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More tales from the convenience store

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  • More tales from the convenience store

    One of my favorites is when people bitch about the prices at the convenience store. I can't count the number times this happens. They are apparently oblivious to the concept of a convenience store. It is the price you're willing to pay for the item you don't want to make a special trip to the grocery store to get.
    Another favorite related to this is when someone acts like I put a gun in their face and asked for their wallet when I tell them the 20 ounce bottle of coke they want to buy costs 1.92
    They must not get out much if they think a coke costs a dollar.

  • #2
    Almost as likely is that the customer actually DOES know what a Coke costs.. when they buy it in a six-pack at the discount store.
    The "I can buy a six pack for what you are charging for two bottles, who do you think you are?" train of thought that conveniently forgets that your store only made MAYBE 50 cents profit on her tank if gas and needs to earn a buck elsewhere.


    • #3

      They complain yet can't drive their car two more blocks to the supermarket that is visible from the gas station where the drinks are so cheap.

      Really, I just drove to Florida and back see:!3e0

      And I stopped at a lot of gas stations going both ways, and why did I not go to the local supermarkets? And yes, in the smaller towns I could see them down the block. Mostly because of the time I would save vs standing inline at a local Walmart etc. But also there is only a limited number of cooled drinks there. Gas stations have huge coolers full of dozens of different drinks. Supermarkets only have small ones near the checkout counters with very limited selection.
      Last edited by earl colby pottinger; 06-22-2015, 03:18 PM.


      • #4
        or how about the part when they're at the register, and the customer tells you it's two for three on the gatorade like they expect the price to somehow drop lower than $3.20? I mean, it automatically rings up that way and they're is still such a thing as tax....and then they get gripy about the 20 cents like i can somehow make tax disappear....don't you just love convenience?...sigh...
        “I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat.”
        ― Rebecca West


        • #5
          Quoth earl colby pottinger View Post
          Gas stations have huge coolers full of dozens of different drinks. Supermarkets only have small ones near the checkout counters with very limited selection.
          And, of course, when you are buying those convenient individual chilled 20oz bottles, they aren't a penny cheaper than the local gas 'n sip. The only place I've found that sells 20oz sodas for a buck is Dollar Tree. (And your sweet and salty junk food dollar generally goes pretty far there too... we really go to town at Dollar Tree when we go to the beach. Great for all the little stuff, like paper towels, hand soap, etc. that's a pain to pack.)
          Last edited by EricKei; 06-22-2015, 09:29 PM. Reason: snip


          • #6
            A different tale from the convenience store. Shift change. Our shifts are 6 am-2pm then 2-10, and 3rd is run by one person from 10 to 6 the following morning.
            One night I am working a 2nd shift it is almost 10 so I am counting down the second register for the night. I get done, drop all the cash in the safe and once I come back from the office a guy in the line that built up says hey aren't you going to open that register? I look in that direction and Mr. Stinkeye is easy to pick out of the line.
            I immediately say no. I softened it a bit by explaining that all the money in registers 2 and 3 have to be dropped in the safe due to the possibility of a robbery. Also I let him know that even though 3 people were there 2nd shift was over and only one person works from 10-6. Considering his tone when he asked about it and the eyeballing I got from him as I explained the situation I guess he figured we're supposed to stay late after work. Not happening buddy. I have stuff to do too. Especially that night because I was scheduled to come in at 6 the next morning.
            He hasn't been the only one to get a little pissy either. Seriously. I guess some people figure their time Is more valuable than everyone else's.


            • #7
              After thirteen years managing in convenience stores my personal favorite is "how do you get off charging SO much for gas??"

              hmmm----lets think that over

              the cost of fuel
              the cost of transportation
              the cost of processing your credit/debit card transaction
              the cost of the environmental compliance
              the cost of the two employees that have to be at the counter at all times
              the cost of fire suppression systems
              the cost of maintenance
              the cost of the 4000 sq ft store you walked into so you could grip at me
              the cost of the 14 fuel dispensers, sump pumps....

              YUPPER---we are just raking in that profit all $0.178 cents a gallon


              • #8
                My very, very favorite is the customers that will tell you how much cheaper gas is in another town nearby. It's so damn hard for me not to snap at them to go get it there, instead of griping at me! Another favorite is the ones who grumble and huff and curse as they open their wallets when I tell them their totals. I even had a woman the other day tell me that the $1.97 for a bottle of pop was highway robbery. The urge to roll my eyes was strong with that one, let me tell you!
                "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                • #9
                  Well, it is highway robbery. Her recourse is to not buy soda at the convenience store and to bring an ad to Wal-Mart and get it at a decent price. Everyone knows shopping at a gas station costs an arm and a leg.
                  Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                  • #10
                    It's a conspiracy, I tells ya! They're the only ones selling those huge cans of Baja!
                    My Guide to Oblivion

                    "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


                    • #11
                      It always makes me laugh when people complain our prices. There's no other grocery store in my store's area (though there is a few five minutes away) so we're about the only thing because it seems there's quite a few people without cars close by.

                      I remember for awhile we had a lady come in and complain about how she couldn't get a ride to a grocery store and taking the bus was a pain so she was stuck shopping in my store. Quit bitching and buy your stuff. It was the same thing every time. I was so happy when she finally moved away. Which I only knew because she was a sharer so we all knew way too much about her life.
                      I would have a nice day, but I have other things to do.


                      • #12
                        Quoth LoTech View Post
                        Almost as likely is that the customer actually DOES know what a Coke costs.. when they buy it in a six-pack at the discount store.
                        The "I can buy a six pack for what you are charging for two bottles, who do you think you are?"
                        Price of instant gratification. 6-pack from the discount store is at room temperature, single at the C-store is refrigerated. Same with the 24-pack of 500 ml water bottles being 3 bucks at a grocery store, with singles from the cooler being a buck. Of course, "Chez Ronald" is having their dollar drink deal, so I go to one that has their sodas on self-serve, and for the same buck as a 500 ml bottle of refrigerated water I get a 32 ounce cup of water with plenty of ice so that it STAYS cold.
                        Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                        • #13
                          Quoth BrenDAnn View Post
                          My very, very favorite is the customers that will tell you how much cheaper gas is in another town nearby. It's so damn hard for me not to snap at them to go get it there, instead of griping at me!
                          Story of my life... Fuel taxes are about $0.20 less in Carson County than Washoe... it amazes me how many people complain about how much we are ripping people off because we charge... $0.15 more. Umm... yeah, we have no control over the tax rates, and considering that the tax difference is MORE than the price difference, I'd say all things considered we are giving you a good deal. If you don't think it's good enough, you are more than welcome to make the 15 mile drive to Carson.

                          Quoth Roland View Post
                          I immediately say no. I softened it a bit by explaining that all the money in registers 2 and 3 have to be dropped in the safe due to the possibility of a robbery.
                          Ah safe drops... I've had dozens of people complain that we don't have enough change to break a $100 bill... umm, yeah, we drop on a regular schedule and will make emergency drops if our tills get more than $250 (total) in them, with the goal to keep it below $150 at all times. So, if you are the second person in line to give me a $100 bill, I would literally have to give you everything in my drawer and still owe you money.

                          Quoth pinky View Post
                          I mean, it automatically rings up that way and they're is still such a thing as tax....and then they get gripy about the 20 cents like i can somehow make tax disappear....don't you just love convenience?...sigh...
                          Oh dear, how many arguments I've had over tax. It doesn't help that in Nevada groceries are tax exempt, however prepared food items are not. The question is, how do you know the difference between the two. It isn't as simple as you'd think. Some examples, we get our donuts in as frozen dough, we bake it, glaze it, and frost it, before putting it on the shelf. This is considered a grocery item because it is ready to eat at time of purchase without upkeep from staff (so grab and go items under a heat lamp are considered prepared, because while they are ready to eat at time of purchase, it does require upkeep from staff by keeping the warmer running). A salad on the other hand, that literally all that is done is opening a bag, pouring it into a container and putting a price tag on it, and setting it in the cooler display along with single serve dressing packets, is considered taxable because we prepare it on site and the adding of dressing on site means that it was prepared and not grocery. COnfused yet? It gets worse. If you buy a frozen burrito and walk out the door with it to microwave at your home, it is a grocery item. If you instead heat it up in our microwave before purchasing it, it is now a prepared food item and we have to charge tax. Okay, I guess that one isn't really confusing, but how about this one, if you buy a bag of ice at Wal-Mart or Smith's or any other large store that has a central factory ship it to them, it is considered a grocery item, but you buy it at a gas station that bags the ice on site, it is now considered a fountain item, which is taxable.
                          Yeah, I've had a lot of arguments about what tax is due.
                          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                          • #14
                            I don't know about cab service where you live, but when we do a major grocery shop, our five-minutes-away trip home from the store costs about $4.
                            "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


                            • #15
                              Quoth WishfulSpirit View Post
                              I don't know about cab service where you live, but when we do a major grocery shop, our five-minutes-away trip home from the store costs about $4.
                              That depends on where you live and IIRC, at least here the prices are set by city ordinance.

                              Last time I used one to get home from work, it cost me right at $10 for one way (and that was before the prices went up several years ago.)

                              I'd have no problem complaining about $4.00 just to get home.
                              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

