.

  • #2
    wow, epic suckage there; he pushed and kept on pushing, even though a remotely sane person would have stopped a long time ago.

    you kept your cool to the near end; i'd say that show a great deal of mental fortitude on your part.

    he reaped what he sowed, so to speak, and double kudos to william for the support.

    lambchop! *childish squeal of delight*

    oops, i just dated myself there.
    Last edited by chainedbarista; 03-21-2008, 08:53 PM.
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      Why is it that the ones who scream racist at the drop of a hat don't see they're own racism?

      SC1: You heard me, you cracker-a** motherfu**er! Yous a goddamn racist!
      Seriously, accusing someone else of racism while you're doing the same?

      It's a disgrace to everyone who worked, and still continues to work, for equality. As well as those who do suffer from racism.
      I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
      In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.


      • #4
        Quoth chainedbarista View Post
        wow, epic suckage there; he pushed and kept on pushing, even though a remotely sane person would have stopped a long time ago.

        you kept your cool to the near end; i'd say that show a great deal of mental fortitude on your part.

        he reaped what he sowed, so to speak, and double kudos to william for the support.

        lambchop! *childish squeal of delight*

        oops, i just dated myself there.
        Hehehe. There's an interesting story behind the name, but I'll save that one for later. Thanks for the kudos, though! Like I said, it's very hard for someone to get on my bad side, and accusing me of being a racist is one thing that will.
        Some people are like slinkies,
        They don't really serve a purpose,
        But they still bring a smile to your face
        When you push them down the stairs.


        • #5
          I've seen Racism.

          My best friend is a Black man who converted to Islam.

          When I was a teenager I was lifted off the pavement, by my throat, by a man 15 years older and 200 pounds heavier. Simply for walking alongside my friend.

          The people who cry Racism at stores are usually the scum of the earth. I have been the victim of Racism, I've seen it hurt people I care about. It DEFINATLY still exists. But those types of people? They'd find a reason to be the Martyr if everyone was PURPLE!


          • #6
            Quoth Crazeyal View Post
            Martyr if everyone was PURPLE!
            I don't think it's Martyr that drives them as much as it is an inferiority complex.

            I have an adopted sister who is Japanese-American. My father was in the military in the 1950's and lived in occupied Japan. During that time the Japanese were destitute and most family's could only support one child. So most families either killed their newborns or gave them to an orphanage, which didn't start to appear in the country until people began to understand the culture and the extent of the problem and than most of the orphanages were run by the catholic church. Usually the families kept the males, because they could be put to use, either working around the house or put to work raising money for the family. In 1950's Japanese culture, woman DID NOT work.

            My sister is 19 years older than I am and has never felt like an outsider to me, as far as I'm concerned, she's a blood relative.

            Over the years I've heard the most racist of comments hurled at people of oriental and occidental decent. Including from someone who was my best friend growing up, who I've known for over 20 years. More than once he's let a "gook", "slant eyes", or "charlie" comment slip out in front of me. I don't even understand the "charlie" comment. The only place I've ever heard the term before is in Vietnam war movies.

            I've had friends comment a few times that they were suprised that I didn't hit him. I've been tempted, but violence seldom serves a purpose, and I've ripped into him verbally a few times and he is sincerely remorseful about it.
            Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


            • #7
              What a . That guy is a complete...geez. I'm shaking with rage. Damn glad management banned them, and while your actions at the end weren't good, he seriously provoked you, probably waiting for you to say something racist so that his victim/ inferiority complex would be justified. Your manager is very cool for understanding that this guy was nothing more than a baiting jackass who got his butt handed to him on a silver platter.


              • #8
                Quoth LifeCarnie View Post
                I don't even understand the "charlie" comment. The only place I've ever heard the term before is in Vietnam war movies.
                It comes from "Victor Charlie" which referred to the Viet Cong. And you do see it other places, I've seen it on a lot of websites about VietNam and the veterans.
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                • #9

                  Kudos to you for keeping your cool with the guy as long as you did, especially with him pushing your buttons like that. Also, William sounds like a real stand-up guy - props to him for sticking up for you and watching your back.

                  To be honest, I think you also deserve some props for your final response to him, even though I know it came out of anger. I view myself as a very good customer service rep, and like you it's hard to get under my skin. However, we can all only take so much and the sort of abuse you took from him could not ever be justified for any reason. Once a person crosses a certain line - and this a**hole certainly did - they lose their status as a customer deserving of at least some level of politeness and instead become a scumbag worthy of battleship-sized broadside.

                  Your comeback to him in this situation was obviously well-deserved and maybe (just maybe) taught him that customer service staff does not equal whipping boy.

                  [By the way I am NOT advocating violence against anyone. However, I have a big problem with the concept of customer service requiring the employee to take this much abuse and I really feel that folks like Lambchop should be able to stick up for themselves.]
                  Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Alpha Strike View Post

                    Kudos to you for keeping your cool with the guy as long as you did, especially with him pushing your buttons like that.
                    Thanks, man. I appreciate the kind words. But yes, it is sad that we as employees aren't truly allowed to treat some customers as they should be treated. Of course, it helps to have a cool manager like 'William.' He was the best manager you could ask for: understanding but knew when to say 'no,' had great rapport with customers, and watched out for us when we needed him. He was also one of the funniest guys to watch when it came to dealing with SCs. He simply did not. Take. Shit. And it showed when faced with a SC.
                    Last edited by MadMike; 03-23-2008, 04:54 AM. Reason: No need to quote the entire post
                    Some people are like slinkies,
                    They don't really serve a purpose,
                    But they still bring a smile to your face
                    When you push them down the stairs.


                    • #11
                      This is the one area that me and my manager have come to words over (I want to work for William)... I have told my manager I will hang up on any customer who starts making ravial slurs or makes blatantly racist comments. The most recent example is when I hung up on a guy when he called in to cancel a reservation that was made at an online non refundable rate. He started saying that his secretary made it and I thought he was going down the path of "had I known what the fine print said I wouldn't have approved it" route in which case I would have felt a little sorry for him and referred him to the right person to appeal the no cancel policy... but he said "and my secretary is hispanic and you can't expect her to be smart enough to book one of these things properly"
                      I have two potential problems with this... one if you think that she is incompetent (for reasons other than race) you are an idiot for continueing to employ the person... or if you think they are stupid because they are hispanic then you are a racist prick... you made it clear that it is the latter and I refuse to speak to you any further. Oh was my manager pissed when I reminded her that the company had a zero tolerance policy for racism and that technically the only thing I did wrong if we follow the book is that I told him I was ending the call and hung up rather than telling him I was ending the call due to our zero tolerance policy (to give you an idea of just how zero tolerance it is, just over a decade ago a hotel refused to check a man in because he was black and corporates response was to fire every person either at the desk or in management on duty at the time that this happened... even if they weren't one of the people that was helping him on the theory that the other lowlevel employees should have stepped up and intervened and the managers whether or not involved were responsible for who they chose to work for them)
                      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                      • #12
                        Personally, I just wish it'd happened within the past 9 months. Then I could've just shown him a picture of my daughter...that would've shut him up big time.
                        Ha, I have a friend who is very "white bread" so to speak, while his wife is from Kenya. They met in college and have been married for several years now. They just had their first baby a month ago (I haven't met her yet but she is quite possibly the cutest little thing I've ever seen in pictures! She's all big dark eyes and at 3 days looked like she was just so curious about the world around her...I can't wait to meet her.). If he were to encounter such a situation all he'd have to do is hold up his name tag, since he keeps her picture in it .
                        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                        • #13
                          Im a superviser and I have to deal with a lot of SC's on a reguler bases but I have always said my job will never be harder then anyone who works customer service! For you to actualy have gone that long with out slugging him WOW! Ive heard stories of people having merchindice thrown at them and just being personaly attacked because they refuse a return. There defintly should be some hazard pay with that job. But just think for every close minded jerks theres also someone like you, your girlfriend, and your daughter who understand that love knows no boundries. And hey in a hundred years multy-cultural people will out number these ignorant aholes.
                          Trust me racism comes from the most unlikly places. Im Puerto Rican my ex husbands black my current husband is white. With my current husband he warned me that his family is raciset. When I finaly met them they greeted me with open arms and loved me for how I treated their son. My exhusband on the other hand....I never heard so many comments of at lest our baby would have good hair. And they threw my race in my face all the time. Wait till they meet his new girlfriends shes Japanese! Hope they treat her better then they did me.
                          Last edited by iviles; 03-22-2008, 03:26 AM.


                          • #14
                            Welcome to , LambChop! *sings Lamb Chop theme*

                            Much props to you for keeping your cool for that long with that racist ass SC and for your manager for not putting up with his crap and banning him too!!! That SC really deserved that tongue lashing from you 110%. It annoys me how whenever somebody doesn't get their way, they pull the discrimination/woe is me card out.
                            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                            • #15
                              I was bullied alot when I was younger. Not because of my race, mind you but because of my disability. This has resulted in me not judging anyone simply because of their race/appearance/religion etc.

                              Unfortunately, my dad is somewhat prejudiced, particularly against those of Middle Eastern descent and Hispanics. He's been getting better about it, though. Still, I have to sometime politely remind him not to make snap judgements sometimes.

                              Welcome to the board, Lambchop. Very nice how you handled that SC.

