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Red flag SC's

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  • Red flag SC's

    Oh, the examples I could cite with this title. This happens in any customer service environment, but I believe it happens more often for those who work in call centers. Here are a few examples of what I have dealt with over the years:

    * My pet peeve are the SC's who call in for changes to an account, or for just plain info about the account. In any call center I have worked in, we always first had to ask who we were speaking with, then have them verify the account information. When the reply to "Your name, please" is "Um, uh John", it leads me to believe it is not the person authorized on the account. When I get this reply, I normally ask for the person to verify additional info, like the date of birth or social, and when they can't even verify that (you don't know your own birthday?), I do not assist them unless it's general information not related to the account.

    * I have a customer who is trying to change the name of the account from her husband's to her own, stating the husband passed away. We require the death certificate as proof in order to change the name, and it must be faxed in. She has made this attempt four times, along with nasty letters and a copy of her bill, yet the death certificate is the only document that never comes through. Instead of her saying she'll try again or try mailing it, she has pretty much given me a hard time, saying we should just take her word for it and do it without this headache. This leads me to believe the husband is really not dead, and this may not even be the wife trying to make this change into her name. It's more likely a daughter or an in-law trying to get this guy committed so they can have his stuff when he dies.

    * When I worked as a toll operator at Bellsouth, one of the things I always was cautious of were people who reversed the charges to the number they were calling, or would try billing to another number. On reversing the charges, when a customer said something like, "Please don't put me on hold", it led me to believe this person had a scheme to quickly pass that party a message and no charges would be billed. I always kept my finger over the hold button, and the moment anyone talked over me, I pushed it. If the message got through and the party at the other end was aware and was also behind this scheme, I billed them anyway for it. As for billing the call to another number, I would first ask for their name, and if the reply was "Why do you need my name?", you knew they were committing an act of fraud, trying to bill it to someone they probably did not even know.

    Any others?

  • #2
    I used to work the overnight shift at the cable company... and now part of my job is auditing all new accounts. When someone orders new service between midnight and 7AM, I don't think, "hmmm... this could be a problem account." Instead, it's, "I know there's a problem... now I just have to figure out what it is."

    I'm sure there are people who work second shift who come home at midnight and decide to order cable... but I've never met any of them. And I'm sure there are people who wake up at 3AM and think, "I just realized I don't have cable... I'd better order me some right this very moment." I haven't met any of them, either.
    I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


    • #3
      Quoth TNT View Post
      I used to work the overnight shift at the cable company... and now part of my job is auditing all new accounts. When someone orders new service between midnight and 7AM, I don't think, "hmmm... this could be a problem account." Instead, it's, "I know there's a problem... now I just have to figure out what it is."

      I'm sure there are people who work second shift who come home at midnight and decide to order cable... but I've never met any of them. And I'm sure there are people who wake up at 3AM and think, "I just realized I don't have cable... I'd better order me some right this very moment." I haven't met any of them, either.

      Along those lines, anyone who insists an account that was interrupted for non payment get restored without sending any money sends up a red flag.

      Another big one for me is when someone calls in for new service and the phone number they called in on pops up an account that was disconnected with a back balance owed.
      "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes


      • #4
        I worked for Adelphia, as I've stated many times. Yep, I used to get the ones who did not want to pay yet needed their cable restored right now. The same issues would happen with phone service.

        With phone service, my favorite thing was dealing with those putting in phone service at an address where the previous occupant owed money. If the person was an honest one and did not know that previous person from Adam, most of them would comply and provide the documentation needed to prove they were who they said they were. But, when you had one of those who began with rudeness and up and down ugliness, you had a gut feeling they were probably the same person trying to obtain service with someone else's identity. Usually the extremely argumentive SC's were the one's to send up reg flags.


        • #5
          We used to have a local drug lord delivering (for who knows why) and as soon as he started, we'd get at least six people a day calling and asking for HIM to deliver their pizza.

          This is against policy, unless we're dead slow and its someone's mother or child, and even then, it doesn't take 40minutes to go two blocks down...

          He'd also have people call before hours, and say their pizza was missing from some random day.

          "Yeah... I wan'shpeak ta Bobby... He fordot mines pizzas..." Yeah. I'm sure he forgot your drugs,too.

          Took management about eight months before their sense kicked in and he was fired.

