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Is she here?

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  • Is she here?

    10/31/08 10:30pm
    SC wanders up to the counter. "Is she here?"
    Me: Is who here?
    SC walks away

    SC: Is that girl here?
    Me: What girl?
    SC: (thinking of a name) Wazza (That first A is a short A as in "Hat")

    I'm at this point adding up our CC totals before I have them processed. SC just stands there at the counter. Hovering, not saying a word. Finally I break the silence and ask if he already has a room here. He does, but takes a few seconds to tell me his room number.

    SC: Is Melissa here?
    Me: (OK now we're getting somewhere. A real name at last!) What's her last name so I can look up her room number?
    SC: I don't know

    11/01/08 12:00am
    SC: Is Melissa here? She works here
    Me: No, it's just me.
    SC: Oh. (Pause)
    SC: (Not quite yelling, but more of a projected speaking voice) Melissa! Hey, Melissa! Hey, Baby it's me!
    Me: You're not going to find her here.
    SC: Oh...(I think I even saw a tear form)

    Edit 1:
    SC comes back down the elevator and grabs coffee. This goes on for about half hour with 5 minute intervals between trips down to the lobby. (The term "trip" could have a double meaning). SC has basketball game on the lobby TV. Mostly harmless

    1:15am SC walks up to the counter as if he's about to ask me a question. He doesn't. Instead he just intently studies the free maps we have on our counter.

    1:30am SC wanders over to a different section of the counter where the news papers are. Studies both the local paper and the USA Today intently. Only reads the front pages of each paper. Spends 5 minutes total at the counter.

    1:35am Goes back to watching basketball. SC seems unable to stay in one place for very long.

    1:40 SC goes up the elevator. Will definitely be back.

    1:45 SC and I have this following exchange
    SC: I left my key in my room
    Me: I'll need to see your ID before I make you a new key.
    SC: I don't have my ID
    Me: I need to have id to let you in your room
    SC: The cops took my ID back in Februrary
    Me: I'm sorry, but I'll need ID
    SC: Come on! The name is under Smith. It used to be under Jones.
    Me: I tell you what. I'll make an exception if you can tell me the address I have on file.
    SC: 12345 Fake Street
    Address and names match. I hand him his key and send him on his way. The last SC is in captivity. The galexy is at peace.

    Edit 2:
    SC has been dormant for a few hours. I get in a few hours of Order of Ecclesia before he makes his return. SC walks in and out of the main entrance like it's going out of style.

    SC approaches the counter as if he finally has something important to say. He doesn't. I'm saved by a Columbian lady who happens to walk right at that time wanting a room. I bust out my mad foreign language skillz.

    I'm a little late getting the coffee started for the morning because of the walk-in. On my way from the desk to the kitchen SC is on the couch in the lobby sleeping.

    SC returns to his room.

    Note 1: Between each encounter, he either goes back to sitting on the couch in the lobby to wait for this mystery woman. Meanwhile I go back in the office to play my DS.
    Note 2: There was no one staying here by the name of Melissa. Nor do we have anyone that works here with that name.
    Note 3: After writing the Edit 1, I have about 20 minutes before I close the current "shift" in order to prepare to run the audit. I can only hope I don't have to open the cash drawer in front of SC

    I'm not even a woman and this guy is creeping me out. I can only imagine how the poor mystery woman would feel. My supervisor is coming in to relieve me in the moring. She will definitely know about this guy.

    This post will be edited if anything develops.
    Last edited by Mr Hero; 11-01-2008, 10:45 AM. Reason: Update on the story as it progresses
    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...

  • #2
    Quoth Mr Hero View Post
    10/31/08 10:30pm
    SC wanders up to the counter. "Is she here?"
    Me: Is who here?
    SC: walks away
    drugs are bad, mkay.


    • #3
      why do you get all the calm wackjobs... all my wackjobs turn beligerent and in some cases violent... can we trade hotels?
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        Quoth elysia View Post
        drugs are bad, mkay.
        Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          S1=1st person whose name starts with S
          S2=You get the idea.

          I think that is the end of that episode, but I just have a few additional comments. Some bonus features if you will. Maybe the term "prequel" is more appropriate. My relief came in (S1) as scheduled (and now I know why they're called a relief) and I related this story to her.

          S1 told me that the guest staying in that room gave her some sob story about having a son die at 2 months. I realize that it would be heartbreaking to have your child die at such a young age, but hotels shouldn't get you discounts for that. S1's reaction to his story was expression of empathy, but still firm on the rate. So, he moves onto S2

          S2 is a very flirty person. I don't think she means to be but it's her personality. I am personally not a big fan, but other guys have responded to it. SC gives S2 the same sob story. S2 responds to it overly sympathetically. She agrees to adjust his rate and listens intently to his sob story. This is compounded by the fact she's in a Halloween costume that doesn't cover the shoulders, and just barely avoids exposing cleavage. Turns out that the "she" referred to in my topic is S2.

          I told S1 to warn S3 about the sob story when she comes in to relieve S1. S1 and 3 both have boyfriends so at least they can play that card if they absolutely have to.
          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


          • #6
            Quoth Mr Hero
            The last SC is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace.
            +1 Points for you, sir.


            • #7
              1:45 SC and I have this following exchange
              SC: I left my key in my room
              Me: I'll need to see your ID before I make you a new key.
              SC: I don't have my ID
              Me: I need to have id to let you in your room
              SC: The cops took my ID back in Februrary
              Me: I'm sorry, but I'll need ID
              SC: Come on! The name is under Smith. It used to be under Jones.
              Me: I tell you what. I'll make an exception if you can tell me the address I have on file.
              SC: 12345 Fake Street
              Address and names match. I hand him his key and send him on his way. The last SC is in captivity. The galexy is at peace.
              i'm sorry but just because a person tells you the street and name it doesn't mean that they are the real person. Call me paranoid I wouldn't trust anybody. I "trusted" too many people in my time working as a teller and all people did was get me in trouble and i almost lost my job not asking for ID.

              The point is if a person doesn't have any ID, I would not let them in.


              • #8
                Quoth Mr Hero View Post
                SC: The cops took my ID back in Februrary
                OK, two things... one I didn't think cops just confiscated IDs... I'm pretty sure they can suspend a license, but they'll still issue a substitute ID at the least... second, saying they did confiscate his ID, that was in February, it is now November in 8 months you haven't had time to either get it back or get a replacement... wow, and people say I procrastinate...
                If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                • #9
                  Bah someone got the Metroid reference too, but ill say +5!
                  Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
                  pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


                  • #10
                    Add another +1 to that tally. That lines almost gets Mr Hero on my "Stalk Me!" list.
                    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                    • #11
                      Quoth MoonChild2007 View Post
                      i'm sorry but just because a person tells you the street and name it doesn't mean that they are the real person. Call me paranoid I wouldn't trust anybody. I "trusted" too many people in my time working as a teller and all people did was get me in trouble and i almost lost my job not asking for ID.

                      The point is if a person doesn't have any ID, I would not let them in.
                      I normally am more strict about the rules, but when he said his room used to be under a different last name, I was convinced he was telling the truth. You see, I was the one who originally checked in that other person on Thursday. While SC and SC's friend (whose name appeared on the reservation before SC's dad started paying for the extra nights) SC's friend's mom approached me and let me know out of earshot of SC that SC has a few mental problems. So when SC requested the key last night, I was convinced that this was the nutjob that SC's friend's mom told me about.
                      To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                      • #12
                        Quoth Mr Hero View Post
                        I normally am more strict about the rules, but when he said his room used to be under a different last name, I was convinced he was telling the truth. You see, I was the one who originally checked in that other person on Thursday. While SC and SC's friend (whose name appeared on the reservation before SC's dad started paying for the extra nights) SC's friend's mom approached me and let me know out of earshot of SC that SC has a few mental problems. So when SC requested the key last night, I was convinced that this was the nutjob that SC's friend's mom told me about.
                        Oh okay. I thought he was just a stranger off the street.


                        • #13
                          SC: The cops took my ID back in Februrary
                          really? most hotels i've been to like to see id when you check in...

