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Bitch got the best of me.

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  • Bitch got the best of me.

    Best SC of the day was a woman about my age, late twenties, dressed in gym clothes with rediculously long fingernails and gigantic diamond earrings, fake tan, meticulous makeup. I just knew she was going to be a bitch when I saw her coming and boy was I right.

    SC: *drops a stack of papers on the counter** "I need to FedEx this overnight to San Francisco."
    Me: "Hmm, well we can send it overnight via UPS, but we don't..."
    SC: *sounding put out* "You don't have FedEx?"
    Me: "No, I'm sorry. We are the UPS Store, we only ship UPS packages." I said this in a slightly snotty, what-are-you-stupid tone of voice, because, well, she started it. Bad idea.
    SC: "Fine. Just overnight it. How much does that cost?"
    Me: "Whats the zip code where you are sending it?"
    SC: "I told you San Francisco."
    Me: "I need the zip code please."
    SC: "Why does that matter?"
    Me: "Our prices depend on where the shipment is going."
    SC: "You don't have a flat rate?"
    Me: "I'm sorry, thats only at the post office."
    SC: **stares daggers at me**
    Me: .....
    SC: .....
    Me: "If you give me the zip code I can give you an estimate."
    She begins to exude waves of palpable hostility. I have to fight her for every scrap of information necessary to send her shit. It takes forever, and by the end of the transaction I'm totally done with her. She pays cash. My mistake, I don't look closely at the cash she gives me when I stick it in the register and giver her her change.
    SC: "You gave me the wrong change."
    Me: **wondering if I'm ever going to get rid of her* "Oh, I did? I'm sorry...."
    SC: "I gave you a twenty. Dont try to shortchange me."
    Me: "If I gave you the wrong change I assure you - "
    SC: "You did give me the wrong change."
    Me: "...that it was an accident. Here you go."
    I give her the change and she leaves all bitchy. At the end of the day the drawer was $10 short - the same amount she claims I tried to shortchange her. What the hell. If I ever see her again I'm going to tell her to gtfo.

  • #2
    You should always always always count the drawer down before giving someone the money you "shorted" them. 80% of the time they are WRONG.


    • #3
      Never hand back the extra change if you dont think you made an error

      and if someone gives you crap like that and fights you for information, hand them a sheet of paper and state that you need them to write the name/address/zipcode etc on the paper

      for "accuracy purposes"
      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


      • #4
        I always leave the cash on the register until after I have given them change and they have accepted it.
        Also, the offer to close your register and make a count is usually an effective way to catch them out.

        And I would have been tempted to change the delivery to a 48-hour one...
        "What did you have for breakfast this morning? Carnation Instant Bitch?"
        -Eric Foreman That 70's Show


        • #5
          And back when I use to handle the cash register they had me look at the money and say "Out of XXX" (like "out of 20").

          but yeah i think she was lying. probably was bitchy cos you weren't the post office ... and it was your fault she went to the wrong place


          • #6
            Bet you'll end up getting one of those "omg I wanted it there Saturday!!!" phone calls.


            • #7
              Quoth elysia View Post
              At the end of the day the drawer was $10 short - the same amount she claims I tried to shortchange her.
              I had that happen once, but with a crappy coworker. She was a waitress, I worked register. She claimed she'd given me $5 more than I'd just counted and mixed in with the drawer. I had to go on her word, since I'd already put what she'd given me with the other money (so stupid of me) because I always second-guess myself. I was $5 short at the end of the night. The manager (who was a sucky manager, but nice guy) was nice enough to give me the $5 to replace it with.


              • #8
                I probably should have counted. But you dont understand how badly I wanted her to not be in my face. It was work the $10 hassle later on to get her out of there asap.


                • #9
                  At least she didn't show up 5 min. to closing. But yeah, woman was a bitca.
                  Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                  Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                  I wish porn had subtitles.


                  • #10
                    definitely a bitch; next time, let the manager know there was a cashing mistake and count out the till-it generally makes scammers rethink their idea twice.

                    methinks she was a scamming bitch, yea verily.
                    look! it's ghengis khan!
                    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                    • #11
                      How far was she sending that stuff? I recently processed a UPS order for a guy. He was overnighting a three-page document from New Hampshire to (I think) Philly and it was $30.

                      How did she manage to send a whole stack of papers overnight via UPS for under $20?
                      "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                      RIP Plaidman.


                      • #12
                        Sadly you paid for this one from your own mistake. But doesn't excuse her for being a bitch.

