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Some quicky SC's

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  • Some quicky SC's

    Here's a few quicky SC's that I've had in the last few months. Being a manager, I get them referred to me from the other staff - so sometimes it seems I do nothing but serve SC's. These are ones where the score was Store 1, SC 0. Unfortunately most SC's do get their own way, because it is quicker, easier and cheaper than the harm they might do if they badmouth us. Sometimes though, you just have to take a stand.

    Misleading Guy
    There's an elderly guy who comes in every couple of weeks, and finds one of our instore signs to complain about. One week it will be that the T's &C's on our interest free signage is too small, another week it will that our cashback signs are worded poorly (no-one else complains, go figure). He never buys anything, just complains.
    His most recent one was trying to get a box of 5 reams of paper, at the price for one. We have a huge bulkstack of A4 printer paper, which I might add is the cheapest in town by about 20%. Some of it is opened into individual reams, some is still in the 5 pack boxes, although these are underneath the loose reams, so in theory customers should only pick up the loose reams. The bulkstack has a number of A3 sized signs on it with the price, and underneath the words "price per ream". The individual reams have our standard price sticker which includes price and product description, which says "A4 Paper - price per ream (500 sheets)". The cartons have one of these stickers, with "X5" written about the same size as the price. He tries to claim the sticker is misleading. No, all the signs have "price per ream" and this carton has "X5" on it - pretty clear to me. "So sir, this is the cheapest paper in town, do you want to buy 1 ream or a carton?"

    3 Year printer lady
    Lady comes in demanding a refund on her printer, because when she bought it she thought the screen displayed the photo you were printing, but it was only an information screen. She bought it 3 YEARS ago. Sorry, can't return it after that time. "But I only opened it last week". Then she tried "the salesman told me it showed the pictures". Sorry lady, but 3 years is far too long to return something.

    Double Charge Lady
    Woman claims that the purchase she made the day before was double charged to her Visa card. She had been on net banking and claimed it showed her $267 purchase from **** twice, but she wouldn't show me anything to prove that, just expected me to refund her $267 based on her word. I told her we had definitely not double charged her, it was probably a glitch with netbanking, and that if she had concerns about it, to contact her bank. I went through various things with her - I closed the registers, they balanced etc. She is still insisting a refund, and I know she is trying something on. Then I had the brainwave, "Well we haven't received the money, so there is obviously some other fraud happening. I can't do anything on a Saturday, but if you give me your full name, address, phone number, and the card number, I can launch an investigation with the bank and police on monday to determine who has put the fraudulent charge on your card." She just says "don't bother trying to help me then" and turns and walks out. Yup, I think I know who was trying the fraud.

    Price Match Man
    We have a price match policy at our store - all below cost matches must be approved by a manager though. This bloke comes in with a printout from a competitors website that has a top-of-the-line GPS at roughly half our cost price, so the salesman brought it to me. I get suspicious, and check the competitor's website - their price is actually higher than our normal price, and is in a different font to what is on this printout. A closer look at the printout, and you can see that it has been photoshopped. So I go out to see him.
    Me: "That's a very good price on that printout"
    SC: "Yeah, so will you match it, or do I take my business elsewhere?"
    Me: "Well that's where we have a problem, I've just looked at ***'s website, and the price on there is $***, so I'm wondering where this came from."
    SC: "I printed it out this morning from their website. Are you going to do that price or not"
    Me: "Well, let me put it this way, this printout has obviously been modified from what is on the website. Modifying a document to get financial gain is fraud, so right about now you have 2 options - you can purchase the GPS at the competitor's real price, or I can call the police."
    SC stood silent for a moment while he considered his options.
    SC: "I only have $xxx, can I buy one of the cheaper ones instead"
    Me "Ok, but you pay retail price, not our sale price. **** here will help you choose one", and handed him back to the original salesperson.
    Then SC asked for one last thing "Don't suppose you could shred that printout could you?". He paid retail, and he told the salesperson to thank me for my help. Wonderful.

  • #2
    Quoth Rivulatus View Post
    Then I had the brainwave, "Well we haven't received the money, so there is obviously some other fraud happening. I can't do anything on a Saturday, but if you give me your full name, address, phone number, and the card number, I can launch an investigation with the bank and police on monday to determine who has put the fraudulent charge on your card." She just says "don't bother trying to help me then" and turns and walks out. Yup, I think I know who was trying the fraud.
    Just brilliant!

    Quoth Rivulatus View Post
    Then SC asked for one last thing "Don't suppose you could shred that printout could you?". He paid retail, and he told the salesperson to thank me for my help. Wonderful.
    Wait, wait, wait. Stop the presses.

    Do you mean that he not only stopped insisting that his shop-job was genuine, but he might actually have gotten the right information and might not try that ever again?

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
      Wait, wait, wait. Stop the presses.

      Do you mean that he not only stopped insisting that his shop-job was genuine, but he might actually have gotten the right information and might not try that ever again?

      Perhaps it is my fairly gruff demeanour, or the fact i'm 6'2 and 220lb, but I find that generally the men will back down fairly quickly when I tell it how it is. I generally find that I have more trouble with women - perhaps subconsciously I go softer on them, I dunno.

      Kind of surprising I made it to be a manager though, cos I have had a fair share of complaints go through to corporate, and have been "counselled" on numerous occasions about my no BS attitude to some customers (no write-ups though, so I guess I'm not doing too bad).

      Mind you, not everyone gets treated harsh - for every 1 I post here where I won't compromise, there are probably 50 where I do compromise with the customer. Sometimes their requests are unreasonable, but doable, and if keeping them happy is relatively easy (even if not necessarily _right_), then I will do it. More often than not, when the customer is complaining, they are totally justified, and in those cases I will bend over backwards to help them. Sometimes though they will be completely unreasonable, and I'm sorry, but I won't back down when that happens.

      I also will rarely directly over-ride an employee. I may give into the customer, but when I do so, I try to do it in a manner that doesn't belittle the employee in front of the customer. I will try to consult with the employee involved prior to making a call, and if I do need to directly override their decision I will explain to them why I am doing so.

