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And people wonder why I drink...

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  • And people wonder why I drink...

    There was a special kind of stupid in the air this weekend.

    1 + 3 =

    SC asks for four drinks. I make them.

    Me: That will be £x.xx.
    SC: I asked for four drinks! Why have you only made three??
    Me: Sir...are you counting the drink in your hand?
    SC: Oh....

    I hate that hotel Part One

    Yeah, so many of you know our bar is next door to a hotel.

    SC: I need a taxi to <hotel>
    Me: It's right next door sir. Just walk out our doors, turn right, you can't miss it.
    SC: But I need a taxi.
    Me: Okkaaay.

    I give him a taxi number. He rings up. Taxi firm also tells him he doesn't need a taxi and refuses to send him one.

    SC: I need a taxi to <hotel>!!
    Me: Sir, it is literally thirty seconds walk from here! Just walk out the door and you'll see it! It's right above us!
    SC: I need a taxi.

    He rang the taxi company again...and again...and again...

    He was still in the bar when we closed. He stepped outside to make another call. We locked the door behind him. He still couldn't figure out where the hotel was.

    I hate that hotel Part Two

    Large hen party comes in.

    SC: Excuse me, but one of our party is in a wheel chair. We aren't guests at the hotel, but do you think it would be OK if we used the car park?
    Me: Oh...I think you would have to ask the hotel about that. It is not our car park, and we're not the hotel.
    SC: You're not listening! My friend is in a wheelchair!
    Me: I know, but it is not our car park! You have to go next door and speak to whoever is in reception.
    SC: My friend is in a wheelchair. The car has to be parked near by.
    Me: OK, well you should go ask them then.

    She goes to the hotel. The hotel car park is full. Somehow this is my fault. At this point, the lady is stood up in the middle of the bar yelling at me.

    SC: She is in a wheelchair! Where are we going to park the car?
    Me: I am really sympathetic, but it is not my fault. There are plenty of places to park nearby...

    I directed her to a car park.

    Later, woman in wheelchair has arrived. She is not handicapped. She has a huge cast on her leg and has crutches. She got extremelly drunk and tried to dance.

    I hate that hotel Part Three

    SC: How much does it cost for a room?
    Me: I don't know. The hotel is just next door...
    SC: But you're next door to a hotel. How can you not know how much it is?
    Me: Because I don't work there...

    Cook your own damn food!

    I knew this lady was going to be trouble. It was really busy and she asked me for table service, which we don't do. I had to decline and she got extremelly pissed off. She ordered her food...a steak, medium.

    SC: Excuse me. I ordered this medium. It's too well done for me.
    Me: OK I'm sorry. Would you like me to get them to prepare you a new one?
    SC: Yes.

    Get the kitchen to prepare a new one. I give it to SC. She returns.

    SC: I wanted this MED-I-UM! You know...medium! There is too much blood on this!
    Me: OK I'll get them to put it on the grill for a bit longer.
    SC: No! I want a completely new one.

    We tried again. The steak was perfect this time. Nothing wrong with it. I take it out.

    SC: I'm not hungry anymore. You've made me lose my appitite.

    I literally had to stop the chef from walking outside the kitchen and slapping her.

    First ever race complaint

    I have NEVER had a race complaint in my bar. I've noticed that race complaints always seem to appear in the US, but rarely in stories from the UK.

    SC: Excuse me! I've been waiting to be served here for five minutes!

    There were about 100 customers at the bar.

    Me: I'm sorry, we'll get to you as soon as it's your turn.
    SC: Do you want to know the difference between me and the other customers?
    Me: ....
    SC: I'm BLACK! That's why you won't serve me!

    I look down the bar. There were Chinese, Polish and other black people being served.

    Me: No. That is your insecurity. I am now not going to serve you because you are rude.

    I didn't serve him and he left. I have never been called a racist before, and he was not getting away with it.

    I'm not working! Leave me alone!

    I finished my shift and got changed. A few of us decided to stay and have a few drinks to wind down. Now, I am sat in jeans, t-shirt, have my bag over my shoulder and have a beer in one hand.

    SC: Excuse me. These fries are cold. I want new ones.
    Me: Oh...well I'm not actually working...if you go to the bar someone will sort you out.
    SC: Lazy, good for nothing....

    She wandered off.

  • #2
    You know, I feel your pain.

    The title of your thread made me laugh out loud. I actually say that on a regular basis. That, and "Nobody ever fking listens to me."

    One or the other of these sayings will probably be on my headstone.


    • #3
      Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
      I finished my shift and got changed. A few of us decided to stay and have a few drinks to wind down. Now, I am sat in jeans, t-shirt, have my bag over my shoulder and have a beer in one hand.

      SC: Excuse me. These fries are cold. I want new ones.
      Me: Oh...well I'm not actually working...if you go to the bar someone will sort you out.
      SC: Lazy, good for nothing....

      She wandered off.
      Yup, I've had that happen. We have one lady that comes in that's pretty much "uber-bitch".

      She was yelling at ANY employee that walked by, the concourse guy (who can't do anything), my co-worker who just walked in the door to start his shift (who had no idea what was going on), the mechanic (who told her in no uncertain terms "go **** yourself"), and finally a manager (who told her 'no').

      My shift ended, I walked into the back to clock out, I guess she saw me, cause when I came back she was waiting, and starts going off. I just took off my work shirt and kept walking, she was still yelling when I walked out the door (something to the affect of "Don't just walk away from me!")... I just laughed (audibly) at her.
      <Insert clever signature here>


      • #4
        Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
        SC asks for four drinks. I make them.

        Me: That will be £x.xx.
        SC: I asked for four drinks! Why have you only made three??
        Me: Sir...are you counting the drink in your hand?
        SC: Oh....
        Pardon me a moment while I point and laugh at the SC.

        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
          There was a special kind of stupid in the air this weekend.

          1 + 3 =

          SC asks for four drinks. I make them.

          Me: That will be £x.xx.
          SC: I asked for four drinks! Why have you only made three??
          Me: Sir...are you counting the drink in your hand?
          SC: Oh....
          Rule number 1! Besides, SC's can't do simple math, come on... only math they know is subtraction!

          You know... subtract this from real cost, subtract this cuz it should be on sale...

          I guess if you have to explain it, it's a bad joke...

          I'll be in my corner if you need me.
          Carpe Jugulum : Go for the throat.


          • #6
            Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
            Pardon me a moment while I point and laugh at the SC.

            Hey, don't laugh... I can see myself doing that

            (though I'd probably be more confused rather than confrontational... but still lol)
            <Insert clever signature here>


            • #7
              Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
              Me: No. That is your insecurity. I am now not going to serve you because you are rude.

              I didn't serve him and he left. I have never been called a racist before, and he was not getting away with it.
              Nicely done.


              • #8
                Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
                Me: That will be £x.xx.
                SC: I asked for four drinks! Why have you only made three??
                Me: Sir...are you counting the drink in your hand?
                SC: Oh....
                At what point do you cut someone off?

                If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                • #9
                  Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
                  I literally had to stop the chef from walking outside the kitchen and slapping her.
                  ummm..... why?

                  Me: No. That is your insecurity. I am now not going to serve you because you are rude.

                  Bravo! Bravo! Encore!!!
                  When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


                  • #10
                    Quoth Slytovhand View Post
                    ummm..... why?

                    She wasted food ... three steaks to be exact ... and then she refused to eat any of them when there wasn't really anything wrong with them in the first place ... The chef probably had to throw them all away.

                    In my eyes (and obviously the chef's), its extremely rude and self-centered. It's one thing to send food back when it's not cooked to your liking, but it's another to have a completely new steak pulled out and cooked again - only to have the customer turn their nose up at it.


                    As for the other SC's - This type of thing doesn't happen every weekend does it? It'd almost be great to pull up a seat and simply watch the stupidity!
                    This area is left blank for a reason.


                    • #11
                      Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
                      She wasted food ... three steaks to be exact ... and then she refused to eat any of them when there wasn't really anything wrong with them in the first place ... The chef probably had to throw them all away.

                      In my eyes (and obviously the chef's), its extremely rude and self-centered. It's one thing to send food back when it's not cooked to your liking, but it's another to have a completely new steak pulled out and cooked again - only to have the customer turn their nose up at it.

                      Actually, I think Slyt was questioning why the OP held the cook back from slapping the SC. Meaning, she should have let the cook at her!

                      I mght be wrong, though. Feel free to correct me, Slyt.
                      "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                      • #12
                        Quoth Lingering Grin View Post
                        Hey, don't laugh... I can see myself doing that
                        I stand by my smiley. In general, though. Maybe not in particular.
                        Unseen but seeing
                        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                        3rd shift needs love, too
                        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                        • #13
                          Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
                          I hate that hotel Part Three

                          SC: How much does it cost for a room?
                          Me: I don't know. The hotel is just next door...
                          SC: But you're next door to a hotel. How can you not know how much it is?
                          Me: Because I don't work there...
                          Thank you for not even trying with this one. I can only imagine the poor clerk at the hotel dealing with the SC who had a guaranteed quote from an employee. Guaranteed as in "I have no idea, I think it might be somewhere in the range of $xxx"
                          Quoth = Crossbow "EvilHomer, Irv, Gravekeeper, and Seraph: the Four Horsemen of the Dumbpocalypse."


                          • #14
                            Quoth Peppergirl View Post
                            Actually, I think Slyt was questioning why the OP held the cook back from slapping the SC. Meaning, she should have let the cook at her!

                            I mght be wrong, though. Feel free to correct me, Slyt.
                            No no.. quite right!
                            When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


                            • #15
                              This week's cartoon may just be related to this thread...


