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    okay so i work in chino valley in AZ and theres a kfc/taco bell i love being there and all my co-workers are sweethearts and great people, and even though there are a couple that only speak spanish they are still close, easy to understand and i love em all, everyone i love!! lolz anyways....
    a couple days ago i was selling KFC(yummerz) and it was an older lady, she was nice at first until i rang it up and she got mad...hmmm i thought i could've wrung up something i shouldn't have? but no!!! the senior discount wasnt enough for miss queen, plus tax it was a dollar and a few cents extra...omfg. she threw a hissy fit saying I MUST be wrong taxes shouldn't be on food, and i tried to tell her that there was absolutely nothing i could do. i said i was sorry and she asked for the manager and was pretty rude about it. i got my manager, Miss Sanchez and she bitched at her, i wanted to slap her for going at Miss Sanchez but i held my temper i mean REALLY held on to it!!! and Miss Sanchez told her ther was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING we could do!!! she grabbed her food and said she'd never come back after that.
    OMG i swaer how long have taxes existed in this country? for the longest time there have been taxes and it just pissed me off. this woman was so stupid and i wanted to hurt this woman, especially since Miss Sanchez didnt deserve to be yelled at. but ppl piss me off so much.

    Oh and dont get me started on stupid teens, i mean im still a teen, 18, but i was never this stupid or ignorent. we get kids that think its cute to change the order after its rung up and paid for then they get bitchy when you have to ring something else up on the credit card(most the time its mommy and daddy's card) and the kids that come in and start saying racist shit, i want to put them in a box and send them back to where ever the hell the pilgrim immigrated from, calling all the mexicans in the kitchen illegal, i've seen only 2 that have greencards and all of them were either born here or they were brought here legally and worked thier asses off to stay here and they are great ppl to be around. but i guess the stupidity is passed down in genereations, or like its been said before the apple doesnt fall too far from the tree. the kids that are like 12 and act like they're way older and get an attitude, they piss me off. but the stoners are funny and a joy to have around, dont mind them, they can be a bit slow but it makes me smile because they can be so funny and they're such sweet ppl. im not saying no one else is sweet there have been some nice ppl, and they come in almost everyday and make us all laugh.
    but anyways thats all i have to say.
    I'm so hidden and you're never gonna see, I'm cold for giving all because of my beliefs, I'm nobody that you ever want to be, cuz I know that the world is afraid of me
    - Twiztid

  • #2
    Wow, Pitbull....breathe, girl!


    Welcome to Customers Suck and one day you will be grinning at all those idiots because you just KNOW you'll have a story to post about them. This is place is good therapy like that.

    You're in Retail, so you're going to see the best and the worst in people. The worse will over shadow the best at times, sadly enough. But, hey, you love your job and you love co-workers. With their help you can deal with the morons.
    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


    • #3
      Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
      You're in Retail, so you're going to see the best and the worst in people. The worse will over shadow the best at times, sadly enough. But, hey, you love your job and you love co-workers. With their help you can deal with the morons.
      lol thanx you made me feel better
      I'm so hidden and you're never gonna see, I'm cold for giving all because of my beliefs, I'm nobody that you ever want to be, cuz I know that the world is afraid of me
      - Twiztid


      • #4
        I believe it's not the food you're being taxed on ... but the service (i.e., the preparation/cooking of the food). I've been faced with that argument time and time again as well.
        This area is left blank for a reason.


        • #5
          Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
          I believe it's not the food you're being taxed on ... but the service (i.e., the preparation/cooking of the food). I've been faced with that argument time and time again as well.
          that makes more sence than the food being taxed i believe you're right
          I'm so hidden and you're never gonna see, I'm cold for giving all because of my beliefs, I'm nobody that you ever want to be, cuz I know that the world is afraid of me
          - Twiztid


          • #6
            Oh, it's a tax on food here. Just before the economy went downhill again recently, we started repealing the grocery tax.

            We have this genius (put down drip pan for sarcasm juice) thing called the HMR tax. THis little brainstorm is a special percent on hotels, motels, and restaurants that's supposed to go for tourism and something else (They passed the second percent while I was in MO). The rationale? IT was a tax to catch all them fur'ners that come in for football and craft fairs and other touristy things, but it wouldn't ever affect the locals, right??


            • #7
              Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
              Wow, Pitbull....breathe, girl!

              And you might want to go back and edit your posts to take out Miss S's name, unless you've already changed it from her actual name.
              Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


              • #8

                If you are that concerned about a few cents, why would you buy chicken at KFC?

                Here in Canada, a bucket of chicken costs about $20.00, a pre-cooked chicken at the deli counter of the local super markets about $14-16.00, a frozen pre-cooked chicken wings/thighs/etc about $11-13.00 and raw whole chicken less than $10.00 (usually $7-8 but larger ones are more still).

                Why would you want to buy at twice the cost of doing it yourself if money is that tight?


                • #9
                  i can answer that one, earl:

                  two potential answers, lazy and/or lack of cooking skills.

                  makes me glad i know how to cook, for i am a cheap bastard, lol.

                  seriously; if i go out, i don't throw hissy fits over taxes, i consider them a part of the deal.

                  taxes exist and have for a long time; why people continue to throw fits over this is a mystery beyond the cheapness.

                  guess they don't like having public schools, roadways or services?
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    Virginia (and a few other states) has something called a consumer use tax. This is a sales tax on stuff you buy from outside the state, like mail order, internet pruchases, etc., that have not had sales tax charged. You are supposed to fill out a form and submit it with your state income tax return. It is strictly a voluntary tax as the state has no way of tracking those purchases. I always wonder how many people pay that.
                    "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

