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I was a S (for Stoopid) Customer

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  • I was a S (for Stoopid) Customer

    I pop into my local grocery store tonight for a quick snack - popcorn (the 100 calorie minibags mmmm) and a small thing of ice cream. There are no express lanes open, so I wait behind a guy who is buying random groceries and a 30 pack of Bud - with his two children (toddlers) who are in their pajamas. No judgement passed, but it made me wonder what situation requires a guy to take his children out of bed and to the store to buy a lot of beer.

    On with the story, the cashier scans my items, after scraping the frost off of the ice cream. "You going to watch a movie?" "Yeah, I think so" (realizing how utterly lame it is to be going through the grocery on a Friday night with single servings of ice cream and popcorn )

    "Your total is $4.29"

    It's less than $5, so I pay with cash. I also rummage for change. I hand the girl a $20, a quarter, a nickel, and a penny. "Cool, exact change" I mutter as I hand over the cash. For those doing the math - that comes to $4.31. The cashier gives me a very sweet, understanding look, and just hands back the penny. After a moment, a dim bulb brightens....

    "You know, on most days, I can do simple math."
    "Oh, it's fine. Here's your change"
    She hands me a penny, then pulls out the bills.

    "Let's see that's 10, wait "

    She figures out how to add to 16 and the two of us laugh about our respective math deficiences. We both mention how glad we are it's Friday, I take my yummy food and head out.

    I felt very very foolish - but that cashier was really sweet about it.

    Oh, and when I left the guy with the Budweiser was putting groceries in his car while his kids stood on the sidewalk holding hands. They were in footie pajamas - the cuteness was over-powering.

    (I decided to watch Hitchiker's Guide if you were curious)
    "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

    Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
    Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS

  • #2
    Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
    (I decided to watch Hitchiker's Guide if you were curious)
    The older BBC version or the more recent movie? I enjoyed both of them.
    "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


    • #3
      Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
      I felt very very foolish - but that cashier was really sweet about it.
      Oh, I hate it when my brain freezes when trying to do simple math. I've been known to simply stop doing anything while I try to remember the answer to some simple math problem (you, know, like 5+4). And it can take a good 30 seconds to get my brain unstuck.

      Hate it when that happens. At least she was fun about it

      Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
      (I decided to watch Hitchiker's Guide if you were curious)
      I do like that movie, though it seemed to be missing a certain something. I've got all the books, the radio play, the script for the radio play, the illustrated guide, the computer game, etc. Major fan. Looked forward to that movie. And still not able to say just what it was that didn't flow 100% right for me.

      Good, but something would have made it better. Ah well. What can you do?


      • #4
        If that's your Idea of being a 'sucky customer' then WOW, you're great!

        I once helped an roomy of a friend add a printer to his computer. Unfortunately the new printer was a dud, wouldn't sync to any computer, and couldn't print it's own built-in test page. Anyhow we take it back to future-shop, stand in line and all that jazz, and when the friendly (and cute! )sales assistant ask how she can help I explain the printer problem and she sets up for an exchange. No fuss or hassle, great service.

        That's when Pimple brain blows his top and starts complaining how they're ripping him off and he wants to speak to the manager and he demands compensation... yada yada yada. Took me a good 5 minutes to verbally hose Chernobyl mouth off enough that he was a rational human again. All the while he's trying to berate the clerk, and making a public spectacle of himself and me. I apologized profusely to the clerk (who fortunately had wandered off to get the replacement printer at one point), grabbed the printer and muffin brain, and left.

        New printer worked great, and that was the last I saw of him (thanks gods).

        Why, oh Why don't people understand that you can make any transaction smoother by being pleasant? The service is faster, the food warmer, and the merchandise is 1337'r when the people like you!

        EDIT: Hitchhikers: the computer game! My gods, I had that for my Atari 600XL, took FOREVER to play, but was fun!
        Last edited by Leopardmadcat; 06-28-2008, 05:33 AM.
        *There is no greater gift than to be reborn with every heartbeat*
        *Grudges should only be held for as long as it takes to deliver a proper vengence!*


        • #5
          Going OT here.....

          Quoth Pedersen View Post
          I do like that movie, though it seemed to be missing a certain something. I've got all the books, the radio play, the script for the radio play, the illustrated guide, the computer game, etc. Major fan. Looked forward to that movie. And still not able to say just what it was that didn't flow 100% right for me.

          Good, but something would have made it better. Ah well. What can you do?
          Did you see the series? If so, then maybe you got the same feelings that I did... Slartybartfast had 2 vertical heads, instead of side by side, and Marvin just didn't do it for me... too 'cheesey' me thinks...

          Otherwise, it was pretty much exactly the same (well - the inside of the ship was a bit nicer, I think...).

          When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


          • #6
            Quoth Slytovhand View Post
            Slartybartfast had 2 vertical heads, instead of side by side
            Do you mean Zaphod?


            • #7
              I once had a "Hitchhikers Guide" game on 5 1/4 floppy.

              Put the floppy in.... Start the game.... Points for the first thing you see.

              Welcome to HGG\\\\\\: ?
              (I miss DOS)
              If ultimately you let the people that fuck you over decide your attitude then they won.


              • #8
                I was just really embarrassed over my blonde moment....

                Yes, I watched the most recent Hitchhiker's Guide movie - the one with Sam Rockwell and Mos Def. I wasn't familiar with any of the books or anything - I thought it was really hilarious. I went to that movie with two lovable geeks (math and engineering majors). One brought a towel. The other one wore a shirt that said 42.
                "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                • #9
                  Quoth Slytovhand View Post
                  Did you see the series? If so, then maybe you got the same feelings that I did... Slartybartfast had 2 vertical heads, instead of side by side, and Marvin just didn't do it for me... too 'cheesey' me thinks...

                  Otherwise, it was pretty much exactly the same (well - the inside of the ship was a bit nicer, I think...).
                  Zaphod, in my mind, always had two vertical heads. That wasn't all of it, though. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there was something that wasn't totally right about it.

                  Mind you, I've read the book, watched the BBC tv series, listened to the shortened radio play, and read the radio play. I went into the movie expecting everything to be different within a few seconds of them escaping earth, and would have been tremendously upset if it had been identical to any other version. In that regard, it satisfied.

                  In some other, though... Something just wasn't in it that I expected to see for a Hitchhiker's production. And I don't know what that something was.

                  Quoth Eben56 View Post
                  I once had a "Hitchhikers Guide" game on 5 1/4 floppy.

                  Put the floppy in.... Start the game.... Points for the first thing you see.
                  Actually, you see nothing. "It is dark." And yes, that was without looking up anything anywhere


                  • #10
                    For me, the major thing missing from the movie was my favorite line in the entire series.

                    Would it have taken all that long to add in the bit about the stairs and the leopard? Honestly?

                    (Tried the game. Went insane. Loved the BBC series though.)
                    NPCing: the ancient art of acting out your multiple personality disorder in a setting where someone else might think there's nothing wrong with you.


                    • #11
                      My favorite line:

                      "Well, we can talk about normality until the cows come home."
                      "What's normal?"
                      "What's home?"
                      "What are cows?"
                      "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                      Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                      Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                      • #12
                        Quoth scruff View Post
                        Do you mean Zaphod?
                        D'oh! :faceslap:

                        I liked the series when his head were next to each other - made for interesting conversations....
                        When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


                        • #13
                          Right after the 2 dollar coin came out I was in a used bookstore buying a CD and while I was getting out my change I said "Oh, I don't have enough" and the woman said "That's okay, just give me what you have, I'll let it go this once." I pulled out my change and handed to her and there was a dollar more than the price- I was mistaking the 2 dollar coins for 1 dollar coins. I was really embarrassed because I was afraid she thought I was trying to scam her.
                          It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
                          -Helen Keller

                          I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!

