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How much craziness do YOU deal with ?

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  • #16
    Well, I work with disabled kids (well, not all that young really, but they're not adults), taking care of them at their homes, and some of them are crazy(I'm so bad. I'm still not very PC I should learn the correct terms one of these days...). But most of them are really sweet most of the time.

    Although one of the girls I took care of (they apparently don't need me anymore, so I'm just taking care of one kid now) has a tendancey to break things if they weren't working, and would sometimes start screaming if people weren't doing exactly what she wanted... She was sweet most of the time. She liked to call me her nanny. I'm kind of missing her, to be honest...

    Other than that, I'm not thinking of anything/one that's too crazy right now.
    "Have muck knowledge, but no certainties. Live. I am sorry, Sorianna." -Gverion

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    • #17
      Quoth Sorianna View Post
      some of them are crazy(I'm so bad. I'm still not very PC I should learn the correct terms one of these days...)
      I guess I'm not very PC about this either. I do normally believe in the politeness and thoughtfulness that tends to get characterised by it's opponents as "Political Correctness" - but in this case I refuse to be respectful to illness. I'll be polite to the people with those illnesses, but I'm damned if I believe the illnesses deserve nice names.

      Nothing scares me as much as mental health problems. I'm not scared of the people with them on the whole, but the idea that one day a person can be sane and the next day not terrifies me. I have a lot of craziness in the family, and suffer from cyclical depression myself, and I'm sticking with terms like crazy, round the bend and loony.

      Victoria J


      • #18
        Quoth Victoria J View Post
        Nothing scares me as much as mental health problems. I'm not scared of the people with them on the whole, but the idea that one day a person can be sane and the next day not terrifies me. I have a lot of craziness in the family, and suffer from cyclical depression myself, and I'm sticking with terms like crazy, round the bend and loony.

        Victoria J
        Yeah, it is a spooky thought that that could be us. All the kids I've taken care of have been disabled since birth, though, so it's not such an immediate thought for me. I'm sorry to hear about the depression. What tends to worry me more is getting old. I have nothing against old people, I love them, but both my grandparents (they're 84 and 76) on my dad's side are pretty crazy. It just gets me kind of worried.
        "Have muck knowledge, but no certainties. Live. I am sorry, Sorianna." -Gverion

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        • #19
          Nothing really elaborate to report. Our store used to sell these dog figurines as decorative accents in our furniture department. One lady bought one, then returned it a week or so later because it was haunted or something. I remember she said it would bark during the night, and would also be facing a different direction every morning.

          I had fun filling out the return form for that one! I was tempted to put it on the markdown table, with "Reason for markdown: possessed by evil spirits" on the tag.
          "Wouldn't that be unethical?"
          "That's only an issue for those who aren't already in Hell."


          • #20
            The weird ones I get are generally of the harmless variety and strangely enough are sometimes more polite than the 'sane ' ones.

            Mr K

            This guy is actually really nice if some what confused about reality.
            For example coming to my department for his doctors appointment,and to get a free sandwich (I was working in the a toy store for this one), he has a very bad short term memory.
            After meeting his helper I found out that his condition was a result of a bad crash on a motor bike (I'm assuming head injuries)


            This guy is another old man and again pretty harmless,though he freaks out some of the younger members of staff who've met him.(though personally I don't know why)
            If he every did turn nasty I wouldn't have to call security, he's so frail one good push and I'd probabbly hurt him.
            He doesn't look after himself, and I did wonder if he was homeless.
            It strange because when I do see him I have the exact conversation with him every day.
            I don't mean the exact same topic , I mean word for word, no matter the day or my response. Not sure what this guys story is, he's just a sad old guy who needs some one to talk to, or at as the case may be.

            Obscene lady

            She talks to herself , or more accurately to who ever's talking in her mind, it's pretty nasty stuff and it's usually punctuated with swearing.
            I don't go anywhere near her, and leave here well alone, because I get the feeling she would most likely take a swing at me.
            Please excuse me , I need to wander round the corner to scream now, before my head explodes.


            • #21
              Sweet older lady customer who came to us for cell service because she was certain that her landlord was crawling under the skirting of her mobile home and tapping her home phone line. Listening to her conversations with her boyfriend, IIRC.

              Another customer who claims to be on medically-prescribed marijuana for some obscure disease (he does have something wrong with him and talks incessantly with random connections between the last half-statement and the current one), who was arrested for posing as an undercover agent at an estate auction, wearing a set of holsters with no guns. Keeps the phone numbers of almost 1000 local and national businesses, hot dog stands, pizza parlors and law enforcement officers in his cell contacts because "you never know when someone will ask for one of those numbers."


              • #22
                I had a teenage caller who wouldn't give me his address because he thought we were going to kill him by beaming signals into his eyes from our broadcast satellites. He also had some pretty crazy abuse stories (like "my mom tears me apart then sews me back together every day.")

                There was the caller who would not stop talking for half an hour about how there is a great coverup on the aggressive tendencies of labrador retrievers. Apparently everytime one bites someone it's covered up by the FBI and blamed on a rottweiler. He fosters rottweilers to stick it to the government. He also couldn't have a tech come over because if the tech rang the doorbell the dogs would all pee at once.


                • #23
                  Quoth Jester View Post
                  I work in a downtown bar dealing with drunk and stupid tourists in Key Weird Key West, Florida, "where the weird go pro."
                  Or end up in a Jimmy Buffet book

                  Back when I was a nursing student, one of the students in the year ahead of me was talking about her tour in the psych ward. All i remember was that one of the men really believed he was Clark Kent / Superman.

                  and one of my chat friends said her mother-in-law called up Tony Blair to sing him a lullaby.
                  Last edited by PepperElf; 05-19-2008, 04:58 AM.

