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Things we shouldn't laugh at...

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  • #31
    I shouldn't have laughed, but only to stop from encouraging him because we can't afford another Nativity set.

    Me: "Why did the Wise Men go to Bethlehem?"

    Khan: "To fight!"

    Me: "That's not quite-"

    Khan: "TYRANNOSAURUS REX FIGHTS WISE MEN!" >destroys Nativity set<


    • #32
      My sister had one of those mini marshmellows and she was being a complete dork - she was balancing it on her tongue and then she sucked it into her mouth...and started choking. I should have helped her but I was laughing too hard. She was fine though it took her a moment to stop choking because she was laughing too.

      I watched my cat faceplant against the driver's side window of my car the other day. He was trying to get into the car but didn't realize that I put the window up for once. Poor cat. He even readied himself on ground for the jump by crouching low and shaking his body.


      • #33
        Quoth AnaKhouri View Post
        I shouldn't have laughed, but only to stop from encouraging him because we can't afford another Nativity set.

        Me: "Why did the Wise Men go to Bethlehem?"

        Khan: "To fight!"

        Me: "That's not quite-"

        Khan: "TYRANNOSAURUS REX FIGHTS WISE MEN!" >destroys Nativity set<
        I would've laughed at that as well....if only it worked that way!

        And since I'm quoting you, AnaKhouri, the thread where you pointed out Khan's baking adventures, I probably shouldn't have laughed at your misfortune, but the mental image of a 2-year-old dumping cocoa on the floor and announcing he was making brownies is funny as anything

        One I can remember from my mum was when I was kids, she was friends with the mum of one of the kids in my class. I did not particularly like said kid. One day the kid challenged me to a race going from the width of the netball court, to the width of the basketball court and back. I cheated, touched the end of hte netball court (so about halfway) and ran back (he was almost at the end of the basketball court). Mum didn't like me cheating, but she was ing at me.
        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

        Now queen of USSR-Land...


        • #34
          I remember once my friend and I were at Subway and I inhaled a little piece of a hot pepper and started to choke. He was laughing his ass off as I was trying to find something to drink. It's funny now, but I gave him an earful about it when I could breathe again.

          Any time I see my cats catching mice. Sometimes we get mice in the basement and my two male cats will be on the prowl (which is especially funny because they're both lard asses and just do not look like stealthy hunters). Every time my older male cat has one, he'll sit there holding it in his mouth with a look on his face like, "Okay I got it. What do I do now?" I feel bad for the mice because they usually are badly injured, but my cats' expressions are just so funny. Once this same cat found a fucking Hulk-mouse that looked more like a gerbil and he was so proud of himself, but didn't know what to do with it once he had it.


          • #35
            Quoth ShadowBall View Post
            Every time my older male cat has one, he'll sit there holding it in his mouth with a look on his face like, "Okay I got it. What do I do now?"
            DON'T tell him: "The funny taste is because it's never bathed."
            I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
            Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
            Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


            • #36
              Another one I remember. Bit of background here: my boyfriend's sister is my age (21) and she has an intellectual disability among other things. She's semi-independent (i.e. she has a job, she goes out to activities with other people etc.).

              One afternoon I came up to my boyfriend's house for the weekend. I went to have a chat with his mum while my boyfriend played with the family's 2 dogs. His sister bursts in, takes one look at me and screams "OH MY GOD YOU HAVE BOOBS!" (I was wearing a low-cut top at the time)

              Boyfriend's mum and I are just trying not to laugh, but we couldn't help it.
              The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

              Now queen of USSR-Land...


              • #37
                Here's an oldie but a goodie. Years ago I had a live plant on top of the fridge but it wasn't doing very well (most of my plants don't) so it had lots of dead leaves on it. Hubby and I were standing around the fridge when suddenly one of the leaves fell off and fluttered past me. I let out a relatively small scream and jumped back because I thought it was a big bug or something...but what was really funny was how my poor unsuspecting husband started jumping around and yelling like it really WAS a big bug and had fallen on his head!! I very quickly realized it was just a leaf and said oh....sorry.... But I was totally laughing at him!! (To be fair, he deserves it, he's totally not against laughing at others' misfortune sometimes...)
                "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


                • #38
                  Last January, my two sisters and I all gathered at our parents' house in Phoenix, the first time the five of us had been together since Lil Sis's wedding in seven years. All three of us siblings are football fans, and planned to watch the NFL playoffs at a local bar. Since we all are drinkers as well, the plan was to have Stepdad drive us to the bar and pick us up after the games, so we could all drink and enjoy ourselves.* On the drive over, for some reason on some subject, Lil Sis (riding shotgun) started getting argumentative, and The Witch and I (sitting in the back seat) pointed out her argumentativeness, and were chuckling slightly about it. At which point Lil Sis got all defensive, and went nuts arguing that she was not, in fact, argumentative. Which, naturally, sent The Witch and I into hysterics, and caused Stepdad to laugh too, though he tried to keep his laughter under his breath, since he knew it couldn't help. Not that it would have mattered, though....The Witch's and my hysterics made Lil Sis even madder, and she argued that much more vehemently, causing even more laughter from the backseat. Basically, a vicious cycle, with Lil Sis as the unwitting victim. She never does learn on this point, actually.

                  Without question, though, my worst Laughing When I Shouldn't Be Laughing moment was at my father's funeral. I was 10, and nervous laughter just threatened to overtake me at many moments, and I had to fight it off. It was....weird.

                  Quoth ShadowBall View Post
                  Every time my older male cat has one, he'll sit there holding it in his mouth with a look on his face like, "Okay I got it. What do I do now?"
                  My first cat Gibson had no such problem. One time, I was sitting there on the couch in the living room, and Gibby comes strolling in with a dead bird in his mouth. He plops it down in front of me and looks up, proud as all get out of his hunting prowess. I started to scold him, and it came out something like this: "Gibby, normal cat." I mean, what could I say to him? He was following his normal instincts.

                  Taking my non-reaction reaction as approval, he proceeded to TEAR THAT BIRD APART, leaving nothing but feathers and bones on the living room floor for me to sweep up later. I couldn't help but laugh, not at Gibson, but at my reaction to him.

                  *EDITED TO ADD THE FOOTNOTE I FORGOT TO ADD EARLIER: The parents live in the northwest suburbs of Phoenix, and I really don't know much about that area, being an East Valley guy. However, my sisters put me in charge of finding the best place near the folks' house to watch the games. So, after having done some research and expressing some dissatisfaction with the available options, someone, probably Lil Sis, suggested the idea of just buying a couple cases of beer and watching the games at the parents' house. To which I pointed out that it might be nice to give Mom, who Does Not Drink and who Likes Quiet, a break from her three loud children while they were drinking and yelling at the tv for six or so hours during football games.

                  My logic was irrefutable, and that idea died instantly.
                  Last edited by Jester; 12-07-2011, 10:21 PM.

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #39
                    About 15 years ago I had a house fire and my cat was trapped inside. She was hit on the head by falling debris and knocked unconscious. She .survived, but she suffered brain damage from it. She was never graceful and she had spots where she couldn't see. I'd be playing with a string in front of her and she'd crouch down to pounce and I'd move the string to a side and she wouldn't see it move.

                    What really set me off with giggles was her jumping over puddles. She was so clumsy it was funny.

