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    Being that I've recently lost my job I won't have so many sucky customers, but I do get some interesting calls from the food bank I volunteer at.
    This is a story that was told to me on Friday.

    As I was walking in I noticed one of the staff members getting out of a police cruiser and entering the building with an officer. I didn't really think much of it, because it's likely the officer was sent to gather information for a police food drive, which isn't all that uncommon.
    As I entered the building the staff member locked the door behind me.
    Odd, because our door is NEVER locked. We have two entrances, and neither are ever locked but for when the office is closed.

    I asked one of the other volunteers, M, who I was there to relieve what was up and here is what she told me.

    At about 8:30AM (when the office opens) she was doing some musical chairs, moving the one she didn't like sitting in out of the way so she could get the one she did like sitting in at the desk.
    As she's standing behind one of the chairs a woman bursts through the door.


    She went on like this for some time, all the while holding a rather large umbrella and swinging it at M and slamming it against the glass partition in attempts to smash the glass.
    At one point the other morning volunteer, B, enters and the crazed woman holds up the umbrella and BENDS IT completely and starts waving it at B.

    G, one of the staff members, ran over to see what all the yelling was about and this, I guess, freaked out the crazed woman and she took off.

    According to G she's someone who has used the food bank many times before, and M told me she's gone over to the Welcome Centre to get her lunch ticket and one of the staff members has been trying to calm this woman down, stating every time she comes in she causes a problem.

    I don't know what the issue with the cheques is (we don't distribute, hold or receive cheques for clients at all) but G was certain they are fully aware of who this woman is.

    So for the rest of the day the door was locked and anyone wanting to enter had to ring the doorbell and anyone wanting to exit who didn't have a key had to be let out and the door locked behind them.

    I'm glad we were kept safe from any other crazy people outbursts, but getting up every five minutes to let someone in or out got a bit old after the first hour.

    I've compiled a fair number of stories from the food bank in the three and a half months I've been there so one day I'll have to post more of them.

  • #2
    Why wasn't she arrested? What's to say that next time instead of an umbrella she comes there with something more lethal like a gun? I'd call what she did terroristic. The proper authorities should be told of this & instead of locking your doors I'd find a way to STOP her from ever getting anywhere near there.
    Last edited by Bright_Star; 07-02-2008, 12:29 AM.


    • #3
      Well that's why the police were there. They were getting statements from people.
      As for her being arrested she took off before anyone could grab her.
      Staff think they know exactly who it is, and since in order to use a food bank here we need proof of address and ID it shouldn't be too hard to find her.


      • #4
        Quoth Bright_Star View Post
        What's to say that next time instead of an umbrella she comes there with something more lethal like a gun?
        Well, it'd be pretty hard for a whackjob like that to get a gun in Canada. Still, there are other weapons, and I hope that they catch and deal with her sooner rather than later.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          Quoth Broomjockey View Post
          Well, it'd be pretty hard for a whackjob like that to get a gun in Canada. Still, there are other weapons, and I hope that they catch and deal with her sooner rather than later.
          Because, as we know, criminals always follow the law.


          • #6
            Quoth Knifeman View Post
            Because, as we know, criminals always follow the law.
            Please to be not turning this into a Fratching debate. I was referring to the general dearth of guns, and the high price (legal or illegal) making it difficult for someone using the Food Bank on a regular basis to obtain one.
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              I agree there are other weapons. Hell, she could have jumped the staff and bit them, used a knife or even clubbed someone with that umbrella. Unpredictable people to unpredictable things and none of the options sound very good.

              Good luck to you handling the crazies. Volunteers to good work for people who need it and neither you or those good people should be exposed to danger. I hope this woman gets the help (or intervention) she needs.
              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


              • #8
                Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                I hope this woman gets the help (or intervention) she needs.
                Me too. But unfortunately it won't be from us.
                Normally staff can and will refer people to places where they can get the help they need if we can't provide it, but as it is I highly doubt anyone will be willing to help someone who reacted violently to a volunteer. That is to say if she's ever even allowed back into the building.


                • #9
                  Quoth rerant View Post
                  That is to say if she's ever even allowed back into the building.
                  So, now that'll give her an excuse to come back and freak out over how you won't give her any food ... and how she'll starve and her kids will starve and her aging parents will starve will starve and her pet fish will starve and it'll be ALL YOUR FAULT!!! </sarcasm>
                  This area is left blank for a reason.


                  • #10
                    Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
                    So, now that'll give her an excuse to come back and freak out over how you won't give her any food ... and how she'll starve and her kids will starve and her aging parents will starve will starve and her pet fish will starve and it'll be ALL YOUR FAULT!!! </sarcasm>
                    I actually somewhat feel bad about that part, since obviously she's someone who needs our services, but let another food bank put up with her insanity. There are roughly 60 in the city.


                    • #11
                      Unless your food bank also specializes in mental health incarcerations then I would say she's no longer in need of your services.

                      Bye-bye crazy lady!
                      *There is no greater gift than to be reborn with every heartbeat*
                      *Grudges should only be held for as long as it takes to deliver a proper vengence!*

