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You shortchange me, you shortchange yourself!

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  • You shortchange me, you shortchange yourself!

    Hey everyone...I barely post anything so here's a short one from drive-through hell:

    I've had a few teenagers come through and try to give me the significantly wrong amount of money after I tell them the total...not too sucky, more like slightly irritating, but I always wonder what's going through their heads. Either: a) they think I'm stupid and I won't notice, b) they can't count or are too lazy to figure it out, or c) they think I'll just be cool and say okay. (Not to say anything about teenagers in general...there are many pleasant and intelligent ones that come by too.) Anyway I'll share this gem.

    Car full of 16-17 year old boys orders several frappucinos, maybe 3 or 4, which tends to rack up the bill pretty fast. (Somehow this always shocks people.) So here I am at the register.

    LB: Lazy boy driving the car
    Me: Your lovely barista ^_^

    Me: Hi, your total is $13.37.
    LB: *rifles through a pile of singles for several minutes* Um, what is it?
    Me: $13.37.
    LB: *continues playing with his money*.....okay, what is it again?
    Me: *patiently shuffling my feet* $13.37.

    LB after several more minutes triumphantly hands dollars.

    Me: Okay, you gave me seven dollars. It's $13.37.
    LB: *cue much sighing and rolling of eyes, finally produces a 10 which he had all along* Can you just give me four dollars back? (Yeah, nice try.)
    Me: *stoneface* Sure.

    I gave him three back, put 63 cents in the tip jar and laughed my ass off. Small victory. But seriously, what the hell?

  • #2
    They were attempting to give you the old Jedi Mind


    • #3
      argh, the dreaded frappucino, bane of my workplace.

      it's the most expensive drink you can order, per size, of anything we offer, and as belljar stated, people are always shocked at the price, even if they order the same thing all the time (not including add ons).

      bah; if i ever meet the little *bleep* that created it, he and i will have a talk...
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #4
        Yeah I DETEST making loads of cold drinks for teenagers. They love changing their minds a half-dozen times while you're making their drinks.

        You should try working for my coffee chain--we have these lovely "snowdrifts" that come in mint or oreo flavor. The oreo ones have 5 ingredients, plus two toppings, and of course, all the young kids and preteens love the damn things.

        Whoever invented our "snowdrifts" is going to receive my boot in their ass, should I ever find them....
        Here's your sign...


        • #5
          Sounds like someone was inspired by DQ's Blizzard.
          The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


          • #6
            /me runs and hides his frappacino(sp) fix.

            man, i love those things. But i never get pissy about the price. i know they're damned expensive. but i like ice coffee


            • #7
              I've never had a job where I could just put in the register whatever cash the customer felt like handing over.

              What did this idiot think you were going to do when he offered $7 on a $13.xx tab? Haggle with him until the two of you reached a compromise of $10?

              If the register shows a $13.xx transaction, then there better be $13.xx in the till. Or I'm about to be fired.

              This is where you're within your rights to push him. "Why are you offering $7? You owe me $13.xx." No giving them the slightest impression that you'll accept a penny less than the full amount.


              • #8
                Quoth CorDarei View Post
                /me runs and hides his frappacino(sp)<snip> but i like ice coffee
                THAT IS NOT COFFEE-that is ice and sugar, not coffee.
                Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                • #9
                  Personally, I'm fond of DQ's Mocha Moolatte. If I go to Starbuck's, I tend to favor a Chai Latte or something like that. I don't go to Starbuck's very often, though.
                  The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

                  Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


                  • #10
                    It's not officially on their list, but if you add three or four shots of toffee nut flavoring to a strawberries and cream frappacino (sp) it tastes like Crunchberries.

                    It's uncanny, somewhat disturbing and totally delicious!
                    I don't like your attitude!
                    Yeah? Well you're not EATING my attitude!


                    • #11
                      Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                      THAT IS NOT COFFEE-that is ice and sugar, not coffee.
                      Mine is by the time I add anywhere between 4 and 6 extra shots to it. Monster Coffee I call it. Don't get it often but when I do that's what goes in it.


                      • #12
                        I had the jedi mind trick used a week ago! The total was like $7 and the kids counting I'm half paying attention because Im going to recount as soon as he hands it over. I hear 1...2...3...4.....(real long pause)...6...7 Ok is it just me or did 5 get lost some where. Sure enough he was a dollar short.


                        • #13
                          The other day I had a guy order a large iced coffee with 20 shots of syrup! that's $6 worth of syrup the cup was half full of it. After adding the cream there was barely room for coffee.


                          • #14
                            Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                            THAT IS NOT COFFEE-that is ice and sugar, not coffee.
                   and sugar.


                            • #15
                              Quoth EmilyRose1982 View Post
                              ...Whoever invented our "snowdrifts" is going to receive my boot in their ass, should I ever find them....
                              But they're soooooo gooood...

