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Things Customers Shouldn't be Allowed to Say

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  • Things Customers Shouldn't be Allowed to Say

    There are a few phrases that, as far as I can tell, every customer learns somewhere. And they become "social humor" for when interacting with cashiers. The problem is, every customer uses them. Between those, stupid questions, and standard SC whining, I think it could make for a lengthy list.

    And after hearing the following every day, they tempt me to become violent.

    (The first three are when I'm standing there with no line - usually, I just finished with the last person about 15 seconds before.)
    1. "You looked like you were bored."
    2. "You looked like you needed something to do!"
    3. "You were just waiting for me!"
    4. "Oh, Is it too late to use my coupons?" (99% of the time, this is said after they sign the credit slip)
    5. "If it's not ringing up then I guess it must be free!"
    6. "I've worked in retail and..." (or in grocery/as a cashier/as a manager)
    7. "I spend too much money in here for this sort of treatment." (Usually from someone on food stamps)
    8. "Wal-Mart does it!" (Go there, then.)
    9. "Can you cash a check?" (We're not a bank. These people tend to walk down the entire front end, asking each cashier, and being told no each time.)
    10. "Can you give me change for a 50?" (See above.)
    11. "Is there a discount if I bag my own?"

    ...feel free to expand this.
    » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «

  • #2
    12: (after the cashier checks a bill for authenticity) "I just made that today!"
    13: "The other store has it."
    14: "They have it for X at the other store! I was JUST there!"
    15: "I know you're trying to help three other people right now, but I just have a QUICK QUESTION."
    Last edited by JesseCuster40; 07-12-2008, 08:02 AM.


    • #3
      16: Well I'm a (insert profession here) - seriously I dont care if you're the pope. Well actually it might be kind of cool if you really were the Pope, but that doesn't mean I'm chaning policy for you. And even if you have worked the exact same industry as me you don't work at MY job so piss off because not everywhere does things the same (can you tell this one is one of my hot buttons )

      17: I'm the customer. - usually said when someone is not getting their way. Yes as a customer you do deserve service. But that doesn't entitle you to be a complete dickwad.

      18: If I were your boss... - guess what you're not

      19: It's the principle - Usually said to justify whining over an incredibly small sum of money.

      I'm sure there are many more, but I can't think of any more at the moment.


      • #4
        20. 'I'm a valued customer'- Exactly how do they know they're valued? Isn't it up to us to say that? Mainly seems to come from customers who cause us a lot of trouble, and therefore cost us money, so I'm thinking the company wouldn't be devastated to lose their business.

        21. 'Why do you want to know that?'- Seriously, I don't. It's a requirement of my job that I ask you, and your answer will mean absolutely nothing to me.

        22. 'You're busy!'- Really? I hadn't noticed.


        • #5
          20 But I was in here last week and they did it for meeee.(Usually they have no idea who they spoke to or what day it was.
          I am but a tiny, barren, insignificant rock caught in the glorious orbit of your shining sun. Gravekeeper.


          • #6
            Quoth KabeRinnaul View Post
            6. "I've worked in retail and..."
            If I finish that with "..and I hate (insert annoying thing here)" can I be excused?


            • #7
              I get 1,2,3 and 5 all the time. I don't even pretend to laugh anymore.

              There's also:

              21. (seeing me yawn; I have chronic insomnia) Wake up! HAHA!

              22. (we have a long line to the cash registers, marked out by stanchions and velvet ropes; it's great when we're really busy but when we're not...) Wow, it's a maze!

              To which I reply: Yes, we're going to put a minotaur at that end soon to make it more challenging.


              • #8
                As they swipe their debit card backwards or upside down----"Oh they're all so DIFFerent!!!"


                • #9
                  Quoth AnaKhouri View Post
                  I get 1,2,3 and 5 all the time. I don't even pretend to laugh anymore.
                  Yeah, you get to that point where you flash a quick, sarcastic/fake smile and go about your business. Or just ignore the fact they spoke at all. I got so tired of all those phrases. Had one person ask me something similar to "Did you hear me" or "That was supposed to be funny" or something, don't remember... but I just replied "Yeah, lots of people say exactly that thing, so it's kind of old now." They had the grace to be embarrassed over it though.

                  21. (seeing me yawn; I have chronic insomnia) Wake up! HAHA!
                  I utterly, utterly, hated and despised people who did that. Maybe I have a valid reason to be tired, eh? No. I shall not wake up. And you know what? I'm even snarkier when I'm tired to the point of falling asleep if I'm unmoving. So sod off. (Which I did do a few times.. no customers, not moving.. dozing while standing up. Yeahh, fun.)

                  To which I reply: Yes, we're going to put a minotaur at that end soon to make it more challenging.
                  Good one. I'd actually see if I could try that out on someone one day, if they seemed like they would have a good sense of humor. Bad thing on that is maybe misjudging people.. some people can do it. I can sometimes, but not always. Never good to try unless you're sure. But it would be funny.
                  Confirmed altoholic.


                  • #10
                    Quoth KabeRinnaul View Post
                    5. "If it's not ringing up then I guess it must be free!"
                    I usually just stare at them when they say that. It shuts 'em up pretty quick.

                    Quoth JesseCuster40 View Post
                    12: (after the cashier checks a bill for authenticity) "I just made that today!"
                    I don't get that enough that it annoys me (yet), so I usually reply with "I can tell, the ink's still wet!"

                    The thing I usually get when I check the bill is "I just got that from the bank/casino yesterday, of course it's real!!" And I know this how...?
                    The High Priest is an Illusion!


                    • #11
                      "Let me have the employee discount!"

                      Yeah, we don't get one here. Thanks for playing!!
                      Unseen but seeing
                      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                      3rd shift needs love, too
                      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                      • #12
                        I can't add much, but my mom has a "joke" that's getting old really fast, and I'm sure the cashiers are getting tired of hearing it. Every now and then when we reach the registers, if my mom is buying a lot of stuff, she tells the cashier "If it's more than $1.289 (yes, she says "a dollar two ninety-eight") she/he does the dishes," while pointing at either me or my brother.


                        • #13
                          A real gem in all the places I've worked has been the:

                          "What do you mean..."

                          Followed by these examples

                          "I'm out of the area?"
                          "The coupon's expired?"
                          "There's no availability?"
                          "My card was declined?"
                          "That number's not published?"

                          I don't like your attitude!
                          Yeah? Well you're not EATING my attitude!


                          • #14
                            "you're greedy, you're just out for our money!" Well, since the org I work for is a BUSINESS, then YES we want your money. Also, even though we are based on having fun and our memberships are RIDICUSLOUSLY cheap, we can't run on nothing. And we won't be here for you to have fun with in two years if you don't pay for your membership, so cough it up, and zip it.

                            "oh, of course, you need my credit card number. Let me go get the card." You knew you were calling in to place an order. Why did you not have your card? The same thing goes for when you have to go run find your glasses to read said card.

                            "You sound too young to be a Crimson Bonnet (a phrase that should hide the name of my org from google searches)" Yes, you know, not a whole lot of women over 50 or 60 are eager to work in a tiny office for $11/hour, they have to make do with those of us who are just starting out on our own and this was the best job we could get. Shut up. (actually, this one I didn't mind if it came from a nice customer)

                            "I'm on a fixed income! You should make your memberships free!" News for ya, lady: everyone except maybe Bill Gates is on a fixed income to some extent. We don't have unlimited cash either. Either you want to belong to this org in which case you'll find the $20 a year, or you don't and will spend your money elsewhere. But we're not giving you all our stuff for free just because you have a small budget.
                            "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

                            My pony dolls:


                            • #15
                              oh, I forgot a major one.

                              The way our website is set up, you can't get any info on any of our chapters till you pay to join. Makes sense, right? We don't want solicitors or creeps to be bugging our members, which is exactly what was happening when anyone could see their names and send them an email. But now we get these

                              "I want to join a chapter, but you don't have any phone numbers on your website! That's not fair that I have to pay first, just give me a phone number."

                              Uh...hell no, lady. Do you want us to give your phone number out to someone who calls, gives us no proof that they are who they say, and simply asks for it? This is as much for your protection as anyone else. Besides, if you're so desperate to join, the $20 membership is going to be more help to you than anything else, and if you're all offended about having to pay to use our website (with many pretty cool features for paid members) to find a chapter, you don't want to join badly enough yet. Call us when you do want to join.
                              "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

                              My pony dolls:

