
No announcement yet. the other guy told you an hour ago

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  • the other guy told you an hour ago

    I just remembered this one, also from last night. Our DialTime machine is broken, so we can't print out pre-pay mobile phone credit vouchers.

    SC: "Give me $10 Optus."
    co-worker: "The machine's broken."
    SC: "I don't care, just do it."

    Sure enough, the machine prints out a docket saying "ERROR PLEASE REFUND THE CUSTOMER". SC leaves.

    an hour later:

    SC: "Give me $10 Optus."
    me: "The machine's broken."
    SC: "Why no fix it?" (he really said that, English is not his first language)
    me: "We've called the company and they're sending someone tomorrow."
    SC: "Try it anyway."

    What do you know, it didn't fix itself in the hour since the SC was there last!

  • #2
    SC: "Try it anyway."

    Me: "No, I'm not going to waste my time and yours."
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3

      You're in luck, the magical phone faerie was just by, and he blew the magical fart that fixed it... but unfortunately there will be a non refundable $100 idiot tax in adition to the $10 now.

