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Being a pirate is alright to be~

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  • Being a pirate is alright to be~

    Still all alone on shift.... -.-


    Hmm, I haven't seen The Beast™ this shift....There's no crime scene tape around the bathroom and no one was mysteriously crossed off the schedule. So I assume either one of you miraculously defeated it ( Vanish + X-Zone? ) or its descended to one of the lower floors. In which case at least it will stop the employees from ( c ompany below us ) mistakenly buzzing our floor in the morning.

    ( One of my coworkers just had eye surgery so she really does have a black pirate eye patch on. )

    <co-worker> tells me she's a pirate. I can only look on in envy and awe.


    Me: "Ok, do you have a customer ID number?"
    SC: "No, I have a Visa."

    Really? Hmmm. I wonder what kind of APR Customer Id Number offers. I should look into it, it might be better then my Mastercard!


    Me: "Ok, and the card number?"
    SC: "Its xxxx…uh….xx…..I CAN'T READ THIS THING!@!$!@$"
    Me: "!?!" ( Why are you yelling at me like thats MY fault? )
    SC: "….xx……..xxxx…..I CAN'T READ IT!"
    Me: "……"
    SC: "….xx…..xx……"
    Me: "Hmmm, ok, that’s not going through for me. Can I double check the number with you?"

    ( I go over it again with him, no go. Against my better judgment I ask him to read it back to me again. )

    SC: "xxxx…….xx…….I CAN'T READ ANY OF THIS!!! Xx….."

    ( Repeat this entire conversation practically word for word 3 more times )


    Sweet ( Succulent, 75 cent, convenience store ) cherry licorice Jeebus! Put your glasses on or turn on the light or something, sheesh. How did you even read the keypad on the phone? If you know you can't read it and you know you need it to order, why did you call? Isn't there an insurmountable obstacle towering in front of your life there that you should be addressing first? Best part is you're yelling at me like its MY fault you can't read it. Like you expect me to just skip that part because you can't read it and I'm being rude for insisting. Sorry, it doesn't quite work that way.

    See, the purchase of goods and services requires currency ( Or in the case of a credit card, imaginary currency ). I can't give you the product unless you give me shiny coins, chickens, goats, ingots or a first born child equal to the value of the product. This is called "commerce" and it is a core function of the world as a whole. Without commerce the world economy would collapse and the very foundation of society would fail. If I let you skip by it'll create a chain reaction that will eventually lead to the end of modern society as we know it.

    Do you want to be responsible for the entire world falling into poverty stricken anarchy? No? Then go put on your damn glasses.


    SC: "Yeah, my ring tones aren't working-"

    Oh wow. Just….wow. I'm not sure I can accurately impart to you just how fantastically unimportant the fact that your phone cannot play "Baby Got Back" is to me ( or indeed any living creature aside from yourself ) at 3am. How can I frame this in a way that you can understand? Hmmmm….oh, wait, I know. Ok, you know how important everyone within earshot is to you on the bus while you're yakking like a farkwit on your cellphone? Yeah, that’s how important your ringtones are. Understand? Yes? Good. Now go "back that ass up" or whatever it is you do normally.

    Law Enforcement

    Its never a promising sign when the arresting officer is physically trying to stop himself from laughing at you while he's calling for your lawyer. Its an even worse sign when he fails moments later.

    ( From what I gathered, she was picked up on a DUI on like a moped.... )

    Start From The Beginning

    SC: "Ok, its saying I need to be connected to the internet to finish the installation. How do I do that?!"

    Oh wow. You, You bought online software without having an internet connection? Or do you have the internet but seriously just don't know where to find it? Did you lose the Internet? Because its actually rather big and its kind of hard to miss. There seems to be a much deeper more fundamental problem here then just the software installation.

    Ok, well, I'm going to have to ask you to pack up the laptop, take it back to the store and get your money back. Unfortunately you're not yet qualified to own a computer and if I let you on the Internet I'll be breaking section 3 of the Virtual Halfwit Act. I'm afraid if I let you online with your current qualifications you would only bring despair, annoyance, bad cat macros and retarded posts to the rest of us.

    You're not on AOL are you? Because to be honest the entire ISP has been outlawed and SWAT teams are, as we speak, moving to strike it and all of its customers from the face of the virtual world. Surrender now. I'd hate to see your face plastered across the newspaper tomorrow being pulled out of the closet by a swat officer clutching your iMac.

    Oi...2 more days, but at least I get a coworker again.

  • #2
    Ooooh... a Pirate co-worker. Spiffy.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      Hmm, I haven't seen The Beast™ this shift....There's no crime scene tape around the bathroom and no one was mysteriously crossed off the schedule. So I assume either one of you miraculously defeated it ( Vanish + X-Zone? ) or its descended to one of the lower floors. In which case at least it will stop the employees from ( c ompany below us ) mistakenly buzzing our floor in the morning.
      I think spiders are generally weak to fire. You could combine Final Attack + Phoenix and if The Beast™ happens to get the better of you, it should burn him to a crisp and revive you and any fallen coworkers it may have devoured.

      Scorpions prey on spiders. You could get one and let them duke it out in the bathroom. Of course, then you'd have a scorpion running loose, but at least you wouldn't have to worry about it dropping on your shoulder and biting your throat, liquifying your innards and sucking them out like a Gravekeeper smoothie.

      Of course, it could scamper up your leg and pinch/sting you in unthinkable locations, but I'm not a miracle worker here.

      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      ( One of my coworkers just had eye surgery so she really does have a black pirate eye patch on. )

      <co-worker> tells me she's a pirate. I can only look on in envy and awe.
      Didn't you once say you're the supervisor? If so, doesn't that technically make her your pirate wench? If so, that would be cool.
      "You are loved" - Plaidman.


      • #4
        "my Associates has informed me that you has my reverb"

        dammit now I've got the "Cat Macros" stuck in my head AAAAAAAAAA!!!!
        Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


        • #5
          Aww, your co-worker wins with the eyepatch.. best I could do was my "It's okay, I'm a pirate" shirt. *ish sad*
          "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


          • #6
            Grave... its amusing to hear from you.

            Oh btw i hope the lower guys kill the damn thing.


            • #7
              SC: "Yeah, my ring tones aren't working-"
              ...or is the issue perhaps that no one wants to talk to you...?

              Quoth Andara Bledin
              Ooooh... a Pirate co-worker. Spiffy.
              Spiffy's a pirate? Cool!
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                ( One of my coworkers just had eye surgery so she really does have a black pirate eye patch on. )

                <co-worker> tells me she's a pirate. I can only look on in envy and awe.
                A bunch of us were pirates for Halloween. Well, I was supposed to, but circumstances beyond my control prevented me from fitting into my costume.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid

