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Not really sucky, just mind boggling

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  • Not really sucky, just mind boggling

    I was reminded about this particular customer while talking with my dad over dinner the other day. I don’t recall the exact conversation since this was over 6 years ago now. At the time I had been working for a big box cable company taking customer service calls. This company provided telephone, internet, and television services.

    This particular customer was one of the first calls I ever took while working for this company. I was still being trained, so I had a trainer listening to the call while I talked. The basic gist of the call went like this:

    The customer had a $90 per month cable bill, and like a $25 per month phone bill. She was calling in because her payments on both services were a month overdue and she got a letter telling her she needed to pay by X date in order to keep her service going. She was complaining and bitching up a storm because she was on welfare and she relied on both services. She started listing of the channels that her kids liked and used to keep them busy, like nickelodeon and cartoon network etc. She also proceeded to state that she NEEDED her phone service because her son was very sick and she needed to be able to call the doctors office etc etc.

    So the guy training me shows me how we can give her the basic cable package and add extra channels she wants ala carte in set packages like kids programming (IE cartoon network, nickelodeon etc) This knocks the bill down to like $16 per month for TV. Of course the customer would have none of this, she could afford the best for her kids and she NEEDED those extra channels, but she NEEDED her phone service. In the end she ended up opting for a cheaper version of the phone service sans the bells and whistles like caller ID call waiting etc and kept her $90 per month cable package. She cut her phone bill down to the most basic which was like $5 per month.

    After the call was over I just stared dumbfounded at my trainer. “She just turned down a $74 per month savings in favor of saving only $20?” My trainer just nodded, “I don’t get it either man.”

    Now granted I have no idea what this woman was or was not capable of paying, but to me if you’re on welfare I would be trying to save as much money as humanly possible. I would jump at the $74 savings. I really just don’t get some peoples logic or complete lack thereof at times.
    Last edited by Chanlin; 06-27-2008, 08:01 PM. Reason: *waves hand all jedi mind trick like* there were no grammar errors in this post

  • #2
    Quoth Chanlin View Post
    Now granted I have no idea what this woman was or was not capable of paying, but to me if you’re on welfare I would be trying to save as much money as humanly possible. I would jump at the $74 savings. I really just don’t get some peoples logic or complete lack thereof at times.
    Is this one of those "if it makes sense, it's not allowed" moments?
    Michael: Maybe you'll be inspired by the boat party tonight and start a career as a pirate.
    Tobias: I haven't packed for that.
    <3 Arrested Development


    • #3
      I'm afriad this whole situation was your fault - you were supposed to realize that anyone so concerned over keeping her kids' cable shows on was a good mother. And good mothers deserve a full cable package. For free. Because she's on welfare and needed to save money.


      • #4
        There are a couple of books out there about people of lower income and their spending habits. . . .
        How something like $90 of cable is a priority over eating something other than ramen noodle - let alone eating at all.

        I will see if I can remember the names . . . .
        I know one was an author who traveled the US taking low income jobs. And the guy who did the Big Mac diet also had something on TV about livining on min wage.

        This is not to say that all people on Welfare/ min wage/ having a rough patch financially think this way. But there are those that do and it doesn't make sense to those that don't.


        • #5
          Many people find themselves needing assistance because they are unable to manage their finances.

          I believe the Big Mac/McD's guy did a show called 30 Days. It was really pretty cool.
          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


          • #6
            Quoth Emrld View Post
            I will see if I can remember the names . . . .
            I know one was an author who traveled the US taking low income jobs. And the guy who did the Big Mac diet also had something on TV about livining on min wage.

            This is not to say that all people on Welfare/ min wage/ having a rough patch financially think this way. But there are those that do and it doesn't make sense to those that don't.
            Nickeled and Dimed, by Barbara Ehrenreich is the traveling the US on low income jobs.
            Morgan Spurloch is the author of the other. It's probably not Super Size Me that you're looking for, though. And, yes, he's currently host of a show called 30 Days, which is like Wife Swap taken to an extreme. You and someone less fortunate than you swap places for thirty days, to see how it is to be the other side.
            Last edited by Imogene; 06-27-2008, 03:15 PM. Reason: Stuff
            "I call murder on that!"


            • #7
              Quoth Chanlin View Post

              The customer had a $90 per month cable bill, and like a $25 per month phone bill. She was calling in because her payments on both services were a month overdue and she got a letter telling her she needed to pay by X date in order to keep her service going. She was complaining and bitching up a storm because she was on welfare and she relied on both services. She started listing of the channels that her kids liked and used to keep them busy, like nickelodeon and cartoon network etc. She also proceeded to state that she NEEDED her phone service because her son was very sick and she needed to be able to call the doctors office etc etc.

              So the guy training me shows me how we can give her the basic cable package and add extra channels she wants ala carte in set packages like kids programming (IE cartoon network, nickelodeon etc) This knocks the bill down to like $16 per month for TV. Of course the customer would have none of this, she could afford the best for her kids and she NEEDED those extra channels, but she NEEDED her phone service. In the end she ended up opting for a cheaper version of the phone service sans the bells and whistles like caller ID call waiting etc and kept her $90 per month cable package. She cut her phone bill down to the most basic which was like $5 per month.
              Wait, she is on welfare but she could afford the best for her kids? Wow,some people don't see the contidiction. Hey, I have an idea, send you kids to the library, that free and entertaining! I rather she not, but considering how many teens are in here from opening to closing with a bagged lunch, I guess I should be glad she doesn't dump her kids here.
              Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

              Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

              I wish porn had subtitles.


              • #8
                Personally, I'd love the option of a la carting cable channels. I really don't need all the sports channels they want to give us, and I'd like to add a few that I can't get without another package adding in.
                The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                • #9
                  I *heart* my rabbit ears. I can watch pretty much everything I have time for, and I don't pay a blessed dime. I get ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, PBS, CW, and a few random channels like QVC, CW, and the Spanish one. woo-hoo

                  And I really hate this new digital thing that's coming out next Feb...but that's another post.
                  "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                  Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                  Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                  • #10
                    Quoth sarahj View Post
                    Is this one of those "if it makes sense, it's not allowed" moments?
                    Indeed it must be.

                    Quoth Emrld View Post
                    I will see if I can remember the names . . . .
                    I know one was an author who traveled the US taking low income jobs. And the guy who did the Big Mac diet also had something on TV about livining on min wage.
                    Quoth Juwl View Post
                    Nickeled and Dimed, by Barbara Ehrenreich is the traveling the US on low income jobs.
                    Morgan Spurloch is the author of the other. It's probably not Super Size Me that you're looking for, though. And, yes, he's currently host of a show called 30 Days, which is like Wife Swap taken to an extreme. You and someone less fortunate than you swap places for thirty days, to see how it is to be the other side.
                    Thanks, I will check these books out. Speaking of Morgan Spurlock we watched super size me in my Composition II course and then had to write a paper about how the argument was constructed and what techniques he used to try and convince you of his view point.
                    Last edited by Chanlin; 06-27-2008, 08:35 PM.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Juwl View Post
                      And, yes, he's currently host of a show called 30 Days, which is like Wife Swap taken to an extreme. You and someone less fortunate than you swap places for thirty days, to see how it is to be the other side.

                      Not really, more like you go live a different life for 30 days, there's no swap. Like a guy who was big in hunting and stuff like that lived with a family of vegan PETA activists, and this week a woman who believes gays shouldn't be allowed to adopt lived with a gay couple and their 4 adopted sons. They do have to follow certain rules, and usually go work at some appropriate place or take part in protests or other events (the hunter had to do a protest at a fast food joint, and also work on an animal-rescue farm); meanwhile Morgan Spurlock does some little side-research and sound bites through the show. This season's first episode was Morgan Spurlock working in a coal mine (he always does the season premiere). It's really pretty interesting (and they don't play up the crazy like they like to on wife swap) - it's basically average people with very different viewpoints/life experiences. Usually most people come out of it with a somewhat different perspective (though, sadly, the anti-gay-adoption woman did not).

                      The very first episode they did was Morgan and his then-fiancee (now wife) living for 30 days on minimum wage. They were working 2 jobs each, in the winter, and both managed to end up in the hospital (him with an injury, her with an infection), and they even borrowed her niece and nephew for a weekend to see what it was like with kids.

                      (It's on FX on Tuesdays at 10pm (and reruns at 11).)
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #12
                        That is him . . . .
                        But I wasn't thinking of the current series.
                        He actually did something I remember watching about living on a limited income . . .having to use public transpo/ having a falling apart vehicle . . .living in not the safest of conditions etc.

                        And once again to my delight Juwl comes to my rescue with the answers I was looking for. Thank you.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Emrld View Post
                          And once again to my delight Juwl comes to my rescue with the answers I was looking for. Thank you.
                          *blinks, raises an eyebrow, and blushes* Welcome.
                          "I call murder on that!"


                          • #14
                            Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
                            And I really hate this new digital thing that's coming out next Feb...but that's another post.
                            Are you talking about DTTV ? It's been around for quite a while now here in France, and it's great. Granted, we only have 6 free channels or so (actually, more like 4 and three halves), so taking it up to 18, with digital quality sound and image, is really nice.

                            The sad thing is that most of the time, all 18 channels broadcast crap, and when there's something interseting, you can bet there are at least 2 other good movies/shows on other channels.
                            "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                            • #15
                              When we hit money problems, guess what was the first thing to go? CABLE TV! We even knocked off the $10 a month Netflix. if we did not NEED it, it was GONE!

                              Sucks, but that is what responsible people do.

