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Food Service People: I need your help!

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  • Food Service People: I need your help!

    So I'm in culinary school and taking the National Restaurant Association's Supervision class. I'm writing a paper on the impact of ground level employees on the success of a business. A big part of my research is a survey gathering the opinions of food service workers and CS is the best (only) place I can think of to get a lot of food service people to see it at once. Not to mention the only place I have where there's enough of a sense of community to help someone out, as opposed to the cold, dark abyss of the internet at large.

    I've posted the survey below, and if you have ever worked in food service and have a few minutes to fill it out, you'll have my undying gratitude. You can post your responses in the thread, if you like, or PM them to me, or email them to

    This survey is intended for workers in the food service industry, who work in store-level positions and rarely directly interact with owners and/or upper management. It is primarily aimed at hourly employees, but store managers may respond if they feel that there are sufficient management structures above them to qualify them as a “Ground Level” employee of the company.

    All results will remain anonymous.

    Name of company (optional):
    Type of company (fast food, restaurant, coffee shop, etc):
    Size of company (large company, small chain, franchaise, etc. Aprox no. of stores a plus):

    For all statements, answer on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “strongly disagree” and 5 is “strongly agree,” or “NA” for non-applicable. Comments are strongly encouraged.

    1A My company sets reasonable goals.
    1B My company is willing to adjust goals based on circumstances.
    1C There are consequences for not meeting goals, regardless of circumstances

    2A My workload is reasonable, based on the time and resources I am given.
    2B I am able to adjust time, resources, and/or procedures to meet workload expectations.
    2C I am expected to complete wirk with whatever time and resources I am given, regardless of circumstances.

    3A I have ideas for products, procedures, programs, etc that I feel would improve my company.
    3B I am encouraged to express my ideas. My company seeks out and implements employee input.
    3C I am frequently able to predict what products, procedures, or promotions will be successful.

    4A I frequently see disconnect between policy and the realities of my workplace. I feel upper management does not understand how to do my job, and has unrealistic expectations.
    4B I frequently see disconnect between the success of my team and upper management’s means of measuring that success. Criteria for mystery shops, customer surveys, responses to customer complaints, etc, are unreasonable.
    4C I do not see disconnect between policy and reality at my workplace. I feel upper management has a good handle on how to do my job and measure its success.

    5A I enjoy my job
    5B My company makes me feel valued.
    5C I feel my company views me as a nonentity, or easily replaceable.

    6A My company offers meaningful rewards for excellent work, and makes sincere efforts to keep employees happy.
    6B My company makes efforts towards employee satisfaction, but often falls short of truly addressing employees’ needs.
    6C My company pays lip service to employee satisfaction, but in reality offers very little.

    7A I have input in the hiring of people who will be my superiors.
    7B I have trained my managers/supervisors.
    7C I am expected to defer to supervisors who do not know how to do my job.

    8A f I am being mistreated by management, there is an effective way for me to report abuse.
    8B There is a way for me to report abuse, but I do not have confidence in its effectiveness/anonymity.
    8C I have no means of reporting abuse at all.
    My webcomic is called Sidekick Girl. Val's job is kinda like retail, except instead of corporate's dumb policies, it's the Hero Agency, and the SC's are trying to take over the world.

  • #2
    I'll do it here to protect my anonymity a bit. If you do want to widen your responses, reddit, 4chan, etc. almost all have food or cooking oriented areas where the responses might take some triage but would have a very wide range.


    • #3
      *nods* I'd try either r/TalesFromYourServer or r/TalesFromRetail (although the second one doesn't get a lot of food service). Both are relatively small subreddits, so you'd likely get noticed, and get decent responses. There aren't many trolls on either, from what I've seen.


      • #4
        Thanks, I'll give it a try.
        My webcomic is called Sidekick Girl. Val's job is kinda like retail, except instead of corporate's dumb policies, it's the Hero Agency, and the SC's are trying to take over the world.

