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Lights off=CLOSED--Cafe Edition

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  • Lights off=CLOSED--Cafe Edition

    I'm not in cafe, but up front tonight and Cafe lady has closed at 8:00, as per usual. This means the lights in the kitchen are off, the machines are off (and not lighted), the dining area is dark, and no one is even back there at all by this time (around 9:00). I guess we need a giant gate because at this point I hear someone yelling to no one in particular--or maybe somebody; I don't know, as I'm 20 yards away--"Is this place open??" OK, I could go over there and set him straight, but I don't respond when someone can't walk up to a person and address him/her directly. None of my coworkers are interested.

    It quiets down, so I figure that he's gotten the message. I'm stocking registers when he goes to my coworker's. He has a slushy in hand. I guess he doesn't get it. I tell coworker we don't have a way to ring those up and then remember that we can if we get the # off the computer, but I'm too annoyed to correct myself.

    I do feel bad about that because he was chagrined and said "Did I do something wrong?" and wanted to pay. He wasn't stealing; I guess just not too bright? So I'm glad my coworker got to deal with it because at first I was too annoyed to give a little grace, which I do try to do, even with those who annoy me.

    Bonus: So while that's all going on the supervisor tells me she needs to go around the store dealing with money, and would I please watch the Service Desk? It's easier from the front line of registers, and I'm on the back line, so she asks if I'll move after my current customer. No problem, and we turn off my light. OF COURSE some clueless women walk up and plop their stuff down. If I was going to help one more person where I am, I'd pull one who'd been waiting already. So I have to take these two, who didn't even acknowledge my greeting. I have to admit their greeting cards are in a pile at the bottom of the huge bag because I needed to get off that lane. ugh
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably

  • #2
    I do feel kind of bad for the first guy - he really did seem genuinely clueless. I imagine him wandering around confusedly in the dark, all, "But I only want a slushy... hello... hello...?"


    • #3
      It really was like that and I feel bad now for saying anything, even though I was irritated at first. I made him feel dumb, I think.
      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


      • #4
        Well, to be fair, it doesn't take a genius to realize that lights off + nobody there means that a place is closed. I mean, I don't blame you for being annoyed (I would be too), since it's annoying when people don't take obvious cues. Let's just hope this dude doesn't make a habit of wandering off alone into dark abandoned places. :/


        • #5
          I know, right? He seemed nice, but none too bright. I hope his friends take care of him.
          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably

