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A Tale from Motel 666 (longish)

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  • A Tale from Motel 666 (longish)

    A story that I was reminded of from my last motel back east. Little Mom and Pop type place in the mountains. Names changed (or abbreviated) to protect the stupid. This happened 10/17/07 and yes, I still tell this story.

    Tale from Motel 666

    This day was certainly.... a day. Lets just put it at that, shall we? It started with me, the lovely narrator, going in an hour early to work to run an errand – Getting a couple room keys copied. These are real door keys, to be copied at a hardware store, not the plastic keycards. I arrive, tell L that I'm going to copy some keys and that I'll be right back when J walks through the door. What's J doing there, still? Shouldn't she have gone home around 11? Well, it turns out that she was still there keeping L company in case the people staying in the Large Cabin come back. It would seem that there was a brawl of some sort in the yard last night. A rather violent brawl that included not only fists and kicks but guns and knives as well. Police were called. Since the fight had broken up in the two minutes it took police to get there, the police could do nothing. This morning; police were called again. Guns and knives littered the yard. Pictures were taken, the people in the Cabin (we'll call them the Simpletons) were pissed. Because of the loud fight from last night, people checked out this morning, afraid of the violence. Can you blame them?

    The lot of us (L, J, A, our fix-it guru and myself) waited patiently for the Simpletons to return from their little hunting excursion. Once they did, police were called again and charges were placed. They broke an armour in the dining room and put a couple little dents in the walls. No big deal, right? The Simpletons said they would pay for the damages: We charged them $500 for it and told them to leave; that we would keep their money (they were checking out in two days) to cover additional damages.

    The asshole taking over as manager in November comes in and sticks his nose in it, calling the owner and telling him there are “two massive holes in the walls” and that it would cost an additional $200 to fix. In this town? $35 would cover the Spackle and paint.

    After arguing with Jr. the owner's son because Sr. was going senile in his old age, I would up charging the couple well over a thousand dollars for a problem that could have been fixed with a new piece of glass (230), paint and Spackle (35). I have all ideas that they would contest the charges because the Manager-to-Be was a jackass to them; treating them like the criminals when the Simpletons didn't do the damages, the “friends” of theirs did.

    Police report filed, damages paid for and receipts printed up; the Simpletons have copies so that they can take their little biddies to civil court to get them to pay for the mess. L, J and myself now refuse to work for the Manager to Be because he is such as ass.

    Suffice to say, I didn't get the keys copied. Not that week or ever. We left the problem for the new managers and refused to do business with them.
    Last edited by Evil Queen; 03-29-2008, 02:50 AM.
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