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you can't change you name just because you feel like it.

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  • you can't change you name just because you feel like it.

    making this short because of something that will come up later in the story.

    SC comes in, no claim ticket for her film I ask her for her name, she gives it to me C____. spells it out. I spell it back, look in the drawer,

    sorry there is no film under that last last name, maybe under your first name C____. nope. not there either.

    SC snarls, my last name is G___ I turn and say "wait you just told me, C____ for the first and C____ for the last."
    at the time my hand and fingers are in the A-D drawer holding it slightly open as it is heavy and weighted to close on it's own, and designed that only one drawer can open at a time to save from one person opening the drawer over another.

    The SC reaches over the counter and shuts the drawer to open the E-J drawer CRUSHING MY FINGERS on my left hand, because her tiny shove combined with the weight of the drawer gives it enough speed and mass to give all my fingertips a lovely purple hue.

    and then she is confused as to why I walked away from her and my coworker who screamed and tried to stop the drawer from closing had to finish helping the SC.
    When she explained that I likely had a few broken fingers all the woman could say was she was sorry BUT she was in a hurry and I was asking "Stupid questions"

  • #2
    When she explained that I likely had a few broken fingers all the woman could say was she was sorry BUT she was in a hurry and I was asking "Stupid questions"
    Holy crap! I'm not sure you could've called the cops on that ... but, I'd have been tempted.

    She at least deserves to have her phone number publicly posted at ... free phone sex, just dial 725-555-1234.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      I get that often at work. A customer places a cake order, besides, flavors, decorations, etc, we get what they want written on it and the name of the person ordering it.

      When it comes time to pick it up...
      Me: How can I help you?
      SC: I need to pick up a cake.
      Me: what name was it ordered under?
      SC: Dave
      Me: Okay, one minute. *after searching thru the order slips, which on look like this

      Clerk name:
      Order date:
      custoemr Name:

      i find no cake for Dave* You said Dave, correct?
      SC: Well the cake says Happy B-day Dave, but it was ordered under, Smith.
      Me: Ok. finds slip, goes in fridge and gets cake. and gives to cust.


      • #4
        We have a similar issue at my job with birthday parties. The person renting the rooms has a different last name than the birthday kid, so there's a few minutes of confusion till we figure out which rental it is. On a semi-related note, who the hell let's there kid go to a birthday party without even knowing the last name of the birthday kid? Hell some people that come in to pick their kids up at the end of the day, don't even know the first name. Now I don't have kids (yet) but I'll damned sure know the first and last name of any kid my child would be going to a birthday party of.
        Losing faith in humanity, one customer at a time


        • #5
          I would have considered that assault, especially since she didn't seem that apologetic. If I were a manager (whee wouldn't that be fun! ) and had seen that I would ban them and threaten to call the cops. And possibly have them pay medical expenses for your fingers, more so if they are broken! *hugs and ice cubes!*
          Confirmed altoholic.


          • #6
            Quoth Aislin View Post

            SC snarls, my last name is G___ I turn and say "wait you just told me, C____ for the first and C____ for the last."
            at the time my hand and fingers are in the A-D drawer holding it slightly open as it is heavy and weighted to close on it's own, and designed that only one drawer can open at a time to save from one person opening the drawer over another.

            The SC reaches over the counter and shuts the drawer to open the E-J drawer CRUSHING MY FINGERS on my left hand, because her tiny shove combined with the weight of the drawer gives it enough speed and mass to give all my fingertips a lovely purple hue.

            and then she is confused as to why I walked away from her and my coworker who screamed and tried to stop the drawer from closing had to finish helping the SC.
            When she explained that I likely had a few broken fingers all the woman could say was she was sorry BUT she was in a hurry and I was asking "Stupid questions"

            Hey SC!! Tell you what!! we'll tell YOU to find somebody with X name. Make sure you put your fingers in the drawer you're searching in. Now we'll tell you their last name is actually A and then slam the drawer shut on YOUR fingers and see how YOU like it!!! yeah you'll think "stupid questions" when you're nursing horribly bruised or broken fingers.

            Hell, I would have made a huge show of it, dancing around, shaking my hand, "almost cussing" (son of a ........, what the crap were you thinking?! ), "almost yelling", and threatened to call the cops on assault charges.
            You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take,and statistically speaking, 99% of the shots you do take.

            Pirates Vs. Ninjas. Which would you choose?


            • #7
              Sounds like she has some problems. First, she has no inkling as to why you would walk away after having your fingers slammed in a drawer, then she doesn't know her actual name. And it always irks me when people get upset at your "asking stupid questions" when these "stupid questions" are something you need to ask to get the customer what they want. I deal with it on an every day basis.


              • #8
                Quoth Aislin View Post
                The SC reaches over the counter and shuts the drawer to open the E-J drawer CRUSHING MY FINGERS on my left hand, because her tiny shove combined with the weight of the drawer gives it enough speed and mass to give all my fingertips a lovely purple hue.

                and then she is confused as to why I walked away from her and my coworker who screamed and tried to stop the drawer from closing had to finish helping the SC.
                When she explained that I likely had a few broken fingers all the woman could say was she was sorry BUT she was in a hurry and I was asking "Stupid questions"
                "Okay, SC, your pictures are in here, let me give you a boost in!"
                "Oh, did that hurt you? Sorry, but we're in a hurry and you kept giving stupid answers!"

                Seriously, I'm sorry she hurt you. I hope your fingers aren't broken. What did management say when you informed them of what happened?
                I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                My LiveJournal
                A page we can all agree with!


                • #9
                  How could you NOT call the cops on that?????

                  Man, if you didn't then you must LOVE humanity enough to put up with any SC.
                  Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


                  • #10
                    Owie, that sounds reeaaally painful. I cashier at a grocery and I scratch, bump and bang myself up a bit. There's usually a 50% chance that the customer sees me wince, waving my hand going ow ow ow ow and asks if I'm okay. The others glance in my direction, then look away and ignore me. So at least 50% of the public are decent people
                    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                    • #11
                      I'm gonna play devil's advocate here.

                      Granted the SC's stupidity caused an injury, but then (see my sig) as the saying goes never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity. The customer did not intentionally injure Aislin, nor did she physically strike Aislin. Her stupid action did cause an injury to Aislin. At the most this would be a civil matter between Aislin and the SC, no criminal charge could be filed because the SC did not intentionally strike, harm or otherwise attempt to harm her or have an intent to do so.

                      So in short, calling the police, or threats to the effect of doing so would be a serious overreaction to what was otherwise an honest accident. [/deviles advocate off]

                      The SC is a jerkoff for what they did. Not only were they not truly sorry for what they did, they tried to excuse their behavior as being ok because they were in a hurry. This is where I personally would have verbally ripped her a new one.

                      "I'm sorry that you were in such a hurry that you couldn't be bothered to give us the proper information to find your order. I'm sorry that her stupid questions were of no help to you. Most of all I'm sorry that you have lost any and all indications that you have any human decency because rather than genuinely appologize you offered a half assed excuse to make it look like you were in the right, when clearly in this situation you are WRONG! Now, if you would give me the name your order is under I will get your photos and you can be on your way. I would also suggest you choose to do business with another photo lab from now on because you are no longer welcome here."


                      • #12
                        i'd have asked for her name and insurance, to cover any medical expenses, since her stupidity and impatience caused an injury. if the company takes issue, then let them pay for it, but that was unacceptable, hurry or no.

                        more than a woodchipper, more like a shock collar while running through razorblades and a follow up swim through rubbing alcohol.
                        look! it's ghengis khan!
                        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                        • #13
                          Stupid bitch. If that had been me, I would have mentioned calling a lawyer. Seriously, people need to learn the consequences for acting so stupid.


                          • #14
                            Sorry? That's all she could say was sorry? I would have screamed at her for doing that!


                            • #15
                              no broken bones

                              Thanks for all your support. Company paid for x-rays, the whole 9 yards. I iced my hand other than looking like a purple sunset it is feeling much better.
                              Really I was in so much pain there were no thoughts in my head but to get my fingers under the sink to minimize the swelling. I just feel lucky my coworker was there or I would have been out of a job because if she had demanded I continue helping her I might have done something I would have regretted.

