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The uber-bitch(long)(language)

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  • The uber-bitch(long)(language)

    this one almost got me an assault allegation

    so one night there were 2 cart pushers working, and my co worker(CW) got called for a carryout, and I finished what I was doing(took a few seconds) then went to see if he would need help. I met them at the door, and she GLARED into my eyes, and it was just a bunch of light stuff(basically she was too lazy to do it her own damn self) so I assumed he had it under control, and went to push more carts. Apparently uber-bitch(UB) felt that it was a 3 person job, so she calls me over, which isn't a problem, maybe she just wanted to get done faster. She asks me to hold up the rear window of her truck topper(any other carryout guys will know that those are almost always broken), while still being acceptably polite, I was thinking I misinterpreted the glare for awhile, so I start doing that as she and CW start loading her stuff. then out of nowhere:

    UB:uber bitch
    CW:co worker
    CSM:Customer Service manager
    BAM:bitchy assistant manager
    KAM: Kick-ass Assistant Manager

    NOTE:somewhere in here she hits her dog that was in the truck, and it reacts like an abused dog would, so that made the "bitch" vibe even stronger

    UB:*grabs the rear window and in a frustrated voice*here, help him load stuff
    ME:*slightly annoyed, but keeping my cool rather easily* OK, where do you want it?
    ME:*starts loading stuff*
    UB:NO! not there
    MEk, where do you want it?
    UB:just not on top of *item, i forget what it was, I waited awhile to post this one*
    ME:OK*continues loading*
    UB:*apparently not happy with the pace I was loading*if you worked for me i'd fire you*that's when I started really getting pissed and getting cloudy judgement*
    ME:*continues loading without saying anything*

    and there was more bitchery, but I can't exactly remember it until the end of her stuff

    ME:*grabs last item, I think it was a pillow, and tosses it in truck, I know that wasn't too smart, but I wanted to GTFO ASAP, and I didn't see, as it was dark, but apparently it hit her dog from the questions my manager who talked to her asked*
    UB:YEW BETTER WATCH YOUR ASS(pointing a finger at me )
    ME:*throws arms up to my side, takes a step forward(we were close enough that one step was significant)*WHAT?!
    UB:OH THAT's IT!*walks right past me*

    NOTE:I was standing behind her truck, near the trailer hitch, she was by the corner, where if she'd really thought I was going to hurt her(she threatened to call the cops for 4th degree assault) she would have gone past the side of her truck, not past the back, coming less than a foot away from a teen that could have whipped the shit out of her

    CW:that was bad dude
    ME:*still in a rage* they're not gonna fire me *thinkingh shit, I shouldn't have said that*

    UB and CW go to customer service to get a manager, and I take in a few more carts and regain my composure, then go to customer service so I can tell them my side

    UB:*bitching at a CSM* oh, he followed me
    ME:*silent as she continues to complain to the csm*
    CSM:OK, ma'am, you need to talk to an assistant manager
    UB:*finishes bitching about me and saying "I will be fired"* I don't have time to wait, I have XX dogs to feed *leaves*

    BAM:so what did you need?
    CSM:she already left, didn't you hear me say it was urgent?
    ME:*tells basically what happened without going into much detail, because I knew it would be handled in the office*
    BAM:*calls another manager, then me, CW, BAM, KAM, CSM, and a support manager all pile into the office and CW and I tell them what happened,I was very clearly freaking out, knowing I fucked up, and CSM mentions that UB got up in her face too*

    when I get to the part where I yelled at UB
    BAMnote that I was already pretty clearly freaked out) *in a very angry voice which got me on the defensive, to go on top of being freaked out, TY BAM* OK, up til now I had a problem with her, now I have a problem with you
    ME:*finishes story, even more freaked out thanks to BAM, I wont be discussing my fuckups with her ever again*
    KAM:OK, if she calls the cops we'll handle it, (not really sure what he could have done, but the cameras wouldn't have gotten me convicted anyways) but you've got to be more careful, in the future if someone's abusing you, just call us(management), you don't get paid to get screamed at, we do

    so the next day my assistant manager tells me to go meet the store manager in the office, and I when get up there he tells me "you know this isn't going to go well right?" then proceeds to give me a hefty raise

    then a few days later just when i'm starting to think I'm in the clear I get called in to the office by the co manager and he starts asking me questions about what happened, and he told me, without going into detail that he talked to her on the phone, and(not an exact quote) she wouldn't STFU for 30 minutes and she lied to him and was a bitch to him too, so and made sure I knew I was in the right to get mad, I just shouldn't have screamed at her, and he was getting noticeably mad just talking about talking to her, so he told me not to let it happen again and didn't do anything, because he knows I'm fairly even tempered, and she was a fucking bitch. in the end I didn't even lose us the customer anyways

  • #2
    Uber-bitch is right.

    Quoth AKWalMartCartGuy View Post
    KAM: in the future if someone's abusing you, just call us(management), you don't get paid to get screamed at, we do
    If only all managers thought that.
    "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


    • #3
      Quoth AKWalMartCartGuy View Post
      KAM:, in the future if someone's abusing you, just call us(management), you don't get paid to get screamed at, we do
      ok, can we get KAM to transfer to my call center... right now it is a punishable offense of at least a write-up to EVER transfer a guest to a supervisor, no matter how much they berate you and demand to speak to a supervisor... yet another complaint with my company, is if they outright demand a supervisor we are to lie to them and tell them no supervisors are available, provide our employee number and refer them to guest relations to handle the call in liu of a supervisor...
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        no, I'm not sharing, it's too much fun to watch him tell customers no

        funny story-one time a customer bought a big bag of something, but all we had in stock was little bags, so KAM told them to go to customer service and get his money back and choose something else, and when the customer came back he said he talked to the store manager, and said "man, he was sweating big time", but the idiot got the SMs name wrong, and it was an $8 purchase


        • #5
          Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
          right now it is a punishable offense of at least a write-up to EVER transfer a guest to a supervisor, no matter how much they berate you and demand to speak to a supervisor...
          Wow, that's some hardcore BS.

          And WMCG, glad to hear nothing happened to you about that stupid jerk. I don't know what some people's problem is with everything. She's a customer you could have well afforded to lose, anyway.
          Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


          • #6
            I would so not let that go if it were me. If she was driving her truck it's not that hard to track someone down with a license plate. I'd charge her with animal cruelty and possibly do a few other "legal" things to her to fuck up her life.
            Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


            • #7
              on top of all this, she strikes a dog, then says she has others??

              i think taking down this one's license plate, vehicle info and a call to aspca are in order; make her actually THINK about her actions.

              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


              • #8
                Wow, has bitch season returned. I haven't seen this many bitch stories since Christmas.
                Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


                • #9
                  Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                  right now it is a punishable offense of at least a write-up to EVER transfer a guest to a supervisor, no matter how much they berate you and demand to speak to a supervisor...
                  That's ridiculous. What the hell is the supervisor there for?

                  Quoth AmericanZero8503 View Post
                  Wow, has bitch season returned. I haven't seen this many bitch stories since Christmas.
                  Must be the heat...(94 degrees here atm).
                  I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                  I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                  It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                  • #10
                    Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                    That's ridiculous. What the hell is the supervisor there for?
                    To sit on his/her dead ass, gossip, occasionally visit the peons on the phones to do surprise ball-bustings, and collect an obscenely large salary for doing these things.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      KAM:OK, in the future if someone's abusing you, just call us(management), you don't get paid to get screamed at, we do
                      I don't know what's freakier the fact that the manager said the exact same thing as my boss has told me or the fact that your that your tag KAM (for kick-ass assistant manager), is my boss's real name.

