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The Abridged Rx

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  • #16
    Quoth WishfulSpirit View Post
    Just an FYI on the yeast infection thing: said female probably didn't get the infection the way you're thinking. Sweat can easily get trapped under larger breasts, and the moisture combined with the natural yeast spores that exist everywhere can cause yeast infections on any skin that doesn't stay dry. Underboob included.

    i know that. But I really didn't need to HEAR it. Just, no! YUCK! Why do I need to know that? That would be like me busting out at a bridal shower: "Hey guess what? I got a hemorrhoid!" EW!!


    • #17
      Quoth Boomslang View Post
      i know that. But I really didn't need to HEAR it. Just, no! YUCK! Why do I need to know that? That would be like me busting out at a bridal shower: "Hey guess what? I got a hemorrhoid!" EW!!
      LOL! In the age of Facebook people really do have issues with oversharing. Was this an older lady? Many of my aunts and uncles seem to think their various medical issues are the most fascinating topics on the planet.
      "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


      • #18
        Quoth Boomslang View Post
        Overheard my Pharmacist on the Phone:
        "Yes? Okay. No I'm sorry but it's 8pm and there's no one here to do deliveries. My tech doesn't have a car and I can't leave. *long pause* I'm pretty sure you're not going to die if you don't get your clonazepam tonight."
        Hopefully that didn't result in said person having a seizure. That'd be a nasty lawsuit.

        As for pain pills, I only take them for pain. I have some left over from my kidney stones that helped when I dislocated my shoulder. Morphine was by far the most powerful I've had. Got that when I had appendicitis. At first I was queasy. The conversation with my nurse went something like this. "Oh, man, this does NOT feel good...Wait a second...yes it does..."

        Hugs not drugs.
        "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


        • #19
          Quoth mjr View Post
          Ponder this:

          The scariest thing about all of those instances is that every one of them is likely eligible to VOTE...
          No, what's even scarier is that they can reproduce


          • #20
            For 3 years I have dealt with unending, unyielding pain without pain medicine. 24/7. After awhile, any relief... no matter what the risk might be starts to sound good. I currently take a very low level tramadol, but luckily I am getting to try a pain med free system here in about a month. If it works, they can make it permanent. No pain and no meds (so no chance for getting addicted)? Sign me up. As for taking them for fun? I don't like to take them when I NEED them, let alone for fun.

            With the tramadol my worst day is an 8 on a scale from 1-10, my best a 2.5 (was a 3 and a 9). I can live with that, but would rather not have to because of the risk of addiction. I too will never understand people who take things to get zoned out. Too paranoid I am. My mind is already mush, no need to help it become even worse.
            Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


            • #21
              Quoth Greenday View Post
              Hopefully that didn't result in said person having a seizure. That'd be a nasty lawsuit.

              As for pain pills, I only take them for pain. I have some left over from my kidney stones that helped when I dislocated my shoulder. Morphine was by far the most powerful I've had. Got that when I had appendicitis. At first I was queasy. The conversation with my nurse went something like this. "Oh, man, this does NOT feel good...Wait a second...yes it does..."

              Hugs not drugs.
              No, she's actually a doctor, but she's 95 and terribly senile now (and deaf) and waits until she runs out of meds completely before she orders more. Then, on delivery day, she'll call and call and call some more and call again to make sure she's getting her meds because she "doesn't have all day and might die!" (even if all she ordered is a pack of Depends). She yelled at the delivery driver once: "I don't have all day to wait!" And he just bluntly asked: "Why? Where the hell do you have to go?" She said not another word.

              Morphine makes me launch my lunch. Seriously. It's like a geyser of digested food, a firework display of everything I've eaten for the last week. Last time I was in the hospital and the nurse started coming at me with that fucking needle, I told her: "I will barf long and hard, and I will make sure you're in the line of fire." She went away and brought me some nice Ketorolac.


              • #22
                Quoth WishfulSpirit View Post
                LOL! In the age of Facebook people really do have issues with oversharing. Was this an older lady? Many of my aunts and uncles seem to think their various medical issues are the most fascinating topics on the planet.
                She's not much older than me (mid 40s) but she''s a nice, polite, unoffensive term for "Trailer Trash?"


                • #23
                  Quoth Boomslang View Post
                  She's not much older than me (mid 40s) but she''s a nice, polite, unoffensive term for "Trailer Trash?"
                  PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                  There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                  • #24
                    Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                    Rednecks are IMO a step above trailer trash.
                    "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

                    "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


                    • #25
                      Quoth Mytical View Post
                      As for taking them for fun? I don't like to take them when I NEED them, let alone for fun.
                      This reminds me of my last endoscopy/colonoscopy. I've had a bunch, and they always started the anasthesia when I was IN the room. This time, he gave me something as they were wheeling me in, Fentanyl, i think, which i know is for pain, as my dad had patches of it one time. WOW. I did not like that feeling at all! I also would never be one to take anything like that for fun. No thank you. i was loopier than loopy and the ceiling was turning as they were wheeling me in.


                      • #26
                        Quoth Boomslang View Post
                        10 minutes after selling a 10 pack of hypos to a customer:
                        Me: "Uh, that guy who just bought the needles is walking into the shelves."
                        Manager: "Oh fuck me."
                        "Walking into the shelves" as in crashing into them? Like a video game sprite where the walking animation continues even though its stuck against a wall?

                        Or "walking into the shelves" as in going shopping or sneaking into the back area where all the meds are?

                        I'm confused.
                        I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                        - Bill Watterson

                        My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                        - IPF


                        • #27
                          Or maybe just wandering around and crashing into shelves, getting deflected, and then doing the same thing a few steps down the aisle.
                          "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


                          • #28
                            Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
                            "Walking into the shelves" as in crashing into them? Like a video game sprite where the walking animation continues even though its stuck against a wall?

                            Or "walking into the shelves" as in going shopping or sneaking into the back area where all the meds are?

                            I'm confused.
                            Staggering, falling into shelves, knocking shit over, staggering a few more paces, rinse, repeat.


                            • #29
                              Quoth Seanette View Post
                              Rednecks are IMO a step above trailer trash.
                              Agreed. Rednecks may not have the most sophisticated language skills, but they can fix a car, build a deck or field dress a deer in 20 minutes. The only thing Trailer Trash know how to make is Meth (and NOT everyone who lives in a trailer park is trailer trash, plenty of great people do).
                              "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


                              • #30
                                Rednecks also usually tend toward employment and usually aren't repeat felons.
                                "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

                                "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77

