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The Spawn of Satan likes to dine under the Golden Arches....

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  • The Spawn of Satan likes to dine under the Golden Arches....

    School's out, so I take the kids to Mickey D's for some fun. Frankly, they are getting a bit too old (8 and 11) for the play area, but they love the video games, so what the heck. Our local one has an enclosed area where families can sit and eat, and kids can play on the indoor gym or the video games.

    We had just finished eating when the SOS (Spawn of Satan) and his mother (MOSOS) come in. SOS is maybe five, and him mom looks about 18 going on 40. We were the only ones in the play area, so there was lots of room and toys for everyone.

    First, SOS does not want to eat his meal, but would rather play. Mom says okay, but only for a "minute". As if.

    Before you can say, "Where's the Ritalin?" SOS has taken off his shoes and socks (socks are supposed to stay on, but who's keeping track), and is at the top of the play structure slide. My daughter has just gone down the slide, and most kids would wait until she's out of the way before heading down. Apparently SOS is special, because he instead chooses to scream, "GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!", then goes down the slide and hits her in the back. My daughter was more dazed than hurt, and got up to go play on the video games. SOS simply smiles, and proceeds to climb back up the slide. MOSOS looks up from the gossip rag she's reading, and gently tells SOS to stop fooling around and come and eat. She seems oblivious to her son's assault on my daughter, and goes back to her magazine. SOS ignores her and continues to terrorize the play structure. I did go over and politely tell SOS to be more careful or he wouldn't be allowed to play on the equipment, but again MOSOS ignored this.

    At this point I probably should have packed up my kids and left, but my daughter decides to join her brother at the video games, so we stay. Things are quiet for a few minutes until SOS decides he wants to play them too. There are five empty games, but of course he wants the one that my kids are playing on. He comes over and yells at my kids, "GET OFF THE GAME, I WANT TO PLAY NOOOWWW!!!" MOSOS ignores him, so my son tells him that they'll finish their game and then he can play. This is not good enough for him, so he yells, "NO, NOW!" and pushes my daughter out of the way to grab the controls. My son grabs the controls back and tells him he can wait until they're done

    By now I've had enough, so I go over and angrily tell SOS that he has to wait his turn. He starts to throw a fit, and MOSOS finally clues in. First she tells him to come eat, and when that doesn't work, she tells me that my kids are hogging the machine (they've been playing on it for maybe ten minutes), and should let her darling play immediately. I tell her that my son told him that he could play as soon as they finished their game, but that wasn't good enough for him, so he pushed my daughter, and this was not okay under any circumstances. She gets huffy but actually grows a backbone and brings SOS back to the table to eat.

    For some reason my kids want to stay, so they finish their game and move to another one. Things are uneventful for a few minutes while SOS eats. I notice that in between bites he's throwing french fries at his mother's head and merely laughs when she tells him to stop.

    When he's done, SOS decides to forgo the video game and goes back to the play structure. He starts yelling at my kids, "HEY YOU GUYS, COME OVER HERE AND PLAY WITH ME!!!" repeatedly. They are wise enough to ignore him, so he's forced to play by himself.

    A few minutes later his mom says it's time to go, but he doesn't want to, so he plants himself at the highest point of the structure and refuses to come down. MOSOS begs and pleads, and finally lures him down with a milkshake. He grabs the shake and crawls to the back corner under their table where she can't reach him. Mom gets his shoes and socks and puts them under the table so he can put them on while he's drinking his milkshake. Yeah right.

    We know it's time to leave when we see MOSOS on her hands and knees trying to get her kid out from under the table, only to have him shout "NNNOOOO!!!!" as he throws his shoes at her.

    The best part? As we are getting in the car, my son turns to me and says, "Mom, that kid is in some serious need of discipline."

    My daughter pipes in, "I think he just needs a good spanking."
    Last edited by BigBird; 06-26-2008, 06:50 PM. Reason: Add more details to clarify my version of the story

  • #2
    You have smart kids

    I don't even want to think about what would have happened to me if I was ever insane enough to behave in public the way SOS did. Here's hoping Mummy at least got her tubes tied after him so she won't be spawning any more. ><
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


    • #3
      That mom is so cock-whipped I don't even know where to begin. Bet she buys him all the latest video games to play since he doesn't have any friends who he can spend time with instead.

      Incidentially, I'm surprised at you Big Bird. Why didn't you do something the first time he hit your daughter? That doesn't sound like responsible parenting.
      Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


      • #4
        That story makes me thankful for the Playplace people that I have. They make sure no one pulls crap like that. About the socks if I were to tell all the SC sock stories I have they'd have to open a new subforum for them. We even sell socks for people who didn't bring any.


        • #5
          You were entirely within your rights to defend your daughter from that pathetic little yard ape. I can only imagine how SOS will behave in the teenage years.


          • #6
            Little punk should have had his ass whipped right then and there. But thats the problem today is not enough parents are willing to actually discipline their children.

            You should have just casually found a manager and informed them that they needed to go over and remind the MOSOS of the rules about socks.


            • #7
              SOS will have a few beatdowns during his teenage years that's for sure. Having been a teenager myself until fairly recently, I can say with certainty most of them wouldn't put up with his crap. Teenagers are vicious beasts, no matter the generation.

              On a lighter note, McDs have video games now? Hell, when I was a little kid we had to go far and wide to find one with so much as a ball pit, let alone a full fledged gym-structure thing. Video games are a little mind boggling for a McDs.

              *edit* And I just realized this makes me sound like an old man talking about walking uphill both ways in the snow... I'm too young for that kind of talk...


              • #8
                Quoth Xieg View Post
                SOS will have a few beatdowns during his teenage years that's for sure.
                I was thinking the same thing. I used to say that when I was a kid "that guy needs to get his butt whipped". I once beat up a (former) close friend of mine to show him that he's not the greatest in the world like he thought and his mother allowed him to think.

                Worked until the 9th grade when he turned "gangsta" but whatever.


                • #9
                  Incidentially, I'm surprised at you Big Bird. Why didn't you do something the first time he hit your daughter? That doesn't sound like responsible parenting.
                  I didn't include all the details as I tried to edit down the length of the post, but I did go after he pushed her on the slide and tell him that he was not to do that or he wouldn't be allowed to play on the indoor gym. My daughter didn't seemed to be more startled than hurt, so I let it go at that. His mother ignored my first reprimand, so I assume she was okay with it.

                  In hindsight I should have gone to the management and complain, but the place is basically run by teenagers who seem to have enough on their plates without having to go tell a mother to control her kid. Plus we were the only other people in the Playplace, and it was easier just to reprimand her kid (twice) on my own, so I think I got my point across, and SOS did stop bothering my children after that. It was the first time I'd ever seen this child here (or anywhere in our small city), but if I do see him acting this way in there in the future, I will complain to the management.

                  I completely agree that this kid is, and will always be, a handful until his parent(s) decide to discipline him properly.


                  • #10
                    At least the Mom was in the area.
                    I took my nephew and niece to Chick-fil-a one day . . . .they were doing fine.
                    Two boys come running in - no adult with them. (now refered to as C1 and C2) Huge - takes up about half the door - sign says Adult must be with child in play area.
                    Now this playroom has two sections . . .one for toddlers and one for a little bigger - say maybe 8 or 9 year olds max.
                    Well C1 is twice the size of my then 4 yr old nephew and is bothering niece and nephew in play area. C2 is about the same age as niece and nephew. C1 and C2 are beyond wild . . .running and not using equipment properly. I am doing my best to keep niece and nephew under control and telling the to just stay away from C1and C2. Then the language begins . . . .yup big time 4 letter words . . .including the delightful favorite of so many - C yoU Next Tuesday- At that point I get niece and nephew and their shoes and walk out to resturant. I get a Manager . . . tell them what is happening . . .they find the adult and tell them their children need to leave play area immediatly. Race card gets pulled. . . Manager comes back with - no actually we have rules and your not following them (pointing to sign) let alone the language your children are using. . .but if you want we will give you back your money and you can leave and never return. The woman took her money and walked out using the language her kids were using and derogatory terms for the Manager and my race.
                    The Manager apologized to me. And handed me a note . . .they wanted to offer a free ice cream cone to the children. I was so impressed . . .the Manager didn't back down, and was smart enough to ask an adult about a treat without the kids knowing it.
                    Apparently they are having a problem with kids using the playroom without adults and for insurance purposes have to have the rules followed. They have chosen to take the approach of weighing possible law suit vs. profit of a handful.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Xieg View Post
                      SOS will have a few beatdowns during his teenage years that's for sure. Having been a teenager myself until fairly recently, I can say with certainty most of them wouldn't put up with his crap. Teenagers are vicious beasts, no matter the generation.

                      On a lighter note, McDs have video games now? Hell, when I was a little kid we had to go far and wide to find one with so much as a ball pit, let alone a full fledged gym-structure thing. Video games are a little mind boggling for a McDs.

                      *edit* And I just realized this makes me sound like an old man talking about walking uphill both ways in the snow... I'm too young for that kind of talk...
                      We've had video games in ours for at least five or six years. It's usually a big draw. Ours used to have the ball pit too, but they finally took it out a few years ago because it seemed they continually had to clean it after some small child "forgot" to go to the bathroom before using it. My son loved the ball pit when he was little, but my fondest memory of it was having to crawl into it while eight months pregnant to retrieve him when he wouldn't come out (my own little SOS!).
                      He was only two at the time, so I'll cut him some slack.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Emrld View Post
                        Race card gets pulled. . . Manager comes back with - no actually we have rules and your not following them (pointing to sign) let alone the language your children are using. . .
                        the only thing that would have been better is if the manager had said "yes, I am actually enforcing the rules because you are (insert race)" then pause "oh yeah, I'd be enforcing the rules if you were any other race too"

                        I've actually done that with customers before when they pull the, well you just don't have any rooms for black people... yup, I have no rooms for black people, don't have any rooms for white people either, but that's just a minor detail...
                        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                        • #13
                          Doesn't sound to me like the kid needs a spanking, he needs some sort of discipline period. The mother lured him off the play pen with a milkshake, that's simply rewarding bad behavior. That's no discipline at all. Before you get to the point of having to spank a child, you should be instituting some sort of discipline in the first place.

                          I don't have kids, but from what I've observed and recall from growing up, it seems the most important thing is clear boundaries. If you tell a child to do something, he/she should do it - you don't allow the child to change your mind. If the child wants to do A and you want him to do B, and he refuses to do B, then you remove A as an option. The kid wanted to play and the mother wanted him to eat, the kid refused to eat, so the mother should have removed him from the play area and not even allowed him to play even after eating. Still refuses to eat? Then you remove something else he wants to do.

                          My siblings and I were very well behaved, and I only remember getting spanked once when I was two (from my mom no less, I musta caught her on a REALLY bad day). We had the rare occasional threat of getting hit with a belt from my dad, but he never did it and admits he never would have. My parents would never give into our tantrums. Often if we threw a tantrum, they'd just walk away or remove us from whatever we were throwing a tantrum over. We quickly learned that throwing a tantrum did nothing, so we didn't do it often.

                          For example, my mom told me that once when my sister was little they were out shopping and my sister wanted a soft pretzel, my mom said no, so my sister commenced screaming and crying at the top of her lungs. My mom proceeded to pull my sister out of the shopping cart, leave the cart with an employee (apologizing for not being able to put things back), and took my sister home. She screamed and cried for over an hour, but my mom just bit her tounge and didn't react. When they got home, my mom put my sister in her room and sat outside the door as my sister screamed. Eventually my sister stopped screaming, and never did anything like that again.


                          • #14
                            trunks2k - the next time you see your Mom - please give her a hug of appreciation for being a good parent.


                            • #15
                              Ok...I'm one of thos moms with a "no socks" kid.

                              If he wears his socks, he builds static electricity in those giant plastic tubes. This causes him to get a nasty shock, which can cause screaming, crying, and other annoying behavior, so I suggested he remove them once. It worked, and he's had much more enjoyable playplace time ever since.

                              On that note, I will remove my beastie from the playplace if he's obnoxious or rude to ANYONE. He knows it, and knows how to behave in public.

                              The wimpy mom in the OP is gonna be sorry (if she isn't already) that she didn't start diciplining her beast when he was small. If she thinks it's hard to get him to behave now, imagine the "fun" she'll have when he's 15 or so, when a milkshake just won't cut it any more.

                              If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

