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"You can't help me? But you're at the counter"

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  • "You can't help me? But you're at the counter"

    This is a story from back at the games store.

    Our cash area had two registers and a large counter area right next to the second register. I was working cash one night and I had asked the employee working with me to do a daily inventory survey we were required to do. So this meant he had a bunch of papers on the counter area and that the second register would be continually in use. (each register was also connected to a computer that stored all our inventory information).

    At one point in the evening I had two customers in my line, when one of them stepped out and marched over to my coworker.

    SC: (dumps 4 games on the counter in front of my CW)
    CW: I'm sorry I'm in the middle of something on this register, but my co-worker will be happy to help you when he's finished with the other customer.
    SC: But you're open.
    CW: Excuse me?
    SC: There was no one at this register, it was open.
    CW: There was no one here, but I am using this computer right now and I can't process transactions at the moment so this register is effectively closed.
    (NOTE: Our tiny games shop didn't have "Closed" signs for the registers)
    SC: Well I'm the customer. You need to drop what you're doing and serve me!
    CW: I don't need to drop anything sir, there's only one other person in line (points in my direction), surely you can wait a few moments until he has gone.
    SC: I shouldn't have to wait, you're here, I'm here, the register is here, just sell me the games!
    CW: (was about to say something when my register opened up) He can help you now.

    SC wanders over to where I am.

    SC: I want to speak to the manager.
    Me: The manager is not in right now, I'm the highest ranking employee on duty.
    SC: Well then you need to do something about HER (points to CW)
    Me: Has she done something wrong?
    SC: HELL YES! Did you not see her rudely IGNORE me a moment ago?
    Me: No...but I DID see her tell you she was busy and could not help you on that register.
    SC: That's the same as ignoring me, I was standing there with the games and she refused to help!
    Me: No she didn't, she said she was busy and you'd have to wait for me.
    SC: Which is bullshit, if I walk up to the counter and I need to be served and you happen to be doing something else, then you stop whatever it is you're doing and you serve me. That's what customer SERVICE is!
    Me: Sir she already said that the register was unavailable because of what she was doing.
    SC: Well she should've made it available!
    Me: There was only other person in line besides you, that's not reason enough to open up a second register. Is it that big a deal that you had to wait a few minutes?
    SC: It is when there is a second register open that could serve me!
    Me: But there was no register open sir
    SC: Yes there was! She was standing there at the register with no one in line, that means the register is open!
    Me: No it doesn't sir.
    SC: Yes it does! Don't contradict me! I'm the customer, I'm always right!
    Me: Ok sir, I apologize for the confusion but the second register was not available for transactions when you approached it. (proceeds to process sale)
    SC: I want your Name, ID and managers name.
    Me: I'll give you that information sir but I have done nothing wrong here.
    SC: The hell you haven't, you've been rude, incompetent and treated me like a second class citizen. What's your corporate number?
    Me: (I was soooo tempted to give him a fake number but we can get in big trouble for doing that) 555-678-9997.
    SC: They and your manager will be hearing about you. You need to to work on your customer service skills and pray this poor treatment of me doesn't cost you your job.
    Me: I have already explained the situation to you multiple times sir, I will not do so again. Here are you games. Have a good night.
    SC: Screw you, buddy (leaves)

    True to his word he complained to corporate. I wasn't punished, though my manager did ask me for my account of the events. The real sad part is this douchebag got a $20 gift card as a result of his complaint.
    Last edited by CrazedClerkthe2nd; 05-17-2008, 01:11 AM.
    "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant

  • #2
    Once myself and another co-worker had a SC tell me that we gave horrible customer service for telling him that we don't sell, say PVC pipe in a grocery store. I don't remember the exact item but it was that stupid. Corp. gave him a gift which he flashed at every employee on his next visit "<myself> and <co-worker> were rude to me, so your company compensated me for your stupidity by giving me this." Not only were the employees pissed but the GM was even more pissed that some suit would give gift cards for that. The SC was able to get a few more cards for pulling the same shit until he made a new cashier come to the verge of tears, in front of the the district manager. when his free gift card spree ended he never came back.

    If you reward stupidity, SC will repeat it until they get cut off.


    • #3
      I HATE it when they get rewarded for being jerks. I get that they want to please everybody in order to make more money but when things like that happen, a line needs to be drawn. Its NOT okay to berate someone for doing nothing wrong. Disgusting. I'm sorry you guys got stuck with a creep like him.


      • #4
        i guess I've been lucky in my (3 nights) second job in that everyone has been understanding when the computers are busy. I had one person tonight who I would totally understand if she had gone royal bitch on me (she had been driving sense 7am... she checked in at 1:30am). but one computer was down running a transaction total report (which is based on check-outs so I don't have to worry about late arrivals checking in which is why I run it first)... and the 2nd computer had just frozen while bringing up a crs number because I needed to print a duplicate reg card for a guest who was checked in but didn't have a reg card in the room bucket... restarting the computer takes about 5 minutes and I had just shut down the computer when she walked in. But luckily she was really cool and understanding and was very patient.
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #5
          Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
          SC: Yes it does! Don't contradict me! I'm the customer, I'm always right!

          Had it been me, after what this asshat had already said, this is where I likely would have had my temper slip a bit, and replied "No sir, you are not a customer, because I must now ask you to leave the store."


          • #6
            I'd ask for little BIG "closed" signs for the registers.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
              Our cash area had two registers and a large counter area right next to the second register. I was working cash one night and I had asked the employee working with me to do a daily inventory survey we were required to do. So this meant he had a bunch of papers on the counter area and that the second register would be continually in use. (each register was also connected to a computer that stored all our inventory information).
              I understand to a degree- Aldis- for those who have not encountered Aldis, think of it as a grocery version of Deals/Dollar Tree- cheap food, you "rent" the carts for a quarter, and you have to by the bags (though you can scavenge all teh boxes you can eat). they also hire the dead minimum of employees. basically anything you can think of to lower overhead they have done. Never go right after shift change/quitting ever- way too many shoppers. The lines will be long, and everyone else is getting a ton of stuff. Saturdays are not to be thought of.

              So the last two time I was stuck going at 5 pm this sweet young thing is doing something inventoryish at one of the registers. So here I am with not many items in teh one line, the gallon of milk slowly pulling one arm out of socket, but I am *not* going to go be a jerk to that lady. I just wish she could work where I can't see her not being a cashier.

              However, the EW needs a swift dose of reality. I'm starting to wish *everyone* had to work at least 6 months in retail and get this "Bow Before me, minion!" crap knocked out of them.


              • #8
                Quoth Bramblerose View Post
                However, the EW needs a swift dose of reality. I'm starting to wish *everyone* had to work at least 6 months in retail and get this "Bow Before me, minion!" crap knocked out of them.
                6 months?

                Thats pretty lenient.

                I'd go with two years. MINIMUM
                A PSA, if I may, as well as another.

