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There's something about that cheese...

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  • There's something about that cheese...

    A little bit of history: I worked in a convenience store for abut 8 years, ending this February (thank GOD). The store is located in one of the worst neighborhoods in my city, filled with crime, gang wars, prostitution, crazy homeless guys, you name it. Why I stayed at that store for as long as I did, I really can't say. But, the experience did leave me with more than a few horror stories to share.

    I really need some cheesecake!!

    So this guy comes in, I recognize him as a previous customer and I remember that he's not very pleasant. He's pretty large (I'd guess around 400lbs), looks unclean, and has this permanent scowl on his face. After a couple minutes of shopping, he comes up to the counter, and asks me:

    SC: Where are the little cheesecakes?
    Me: (confused) Um...we don't have those.
    SC: Yes you do, I know you do, I buy them here every day.
    Me: No, sir, we don't carry any kind of cheesecake here.
    SC: Yes you do!!! I buy them here ALL THE GODDAMN TIME! Did you just move them on me, or what?
    Me: Sir I've been working here for years, and we have never, ever carried any kind of cheesecake.
    SC: (at this point he's calling me every nasty name in the book; he stomps over to the area next to the coffee where we keep the breakfast pastries and muffins, points to an empty basket and screams) They are always RIGHT HERE, you ******!! Are you STUPID?! WHERE ARE THEY!!!
    (the basket he's pointing at usually holds a variety of fruit and cheese-filled danishes)
    Me: Oh, the cheese danishes?
    SC: That's what I F***ING SAID!
    Me: We'll get some more in stock tomorrow morning.

    So he flings a few more expletives at me, stomps over to the Hostess cakes, and throws a few on the counter. By now I'm so mad my hands are shaking. He says something like if knew how to do my JOB, he would have his precious 'cheesecakes', nobody here knows how to do anything right, I'm a stupid F***ing b**ch, etc. I finally just move his junk food off the counter and refuse the sale and tell him to get the hell out. Thankfully, I never did see the prick again.

    Another cheese danish incident?!

    Another time, a guy buys two of those very same cheese danishes. He's also a regular, and I've never had any problems with him before. So he buys his stuff and leaves, nothing special...but a few minutes later he comes flying back in the store, screaming something about me trying to poison him. Of course I'm standing there going
    He throws both of the pastries he just bought onto the counter. One is open and almost half-eaten. Nothing seems to be wrong with it at first, but I look closer and see that it has some mold on it.

    Now, that is really gross and now I can see why he's upset. I would be too. I apologize profusely, give him a refund, and hope that's enough. Of course, it isn't. He feels the need to continue to yell and scream and claim that I sold him moldy pastry on purpose, then he says "If I get sick from this, I'm gonna SUE you!!!"

    Sure enough, he tried. He called and said he had indeed gotten violently ill from that half a slightly moldy pastry. Thankfully nobody really believed him, it was pretty transparent that he was just trying to squeeze some money out of us.

  • #2
    If I remember my food hygiene training correctly, visible mould generally does not make you ill. It is stuff like meat, where there is no visible indication of it being 'off' that gives you food poisoning.
    "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


    • #3
      Quoth cinema guy View Post
      If I remember my food hygiene training correctly, visible mould generally does not make you ill. It is stuff like meat, where there is no visible indication of it being 'off' that gives you food poisoning.
      That's true (for the most part, at least) but the human body can trick itself as easily into a semblance of sickness as it can into a semblance of health. (Placebo, anyone?) That said, he was probably just a lying SC, as per usual.

      To the first SC, cheesecake =/= cheese danish. Sigh...

      Now I want a cheese danish!
      All that glitters has a high refractive index.

      The meat is rotten, but the booze is holding out.
      -> Computer translation of "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."


      • #4
        These "gents" were certainly sucky, but I fail to see what his weight has to do with your story.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          No offense to convenience store workers everywhere, but I thoroughly check out any food I buy from the 7-11 before I eat it. Usually through the plastic before I buy it, but definitely once it's open, if it's anything even vaguely perishable. And visible mold = he should have seen it before eating, and really should shut his mouth. :P
          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


          • #6
            Quoth Lioness Blackfire View Post
            That's true (for the most part, at least) but the human body can trick itself as easily into a semblance of sickness as it can into a semblance of health. (Placebo, anyone?) That said, he was probably just a lying SC, as per usual.

            To the first SC, cheesecake =/= cheese danish. Sigh...

            Now I want a cheese danish!
            That's true, and that thought did occur to me. However, if he actually had gotten sick, whether he tricked himself into it or not, I think his claim would have gotten a bit further; at least some kind of records proving he'd seen a doctor about it would have lent some credibility to it? I dunno. I just know I never heard about it again, so he must not have taken it very far.

            I'll be happy if I never see another cheese danish for as long as I live.


            • #7
              Quoth bainsidhe View Post
              These "gents" were certainly sucky, but I fail to see what his weight has to do with your story.
              Nothing, really, I was just trying to create a visual.


              • #8
                Quoth myswtghst View Post
                No offense to convenience store workers everywhere, but I thoroughly check out any food I buy from the 7-11 before I eat it. Usually through the plastic before I buy it, but definitely once it's open, if it's anything even vaguely perishable. And visible mold = he should have seen it before eating, and really should shut his mouth. :P

                I think he should have been able to smell it, too, unless his sinuses were plugged or something. I don't know how many times I've made myself a sandwich, been just about to take a bite, and caught a whiff of mold-smell, which kept me from actually eating it. Great way to ruin an appetite, too!


                • #9
                  Quoth Lioness Blackfire View Post

                  Now I want a cheese danish!

                  And I want some cheesecake!

                  My 100-calorie Cheetos aren't quite cutting it anymore...<sigh>
                  I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                  I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                  It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                  • #10
                    Quoth myswtghst View Post
                    I thoroughly check out any food I buy from the 7-11 before I eat it. Usually through the plastic before I buy it, but definitely once it's open, if it's anything even vaguely perishable. . :P
                    Sad part is, people don't look, period. I work in a grocery/retail store and I can't count the number of times I've grabbed, say, yogurt only to yank away because the container is cracked and leaking everywhere. So then I'm covered in Blueberry yuck and cleaning it up while the customer glares at me and asks if someone can get them another one (silent grr). Now, if I smell bleach, I make damn sure I know where it's coming from before I scan the bottle and risk dumping bleach down my front. Been there, done that. People just don't notice when things are oozing, leaking or otherwise non-sellable (unless I wanted to sell it ). But they'll notice if something rings up so much as two cents off of what they expect.
                    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                    • #11
                      Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                      These "gents" were certainly sucky, but I fail to see what his weight has to do with your story.
                      actually it could have a lot to do with it... my experience has been that typically overweight people are extremely friendly and outgoing... so for one to be not friendly and outgoing says a whole lot about them.
                      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

