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Crappy People

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  • Crappy People

    Today I was selling a computer. The man I was selling the computer said {does it have a hard drive} and {I said yes it is in the computer} he said {that if it did it would be on the out side of the computer} (this is coming from a man who can't turn on his computer with out messing it up and he is telling me what a computer should look like). So I said to him after about 15 Min. O you are right But I will need to sell it to you for extra money so he said how much and I said it would be $50.00 for a 1.5 gig hard disk and he said o.k. so I taped It to his computer and said thanks and have a nice day.
    Last edited by F&R Computer Man; 02-14-2007, 03:29 AM.
    Jacob (F&R Computer Man)

  • #2
    Just wait, he'll be back when the tape comes off (Remember, heating and cooling it will eventually make that tape come loose!)

    Should've made up something more like 'It's on the outside of the actual computer, this outer part here is just an external carrying case'. Unless you're on commission, at which point, $150bonus
    I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
    less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


    • #3

      By the time the tape comes off hopefully he will realize that he does not need it.
      Jacob (F&R Computer Man)


      • #4
        Man, I realize people can be stupid, but that's not cool. It's stunts like that that make retail workers look bad
        GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


        • #5
          His Fault

          He was arguing with me and he was starting to scream at me so I got MAD
          Jacob (F&R Computer Man)


          • #6
            Quoth F&R Computer Man View Post
            He was arguing with me and he was starting to scream at me so I got MAD
            We all get mad on occasion, however it's better to kill with kindness rather than let them see you get upset - the SC wins that way.

            Besides, it's never a good idea to stoop to their level. Not only does it make you an SE (Sucky Employee) it gives a bad name to the company. Word will get around and make others wonder just what kind of employees the company will employ.

            Sometimes you need to look at both sides of the situation.
            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


            • #7
              "Fault" doesn't come into it.

              There's no excuse for cheating a customer. Yes, I realize that he got the bit of merchandise that he paid the extra money for, but you knew he didn't need it, and he was relying on your expertise. That's just not cool dude, no matter how sucky he was being (and yeah, I've been there, and I learned really quickly not to take that stuff personally).
              GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


              • #8
                Not necessarily. Look at the facts.

                1) He apparently didn't consider F&Rcm to be an "expert", so therefore was *not* relying on his expertise. (remember he felt the need to explain to F&Rcm what a hard drive should look like...he was dead wrong, but he felt he knew better)

                2) He stated he felt he needed an external hard drive. F&Rcm obliged him instead of trying to argue with him as, after all, see point #1 above.

                QED The customer got exactly what he technically asked for.
                DJ Particle


                • #9
                  Generally speaking, I'd advise venting on here to taking revenge on a customer. It's vaguely feasible that he could have the real situation explained to him and then he gets you in trouble for fraud. If it comes down to a legal affair, it's his word against yours.

                  That said, it's funny as hades



                  • #10
                    Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                    Generally speaking, I'd advise venting on here to taking revenge on a customer. It's vaguely feasible that he could have the real situation explained to him and then he gets you in trouble for fraud. If it comes down to a legal affair, it's his word against yours.
                    Well said Raps. I was about to suggest the same thing. If he realizes a month or two into ownership that all you did was tape something onto the side, that could come back to bite you. It could be seen as making you and the store look bad, like you don't take your work seriously, or worse, that your company considers your customers stupid enough to accept anything you gave them (despite the fact that this particular SC may have deserved it for his stupidity). It is funny as hell though...
                    I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                    "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


                    • #11
                      It is pretty funny, but what would have been even funnier is if you upsold him on some horrendously expensive external harddrive or some such thing (maybe a second tower?) and laughed all the way to the bank.

                      Oh, how I love the stupid people....


                      • #12
                        I still don't see how there is legally any fraud.

                        The customer decided he knew better and was not willing to listen.
                        The customer said he wanted an external hard drive because he felt he needed one and ignored the sales rep's stating otherwise.
                        The sales rep told the customer exactly what he was getting and how much it cost. Customer accepted the sale. Attempts by the sales rep to educate the customer were futile as customer was unwilling to listen.

                        Legally there is no fraud.
                        Last edited by EmiOfBrie; 02-15-2007, 07:58 PM.
                        DJ Particle


                        • #13
                          This is true, but customers have been known to lie when things don't go their way.



                          • #14

                            This is all very true and I will try to keep my temper under control.
                            Thanks for the advice
                            Jacob (F&R Computer Man)


                            • #15
                              Quoth F&R Computer Man View Post
                              o.k. so I taped It to his computer and said thanks and have a nice day.
                              O.k., so wait a minute here . . . the customer saw you tape the harddrive to the computer?? So, in other words, in order to get an external harddrive to work with the computer, in his world, all you would do is tape it to the computer?? That's awesome! I wish it were that easy . . .

                              O.k., so, so what if, let's say, ironically, the harddrive fell off the side of the computer, would you honor the warranty and tape it back on for him??!! I must say, it is quite funny . . .

                              When the customer does come to his senses though, he'll have an extra harddrive to *install* in his computer. That'll come in handy . . .
                              This area is left blank for a reason.

