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A Love Letter To Piglet ( Epic Length )

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  • A Love Letter To Piglet ( Epic Length )

    Apologies for my hiatus, it was not intentional. Our email server at work choked so everything I emailed home to post last week never came through. So I couldn't get at it again till I came back to work.

    Thus I have a backlog of misery here I must get too that will hopefully fit into a single post. -.-


    Me: “Ok, that comes to $284 and should take about 2 weeks to arrive.”
    SC: “Where does it go?”
    Me: “….I’m sorry?”
    SC: “Does it come in the mail?”
    Me: “..yes.”

    I’m not precisely sure how you expected it to arrive. I mean, I know a few years back we shipped everything by loading it into a Styrofoam beer cooler from Walmart, duct taping it closed, leashing it to a husky and just shoving him out a door that faced north. But those days are long gone my friend. These days we’ve upgraded our shipping to your service area to “Shoved out of a plane at low altitude”. Though in honour of our company’s history we still leash it to a husky. But we’re trying to phase that out as it’s not really economically viable. Why do you think shipping costs so much to Nunavut? Huskies aren’t like cats you know, they don’t really land on their feet that often. Especially when they’re coming in at terminal velocity towards the broadside of a mobile home.


    Me: “Good evening, <company>-“
    SC: “….gwaaarrrrgggyyyaaa….”

    Oh oh, wait, I learned a bit of your language last week. How do you say it again…..oh right! PWAH!


    SC: “The element in my oven broke off, I’m worried it might be a fire risk!”
    Me: “Ok, well it’ll have to wait till morning. I would just turn it off for this evening and maintenance can help you in the morning.”
    SC: “I’m not finished cooking yet! How am I suppose to feed my kids!?!”
    Me: “Unfortunately we can’t send someone to fix it this late at night.”
    SC: “So how am I suppose to feed my kids!? I have 7 kids!!!”
    ( 7!? In an 2 bedroom apartment!? Holy maple shitsticks, woman. )
    Me: “Well, unfortunately the maintenance guy is only on call for emergencies this late at night. For a broken appliance it will have to wait till morning.”
    SC: “How I suppose to feed my kids then!?!?!”
    ( How are your children my responsibility? )
    Me: “Unfortunately there’s not much else I can do for you. If you’re worried it’s a fire hazard then I’d turn it off to be on the safe side.”
    SC: “You’d let your kids starve?!!?”
    ( No, I’d make something else. Or order out. But hell, my kids wouldn’t be up at 11pm on a weekday anyway. Oh, and I wouldn’t have *7* of them. )
    Me: “…….ok, we-“
    SC: “I’ll just keep using it and call you when it catches on fire.”

    Your priorities intrigue me. So you’re saying that having your kids go hungry for half an hour waiting for Domino's outweighs burning down your entire apartment building and potentially killing or maiming your children and/or neighbours?

    Still...7 kids in a 2 bedroom apartment.....Christ. I should send the maintenance guy to tie your legs together.


    Me: “I only have that item in XL”
    SC: “You don’t have it in medium?”

    That’s what “only” implied. I know, I know, “only” is on the list of words that there doesn’t seem to be an equivalent for in your dialect. Right alongside “No”, “address”, “phone”, “number”, “alcoholism” and “literacy”.

    Cardboard Liaisons

    On my way in this evening, at 29th Avenue Station, I bore witness to a man. A man holding an empty cardboard box. He was….serenading the box….in a rather intoxicated fashion. “All my love is for you” or some such. I’m not entirely sure why he was serenading a box or where he found the box. He did have a small audience watching his performance as he confessed his throbbing feelings for the box. But he was definitely rather enamored with his cardboard lover. S

    till, it’s never wise to confess your feelings in the midst of a drunken episode. Because you know he’s going to wake up this morning in bed, naked and hung over with an arm around a badly crumpled heap of slightly damp cardboard. That’s when the regret….and the, er, chafing….will start to sink in.

    Damned if you do, damned if you don't...

    Me: “and your last name please?”
    SC: “It’s Blazgergin.”
    Me: “and how do you spell that, please?”
    SC: “B-L-A-<mumble gibber> G-E-<mumble>”
    Me: “B-L-A-Z-E-R-G-I-N?”
    SC: “No no no no no NO, <dramatic sigh>. Its B-L-A-Z-GGGGGG-E-RRRRR-G-I-N”
    Me: “Ok, so B-L-A-Z-G-E-R-G-I-N?”
    SC: “Yes!”
    Me: “Ok, and can I have your postal code please?”
    SC: “It’s XXX-XXX”
    Me: “Alright, an-“
    SC: “Do you have my name right!?!?”
    Me: “….B-L-A-Z-G-E-R-G-I-N?”
    SC: “Yeah.”

    Ok, two things for you to consider, Skippyfuck McDrama:

    Number 1)
    Repeating and verifying everything is one of the golden rules of being a CSR. It helps me avoid having incorrect information. Because of it I just avoided incorrectly spelling your name on your order. Which would have ultimately resulted in a problem with the credit card company and the delay or abject failure if your order.

    Number 2)
    It is not my fault you were named after some sort of ancient Sumerian goat demon whose name is somewhat difficult to spell after being painstakingly translated to English. This is why I tried to verify the name with you. In fact, it was rather foolish of you to demand that I verify it not once, but twice. Because for all we know the key to summoning him from beyond and visiting his darkness upon the defenseless lives of our fragile world is saying his name 3 times out loud.


    Why? That’s all I can ask at this point. Why? Why is a hat so important to you that you’ll gladly pay $40 shipping on a $45 hat? Are hats really that critical to society up there? It’s all you guys order. Hats and pants. Now, pants aren’t really optional ( Despite some of your unsettling demonstrations to the contrary ), but hats are. So why? Why is it so vital? Does Nunavut have some sort of caste system that’s determined entirely by the size and value of your hat? How exactly do you calculate your worth in society based on the hat anyhow? Are extra points given for certain colours or patterns?

    Its reassuring to know that should I ever lose my mind and travel to Nunavut I need only pack a pink camo cap to be considered part of the ruling elite. On the surface the prospect of being able to rule over an entire territory might sound rather impressive. But when you get right down to it, even under my cunning guidance there’s not much you can accomplish with a huddled group barely a few hundred strong that would require several days worth of one on one tutoring to overcome any task more complex then getting the straw into a juice box.

    Good Stuff

    You know, you were nowhere near as interesting or as entertaining as the conversation occurring in the background behind you. Which went as follows:

    “Hey, get the cherry Nyquil!”
    “Yeah, that’s the GOOD STUFF!”

    Damn straight, Nyquil’s what? 10% proof? That’s like vodka. Red, syrupy vodka. Red vodka that provides a taste sensation similar to picking up a gerbil, flipping it over and slowly licking it from sack to snout. But then that’s not much different from vodka anyhow.

    Press Start To Play

    Me: “Good evening, <company>, how may I help you?”
    SC: “Hello?”
    Me: “Hi.”
    SC: “Hello?”
    Me: “Hi, can I help you?”
    SC: “It’sa me!”


    ( All the mail is delivered to boxes up there, hence we ask. )

    Me: “Ok, and your box number please?”
    SC: “Box? Like my mail?”
    Me: “…yes.”
    SC: “Box #8.”

    What other box would I be speaking of? I know you have many in your life such as the magic box that brings you moving pictures of Danger Bay or the magic box that keeps your beer cold. But seeing as we’re talking about shipping an item to you then yes, I’m referring to mail or as you may know it better: The magic box in which the <company> catalogue first appeared in one fateful day that led to our tragic meeting.


    Me: “Alright, that comes to $434 and should take about two weeks to arrive.”
    SC: “That’s it? That’s all I have to do?”
    Me: “….yes.”
    SC: “Just phone?”
    Me: “…yes.”

    Yes, just phone. That’s all you have to do. Just phone then two weeks later it will just magically arrive. Because I am a goddamn Houdini.


    Me: “Ok, anything else?”
    SC: “Wait!”
    Me: “Ok.”
    SC: “I hafta turn the page……”
    Me: “…..ok”
    SC: “……”
    Me: “……”

    Hey, do you mind if I take a break and run down to Subway? It seems like this will take a while and I don’t want to rush you or anything. Just keep at it for 15 minutes or so there, I’ll be rooting for you, ok? Great, be right back.

    A Love Letter to Piglet

    Dear Piglet,

    When I attempted to enter 7/11 this evening… were blocking the doorway. Why? Because you were taking to your friend/boyfriend/man creature/thing you let in your vagina. I’m not sure exactly, he was scruffy, vacant eyed and had hiking gear. Sort of like Shaggy from Scooby Doo but without a driver’s license. Anyway, annoyed, I maneuvered around you and your man shaped chew toy and began my harvesting.

    But after I got my precious Coke Zero from the cooler…I turned around and there you were again, blocking my way, talking to Shaggy. Again, I slipped around your rotund form and went about my shopping. All was well until I went for my chips…..which you, and Shaggy, were standing in front of. I’m not sure what sort of muffin topped stumpy raver wannabe human roadblock you are endeavoring to become, but you tire me, little piglet. But I persevered and was able to obtained my chips.

    Shortly thereafter I moved to pay for my purchases….and yes, there you were again, with Shaggy, blocking my way. You weren’t in line, no, that would make sense. You just felt the need to block the entire space from the register to the coffee machines thus forcing everyone in the store to walk the long way around.

    I don’t know if this is your purpose in life or if you believe you’ve been directed by some sort of pot induced divine messenger that communicates with you via your Rice Crispies, but you are in my way and you are annoying me. My patience is vast when on the clock, but limited when operating on my own free time as I must save it up during the day, much like a camel storing moisture, before I make the long desert trek across my shift.

    What’s my point you ask? I have none really. But if you do so insist on making getting in the way your life’s work, then may I suggest, and fervently hope, that you attempt to heed this calling in front of a bus at your earliest convenience.

    - Gravekeeper

    Mental Imagery

    SC: “Ok, and one more name.”
    Me: “Alright.”
    SC: “Riiiinnnnngoooooo~”

    I’m torn between making a Beatles reference and making a “Riiiicoooolaaaa~” reference. Thus I shall merely sit here and picture a Swiss guy in suspenders with a bowl cut yelling obscenities from the bridge of a yellow submersible of some sort.


    Me: “and what colour would you like?”
    SC: “Grey Camu”

    Ahh…camu again is it. I assume that its CAMU PWAH! ( See? I’m learning the language. ) that allows you to elude the polar bears, sea lions and whatever other 500+ lb arctic killing machines roam the streets at night up there. Of course, considering the scenery of your local community grey probably isn’t the past choice for camouflage if you’re really trying to blend into your surroundings. Let me see if we have any shirts or jackets that look like an old truck engine up on cinderblocks with empty beer cans on the sleeves.

    I Hate You and Your Kind

    Me: “Alright, you should receive the lottery tickets in about 2-3 weeks.”
    SC: “Along with the money?”
    Me: “….pardon?”
    SC: “I’m just being silly!”

    You seem to have “silly” mixed up with “asshat that thinks he’s funny”. It’s a common mistake.


    SC: “What’s your name?”
    Me: “Gravekeeper."
    SC: “What’s your name?!”
    Me: “It’s Gravekeeper.”
    Me: “My name is Gravekeeper.”
    SC: “Gravekeeper?”
    Me: “Yes.”

    That’s right, Gravekeeper. G-R-A-V-E-K-E-E-P-E-R. Not to be confused with “Na na! I’m not telling, kiss my ass peckerstump!” as you seem to be doing.

    Service Area

    Me: “Main dispatch gets in at 8am pacific.”
    SC: “8am pacific? Ok, so that’s around 1pm eastern…ok, I’ll call back.”

    ….well, no. Not quite. That would actually put you somewhere around….let’s see here…..Ammassalik, Greenland. In which case I’m afraid we don’t do support for Greenland. Better luck next time.


    Me: “and your postal code please?”
    SC: “Postal code…..we just moved here so I don’t know it… you really need it?”

    No, not really. I can successfully deliver mail using little more than hopes and wishes alone. A postal code is just a formality. Don’t worry about it.

    Riddle me This

    Me: “Ok, and what is your name, please?”
    SC: “It’s xxx-xxx-“
    Me: “Ok, but what is your name, please?”
    SC: “Oh…..uh…….um……..<click>”

    For truly I am a master of riddles.


    You know, every night when I come to work, there’s a homeless guy right in front of London Drugs sitting against the pole. Well, tonight…..they opened a hot dog stand *right* next to the guy. Literally 2 feet away. That’s a level of evil that even I can’t quite aspire too. Yet, anyway. Perhaps someday I too can attain that level of malice, but not just yet. I still have a few shreds of empathy left. It’ll take a few more years in this industry to get rid of the pesky things. Until then, I can only look on in awe and envy.

    Save vs Stun

    ( Passing a call to an American tech )

    Me: “Ok, the call is from at <company> in Toronto.”
    SC: “Ok.”
    Me: “The number is xxx-xxx-xxxx”
    SC: “Great. Did you get a country code?”
    Me: “……..pardon?”
    SC: “Its in Toronto, did you get the country code for Canada?”
    Me: “…….”
    SC: “…….”
    Me: “…….1?”
    SC: “Great, thanks.”

    ………wow, that caught me completely out of left field. I thought I was pretty much immune to stupid questions by now. Apparently I grew lax and overconfident. Hell, I think that popped a blood vessel in my head. Great, now I have a nosebleed. I hope you’re happy.

    New Rule
    ( The ID lets us bring up their name, address, etc and basically cuts call length down to a mere 30 seconds from 2-3 minutes. )

    Ok, time out. You know what? New rule, you shouldn’t even be allowed to call for lottery tickets and speak with a live operator after 11pm if:

    1) You don’t have a VIP ID, don’t know where it is, forgot it or simply don’t care to go get it.
    2) You’re over 100 years old.
    3) You have me on speaker phone.
    4) You don’t know what your postal code is.
    5) You’re not sure where you can find it.
    6) You have leave the room for a few minutes to rummage around to locate it.
    7) The entire time you’re going “Doo dee doo~”
    8) You’re not even quite sure what your phone number is.
    9) That too required a separate investigation.

    If any of this sounds like you ( Or ALL of it, God help me that was a painful call ) then please, don’t call till after 7am. Spare me.


    Me: “Good evening, <company>“
    SC: “Is this Surrey Memorial Hospital?”
    Me: “No, sorry. You have the wrong number.”
    SC: “Oh….do you know the right number?”
    Me: “….no, sorry.”

    Sorry you’re an idiot. I really am. But in my defense there’s very little I can do about that short of constructing a time machine, obtaining a teaching degree and loading it down with 12 grades worth of course material and giving you 12 years of my life in an effort to make the world a better place. An objective I could probably accomplish much easier by “accidentally” nudging you in front of a oncoming bus. It’d only cost me 4-6 years too if I get a decent lawyer.



    Well, that sentence tells me everything I need to know about exactly where the problem lies, thank you.

    Damn, post too long....
    Last edited by Gravekeeper; 03-29-2008, 07:38 AM. Reason: !!!

  • #2

    Dictionary Definition

    Me: “Ok, and the credit card number please?”
    SC: “It’s like 55- something.”
    Me: “….”
    SC: “….”

    We are not off to a promising start, my friend. I realize the credit card question is one of the more complex questions, and in all honesty, it does come rather early in the epic struggle that is placing an order. However, everyone else this evening has managed to clear the hurdle without any particular difficulty.

    Oh, and just to make this more fun, you want to order 8 tickets for yourself and 3 tickets for your sister. You both have different addresses but you want both on your card.

    SC: “I don’t know her postal code. It’s not that important, right? I’ll just give you the address.”

    Oddly enough, the postal code IS part of the address. What you are offering me is only part of the address. Merely a component of the address. You are offering me only the Blue and Red Lion, and asking me to form Voltron. It doesn’t work that way and I have little chance of defeating the rampaging Robeast threatening the universe with what you’re giving me to work with.

    Me: “and her phone number please?”
    SC: “Why do you need her phone number?”
    Me: “We need contact information for her so we can notify her if she wins for example.”
    SC: “Ohhhh, I know the deal. You just want her info so you can send her sh*t all year.”
    Me: “No, we just need a method of contacting her should there be a problem or we need to notify her of winning a prize.”
    SC: “If she wins you can just tell me and I’ll tell her. I know what the deal here is. I know what you’re up too and how you work.”
    Me: “…..”

    Yes, for truly I am trying to lure your poor sister into my devious machinations. I was merely a phone number away from whisking her off in the night and corrupting her with our foul intentions. Weeks later, on the night of the full moon, she shall reemerge from her cocoon as a vile queen of darkness and walk the world, feeding on the veins( and lottery tickets ) of the living. The streets shall run red with blood and scratch n’ wins.

    However, due to your keen insight, our plans have been foiled. So…er….curses, foiled again, or something.

    SC: “So that’s 8 for me and 3 for her. Now what does that all add up too, hmm?”
    ( 8 is $250, 3 is $100 )
    Me: “…..”
    SC: “…..”
    Me: “350?”
    SC: “Very good!”

    You know, there’s a word for people like you…..what was it again…’s on the tip of my tongue…..wait, lemme check the dictionary. Oh, right:

    ass•hole (ās'hōl')
    n. Vulgar Slang

    1. The anus.
    2. A thoroughly contemptible, detestable person.
    3. The most miserable or undesirable place in a particular area.

    Now, which definition applies to you, hmm? Heck, actually, now that I look you have a 2 in 3 shot at this.


    Me: “and your first name?”
    SC: “Silvia”
    Me: “Ok, i-“
    SC: “IT IS I!”
    Me: “…ok.”

    I assume you mean it’s “Silvia” not “Sylvia”. I assume anyway. Because I don’t normally assume ( Right away, anyway ) that my callers are batshit crazy.

    Me: “Ok, and your postal code?”
    SC: “XXX XXX”
    Me: “In Vancouver?”
    SC: “Yes, that’s V-A-N-C-O-U-V-E-R”
    Me: “Ok, a-“
    SC: “IT IS I!”

    I’m slowly suspecting that my assumptions may have in fact been incorrect. However, your random proclamations still baffle me.. Perhaps if you tried adding “Zorro!” or “Don Carnage!” to the end of them it might make a bit more sense. Grammatically at least.

    Thank you, God
    ( It was deadline night, 20 calls in queue of people calling at the last minute to order something they had the last 3 months to order. Like I said an ID can cut a call down to 30 seconds from 2-3 minutes. So we <3 them. )

    Me: “Do you have an ID Number?”
    Caller: “Why yes, yes I do!”

    You would be the only one in the last HOUR to possess such a thing. If only there was some way I could show my appreciation for being the oasis in the middle of this fuckwit desert. But alas, I am bound to my desk and cannot leave. However, if you wish you may drive down to the office and I shall take a 5 minute break to come downstairs and kiss your feet.

    But I warn you, this offer, much like the contest its related too, expires at midnight. After which the carriage of my momentary lapse into goodwill shall turn back into a pumpkin of my dark, ever present resentment of humanity.

    Ok then.

    Me: "Good evening, <company>"
    SC: “Hey, do you know who Antoine Guy is?!”
    Me: “No I don’t, sorry.”
    SC: “Well, he can kick Bruce Lee’s ass!”
    Me: "Ok then."

    I’ll keep that in mind.

    Thus I am caught up and the backlog of misery is clear. -.-
    Last edited by Gravekeeper; 03-29-2008, 07:33 AM.


    • #3
      Your job makes mine seem happy and fun.
      But at least its good for a laugh...?
      Things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do. I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew,that someday it would bring me back to you.


      • #4
        Holy shit, Gravekeeper, that was one hell of a post(s)! And of COURSE the email system would fail as you were gathering this collection of brain-shattering ineptitude. Gratz on surviving this round; are you and CRML related? You both seem to attract an inordinate amount of SC traffic on AND off the clock...
        Last edited by karath; 03-29-2008, 08:31 AM. Reason: Took a lot longer than a week for GK to collect this post!
        Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


        • #5
          OOO!! I wanna mail order husky! Please be kind enough to send it the vicinity of the western desert of the United States.
          "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

          ...Beware the voice without a face...


          • #6
            Gravekeeper, that post was so long I actually went and got snacks in the middle of it.

            Not that I'm complaining. Next time I'll check the post length and get popcorn if need be.
            "If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?" - Gerard Way


            • #7
              For some reason your posts make me want to call you... it's a rather weird temptation but perhaps it's an attempt to make an easy call transaction I wish for you. Don't worry, I don't know where to call but just thing: somewhere out there, there is someone trying to make an order easy for you but they just don't call....f***ing figures...
              When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

                Why? That’s all I can ask at this point. Why? Why is a hat so important to you that you’ll gladly pay $40 shipping on a $45 hat? Are hats really that critical to society up there?
                At the risk of defending NoneOfIt, in weather where the fareinheit numbers are lower than the celcius ones and you're getting the sled dogs a- mushin', having something to cover the ears isn't a bad idea.

                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                Press Start To Play

                Me: “Good evening, <company>, how may I help you?”
                SC: “Hello?”
                Me: “Hi.”
                SC: “Hello?”
                Me: “Hi, can I help you?”
                SC: “It’sa me!”

                Usa silly. Itsa me, Jar Jar!


                • #9
                  Quoth karath View Post
                  Gratz on surviving this round; are you and CRML related? You both seem to attract an inordinate amount of SC traffic on AND off the clock...
                  No, well, not that I'm aware of anyway. I already have one twin on here. ><

                  Quoth thehippie777
                  Don't worry, I don't know where to call but just thing: somewhere out there, there is someone trying to make an order easy for you but they just don't call....f***ing figures...
                  Honestly with the myriad of accounts I wouldn't be surprised if someone here has talked to me or my company unknowingly. -.-

                  Quoth Gundigarn
                  At the risk of defending NoneOfIt, in weather where the fareinheit numbers are lower than the celcius ones and you're getting the sled dogs a- mushin', having something to cover the ears isn't a bad idea.
                  They only order caps. I don't think we even carry hats that cover the ears. Its all caps.


                  • #10
                    Still...7 kids in a 2 bedroom apartment.....Christ.
                    Maye they have 2 sets of bunkbeds in each room, and a sofa bed.
                    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Ree View Post
                      Maye they have 2 sets of bunkbeds in each room, and a sofa bed.
                      Well, I mean I can see how you' them with that much space. But they definitely wouldn't be free range chickens so to speak. -.-


                      • #12
                        Yeah, and in those tight quarters, one would wonder how there got to be 7 kids in the first place, right?
                        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                        • #13

                          I hope you're happy with yourself, I really do.

                          I'd just finished eating my lunch and started to read your post (see, no rule #1 violations here) however the constant strain whilst laughing nearly caused me to throw up, so thank you, you've just ruined what was a rather nice turkey sandwich!
                          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                            Me: “Ok, and your box number please?”
                            SC: “Box? Like my mail?”
                            "No sir, I was hoping to court your beautiful wife in an alcohol induced stupor. She really turns my crank..."

                            Also, I have Piglet's mutant power. No, seriously, I do, whenever someone is trying to do something important, I show up, and obstruct them. Seriously. I do. I'm always in the way.
                            "I call murder on that!"


                            • #15
                              Quoth Gravekeeper
                              Damn straight, Nyquil’s what? 10% proof? That’s like vodka. Red, syrupy vodka. Red vodka that provides a taste sensation similar to picking up a gerbil, flipping it over and slowly licking it from sack to snout.
                              OMG I love this

