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The Nice Asshole

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  • The Nice Asshole

    I was working at Staples, minding my own business, when a customer approaches me holding a couple of HP cartridges...

    SC: Thinks I care where he shops
    Me: Your local RAM chip jockey

    SC: Do you still have a recycling policy for ink cartridges?
    Me: Yes, but it's changed. Instead of getting a $3 coupon, you now get the $3 back on your Staples Rewards card.
    SC: I don't have a rewards card.
    Me: Well, it's free to sign up-
    SC: I have enough cards already.

    He then proceeds to put back the cartridges and starts to walk out!

    SC: I'll take my business to your competition instead!

    After he'd left, the main cashier, who'd been watching the whole incident, remarked, "Well, he wasn't nice!" The other tech on duty, who'd been working on a computer when it happened, then said, "He was an asshole, even if he was smiling."

    He wasn't overly nasty, just decided to make a bit of a show due to not getting his precious $3 coupon. 'Course, the inks he was buying were HP 02s, and (IIRC) our main competition in the area doesn't treat those the same as other cartridges you bring in for their recycle policy, so I'm fairly certain he didn't do any better over there.
    Goofy music!
    Old tech junk!

  • #2
    I LOVED it when snotty customers informed me they wouldn't be shopping at my store anymore for some trivial reason. More than once I replied with "Promise?!"


    • #3
      Well at OfficeMax, it used to be policy for anyone returning ink. To get a free ream of OfficeMax Copy Paper. That was a nice thing. Then one day, they changed it. Was I mad, hell yeah. Did I make a scene, hell no.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        I liked that policy at OfficeMax.
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          Quoth Triscuitty View Post
          I LOVED it when snotty customers informed me they wouldn't be shopping at my store anymore for some trivial reason. More than once I replied with "Promise?!"
          I had a people greeter tell me they told a customer something like "so that means i'll see you tomorrow?" when they said they'd never be back


          • #6
            No incentive for cartridge recycling here.
            Our collection box is actually sitting out the back because people kept on throwing rubbish and other waste in there
            - Boochan


            • #7
              Quoth Boochan View Post
              No incentive for cartridge recycling here.
              Our collection box is actually sitting out the back because people kept on throwing rubbish and other waste in there
              The fact that people need an incentive, such as payment or freebies, in order to recycle is very telling. Why I don't want to make sweeping generalizations based on one trend, it's sad that people need to be given something in order to perform actions that benefit everyone.
              Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


              • #8
                Quoth Triscuitty View Post
                I LOVED it when snotty customers informed me they wouldn't be shopping at my store anymore for some trivial reason. More than once I replied with "Promise?!"
                I'd love to pull a Randall Graves, and run after them to the door after they leave and yell "You can't shop/rent/eat (delete as applicable) here any more!"

                Know what you mean about recycling. It sucks that people need an incentive, and it certainly explains a lot about the state of the environment in the general "Western" world.
                ONI HEUIR NI FEDIR


                • #9
                  Quoth fish3k1 View Post
                  I'd love to pull a Randall Graves, and run after them to the door after they leave and yell "You can't shop/rent/eat (delete as applicable) here any more!"
                  Oh man, that movie was like my BIBLE. <3 I had sooo many opportunities to do the whole "throwing the car keys in the trash" bit, too, but I never did. (I did do that to one particularly awful lady's cell phone, though...hey she shouldn't have left it on the counter!)


                  • #10
                    Quoth Alpha Strike View Post
                    The fact that people need an incentive, such as payment or freebies, in order to recycle is very telling. Why I don't want to make sweeping generalizations based on one trend, it's sad that people need to be given something in order to perform actions that benefit everyone.
                    Thread-jacking - but still.....

                    Yeah - I get annoyed here at work, and even went off at one of my co-workers, because it was too much effort for him to walk the 20 meters to put the coke can in the recycle bin...grrrrrr!Why is the planet dying? Because it just takes too much effort to do anything about it....

                    When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


                    • #11
                      Quoth Triscuitty View Post
                      I had sooo many opportunities to do the whole "throwing the car keys in the trash" bit, too, but I never did. (I did do that to one particularly awful lady's cell phone, though...hey she shouldn't have left it on the counter!)
                      I was very tempted to do that to a customer at one of my old photography jobs...

                      But, I graciously returned the phone when the snooty-jerk sent her daughter in to get it.

                      Our store was near the dumpsters in the mall...Had I been feeling a bit more vindictive she never would have seen that phone again. I just couldn't bring myself to actually do it, though.

                      On the topic at hand, I love when people tell me they are never coming back, especially when it is over a stupid discount. Um...ok...whatever.
                      I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                      • #12
                        Quoth marasbaras View Post
                        I liked that policy at OfficeMax.
                        I don't know how long ago that was, but now we do a $3/cartridge towards any purchase, max of 5 cartridges for a total of $15, but your subtotal before tax must be at least equal to your cartridge credit. And we only recycle HP, Lexmark, & Dell.
                        "We go through our careers and things happen to us. Those experiences made me what I am."-Thomas Keller

