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Curse You Easter Bunny!!!

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  • Curse You Easter Bunny!!!

    I officially hate Easter. I had never worked on Easter Sunday before, I didn't think it would be that bad a shift to be honest, but oh my God. I've always believed that the customers IQ drops about 30% on a Sunday, well, they all seemed to have dropped about 70% on Easter Sunday.

    There were LOADS of kids in the bar. Every single parent in the area seemed to bring their children in, and they had quite obviously been doing nothing but feeding them chocolate all day, because they were hyperactive as fuck.

    Lets start with the wonderful parent of the year, who wheeled in an empty pram and proceeded to panic when she realised she had left her kid in the hotel next door.

    One child decided to spin round in circles in the middle of the dining area. Somehow it was my fault when the child got dizzy and hit his head off a table.

    One child crawled under another diners table. Parents of child took offence when I told them the kid was bothering other customers.

    Two kids decided it would be fun to open and shut the fire exits doors. One kid traps hand into fire exit door. Again....all my fault.

    One kid managed to escape the pub! Parents didn't notice, I didn't notice. Again, my fault they were not watching their child. Child was found down the road looking extremelly lost and confused.

    Kid was obviously feeling very sick and cranky at the amount of chocolate he had just consumed and proceeded to scream the place down. I am not kidding you when I say it sounded like someone was killing the kid, it was that dramatic and loud. Parents ignore it.

    A trailer trash family comes in. They proceed to get drunk and completely ignore their under five year old kids. A customer comes up to me.
    SC: Excuse me, aren't you going to tell them to do some parenting?
    What the fuck? For starters, you rarely go up to a normal family and tell them how to parent. You NEVER go up to a trailer trash family and tell them how to parent.

    Phew, we're only allowed kids in until 8pm. Time to kick them out. Oh wait...not that simple. Following complaints happened.

    SC: But he's only playing his Nintendo DS, what harm is he doing?

    SC: It's Easter Sunday, you don't want to ruin our childrens Easter do you?

    SC: Where's the sign that says that?
    I show them the sign.
    SC: Well it should be clearer.

    The trailer trash family didn't want to leave. We refused to serve them anymore. One of them comes up to the bar.

    Me: I'm sorry, but we've told you several times your children are not allowed in here anymore. You are not getting served.
    SC: But they're my sisters kids!
    Me: Yes, and you are buying drinks for your sister as well.
    SC: But they're not my kids! I ain't taking no responsibility for them!
    Me: Well maybe you should speak to your sister.
    SC: Why should I have to suffer because SHE had kids.

    Yes, she sounds like a wonderful sister.

    So that was my Easter Sunday. I witnessed a fine set of parents on that day. And I have learned something new: Giving your child a Nintendo DS, sitting it in the corner and getting yourself blind drunk is now a form of parenting.

    I hate Easter.

  • #2
    Quoth customersruinmylife View Post

    SC: Why should I have to suffer because SHE had kids.

    Well why did you have to suffer all day??? None of those kids were yours! But thats ok just come to my easter egg hunt its tradition. Kids get their baskets and then the adults get to hunt for beer hidden in the back yard. Then everyones happy!


    • #3
      We had travellers by the dozen. Which meant dozens of kids running round and lots of illiterate folk wanting to know which 'fillum' was next and what every film was 'aboot' and whether it was suitable for kids.

      There wasn't any trouble to speak of, except for the kids getting under both customers' and staff's feet and being a nuisance.
      "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


      • #4
        SC: Why should I have to suffer because SHE had kids.
        The proper response would be "They're your kids too"


        • #5
          Damn, you should have the number for CPS in reach. Letting your kids wander out of the pub where you are eating, is pretty negligent, the poor kid could've been hit by a car or kidnapped. Those bratty kids doing spins, disrupting other customers and setting off the fire alarm could have caused injuries with their behavior. As for the last group, the less said about them the better, but I hope the sister of rhe SC reconsiders next time she thinks about using the SC as a baby sitter.


          • #6
            Why did I have 'Curse you Gravy Boy' go through my head when I read the thread title?? :P

            Hospitality really sucks - I think probably the worst there is (yes - worse even than retail!), but I'm damn sure you have the authority (and sort of responsibility) to discipline the child, and the parent. And if they don't like it, you get to ask them to leave. (and if they don't like that, there are security and enforcement officials to remove them??)
            When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


            • #7
              Quoth customersruinmylife View Post

              SC: It's Easter Sunday, you don't want to ruin our childrens Easter do you?
              Because every kid wants to be in a pub for the holidays while their parents get pissed, right?
              The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

