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Sorry Sir They've Gone Home.

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  • Sorry Sir They've Gone Home.

    Yesterday we closed at 6pm instead of the normal 9pm due to it being a public holiday here in Aus, i finished my shift at 7pm and really wanted to get out of there because i have a bad cold and my voice was nearly non existant.

    The lights dimmed at 6pm and i started the closing duties, i didn't notice a man still shopping at 6.15pm until he came up to me.

    SM Idiot still shopping
    Me With very sexy husky voice

    SM "I want some ham from the deli but there's no one in there"
    ME "They have gone home for the night, we close at 6 tonight, its now 6.15".
    SM "But i NEEEEEED ham, why can't you just cut me some".
    ME "Because i'm not trained to use the slicer and we're CLOSED".
    SM "This is stupid, if i'm still shopping there should be staff here to serve me, I
    ME "Sorry mate but everyone has gone home, there's no one in the deli, you'll have to come back tomorrow"
    SM " How about i don't come back at all". Then he dumped all the stuff he had on the ground and i mean he had a basket full of items and he upended the basket and tipped it all over the ground.

    He then proceeded to walk out the doors and our automatic door were shut off so he walked straight into the glass

    He swore at the door, pushed it open and ran out.

    The security guard was nearly wetting himself laughing and if i could laugh i would have.

    I doubt he'll be back in a hurry. On a bad note i had to pick up and put back all the items he dumped.

  • #2
    Karma's a bitch huh?


    • #3
      holy potatos batman!

      You have to wonder how he acts in the rest of his life, if one little thing happens that isnt to his liking and he responds by throwing down his basket of items...trantum like a 2 year old... well I couldnt get my sliced ham!!!

      Id hate to see him deal with a real problem, like getting cancer, or his city flooding!
      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


      • #4
        Now didn't you learn when you where little you don't get everything you demand.
        Besides you where the one shoping in a a dark store you moron.


        • #5
          Seriously, I can imagine this guy thinking he's such a hot shot saying how he'll never come back, drops all his items on the floor and storms out...

          And then he walks into the doors. Had to have burst his bubble. I almost lost some cranberry juice to my monitor on that one


          • #6
            Hehehehe that's brilliant! I'd have paid to see that.


            • #7
              The security guard saw the incident and didn't do anything?


              • #8
                Is the security camera footage on YouTube yet?
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  Our security guards are pretty shocking, he's an old guy who if you blew on him he'd fall over and it sucks cause we're not in the best of areas.

                  We did have one security guard who thought he was Rambo or something and would pick fights with customers even if they weren't doing anything wrong.

