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Quite possibly the worse managed restaurant I've worked at

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  • Quite possibly the worse managed restaurant I've worked at

    So, this restaurant I've been working at is just horrible. I cannot believe how poorly managed it is.

    They are overly concerned with selling much so, that the managers OBSESS over our "bar mix" constantly. They are constantly printing reports during the shifts I work to check our alcohol sales. CONSTANTLY! How much paper does this waste? How much time does this waste?

    The coffee machine has been broke for nearly a week. I told a manager immediately when I noticed it and I was told that other servers noticed it but said nothing. So, our coffee maker brews a pot and keeps going and going and going and going....brewing one pot will get you 3. Problem is, you only have one pot under there. To add to this, rather than telling customers we don't have coffee...we had three regulars come in who insisted that they have our coffee or they will leave. That they come to this STEAKHOUSE for the COFFEE. So, the server made it. Today, was a rainy day - infamous for coffee sales - did we tell customers that our coffee pot was broken? No! We brewed and brewed pot after pot creating river after river of coffee because if someone wasn't there to watch it - it overflowed! The managers? NONE of them know who to call for service on the coffee machine.

    The iced tea machine was taken apart the other day and the washer lost. Now, it is not tight and when you pour iced tea - the spout can flip and tea starts to leak.

    The other day, we ran out of to-go boxes. All sizes. For every reason. If a to-go order was placed - they used our little containers used to put the greasy food in to drain - lined them with foil and sent out to go orders in those containers. When the truck finally did come with a fresh supply...there were only two boxes of the large sized small ones. TWO BOXES for a week. We've been slammed every day at lunch so far, I can't imagine what dinner is like.

    The kitchen printer went down today and NONE of the managers on the floor knew what to do.

    Coupons drop every week. EVERY WEEK. The coupons most used are for lunch and include a drink with the meal. How the hell can you expect us to sell alcohol when you are giving away FREE non-alcholic beverages with meals?!!?!!?

    The other day, there was a cook meeting. 12 cooks. Not all for our store. They met early in the morning, had a large table set up in the dining room. When the restaurant opened...they ALL went to the line to learn how to cook. Talk about too many freakin' cooks in the kitchen. The biggest issue I had - the three tables they pulled together in the dining room with all their books and training stuff and cans of energy drinks and sodas - sat there the ENTIRE lunch shift - COMPLETELY messy...I've never worked at a restaurant that left any part of the dining room in disarray during a shift when customers would be in.

    The district manager was in with these cooks-a-million - you know, the same asshat that bragged to a group of servers about making servers cry over their alcohol sales - he was talking to the cooks about integrity and what that means and how they should have values - nice - yet he has NO respect for the people who work for him.

    I'm not sure if this post belongs in morons in management or general work chat or cursing out coworkers.

    The servers are some of the least helpful people I've worked with. I really feel as if I am out for myself.

    There is one shiny star - the manager who hired me. She's really nice. She really filled up my schedule with shifts this week. She knows I have another job, so she asked me if I was okay with the schedule she gave me and if it was too much to just tell her and she'd make sure that she lightens up. She has asked me several times how I am doing and how do I like it there. I told her yesterday that I would like one day off a week that coincides with one of my days off from my other job so that I'd have one day where I dont' have to be at either jobs - she completely understood and started apologizing profusely - I told her that it's not her job to cater to my every need or remember every detail about my life - she has a million other things going on! She said, "See, I like her!" She says most of the time she just gets yelled at about schedules.

    *sigh* If I didn't need the money!
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

  • #2
    Man, for some things, the money just isn't worth it. I worked in a place like that, think of a large pepper, and it was horrible. 3 months I lasted there until I went back to Toxic Hell. At least you're getting lots of shifts. I would keep my eyes open for a better opportunity, were I you. Who knows, maybe you can steal awesome manager away with you.
    "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


    • #3
      I worked at a Montana's several years ago. At the time I started, there were 27 kitchen employees, and only 2 of them had been there longer than 3 months. Of the 25 remaining, including myself, not one of us was still working there 3 months later.
      Worst restaurant I've ever worked for.

      Ironically, one of the best I'd ever worked for was a locally owned sports bar that went bankrupt, and I never saw a dime of the $1000 I was owed in back wages and vacation pay.
      Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

      "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


      • #4
        I once worked at a restaurant owned buy a guy who had lots of assorted properties, and who purposefully operated this restaurant at a loss to use as a tax write-off. It was a real shame, too, since it was a unique building with atmosphere. But we never had enough of anything, and never had a full menu - something was always out.

        That was the only job I ever left with no notice.

