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random electronics rants

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  • #16
    A rant from my husband:

    If he tells you that you need to upgrade your computer's memory to get it to run faster, please believe him, for he knows what he's doing.

    Besides, it's a cheap fix.
    Last edited by AFpheonix; 06-17-2007, 05:26 PM. Reason: clarity


    • #17
      Quoth protege View Post
      I got mine for nothing. My company retired two older HP lasers some months ago. Printers only seem to last about 3-4 years where I work--the constant use usually ends up killing them. But with these, the only thing wrong was that they were a bit noisy. After I'd taken them apart, cleaned out all the crud, and reassembled them...they work fine. Not too bad for about 20 minutes worth of work
      I used to go to garage sales alot. When I saw a laser printer I'd pull the toner cartridge and if it felt about half full I'd buy the printer. When the toner ran out I'd throw the printer away and hook up another garage sale printer.

      Toner cartridge = $100.00
      GS printer with half full cartridge=$10.00
      Saving $40.00 on toner = Uh $40.00
      Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


      • #18
        Quoth tignish View Post

        SD does NOT stand for San Disk, it stands for Secure Digital.
        telling me you have a sandisk memory card doesn't narrow the field downas they make EVERY memory card I carry in the store!!!

        DON"T tell me you will recognize your ink cartridge when you see it... YOU WON"T!!! they all look the same!!!!

        DON'T go looking for your 10 year old antique printer on my sales floor so you can see what ink you need, I'm NOT LYING when I tell you it hasn't been made in 10 years so I don't carry it!!!!

        STUPID CUSTOMERS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

        just my 2 cents worth


        actually, they do make ink for those old printer models. You just have to order them from the company, direct.

        I know because those clunky ol' printers that use that special paper with the hole punch outs on the sides are more commonly used in hospitals and pharmacies. I had to order them every month.

        I hate those printers.. they're such a pain to fix whenever the paper gets jammed, or a label gets stuck to the rollers... /rant
        "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


        • #19
          Quoth JustADude View Post
          Actually, I really DO have the cartridges my printer needs memorized ... HP 27 and 28... yet I can't remember the actual TYPE of HP printer to save my life. But I doubt Tignish was talking about people who really do know what they're looking for.

          My sincerest condolences for what you have to put up with, Tig, and I hope you have many a blessed, Stupidity free day in the near future.
          Try keeping up with 2 printers in the house. Both Lexmark, different cartridge numbers. I do good these days to remember the model numbers (Z12 for my brother's, X5250 for mine.)

          Luckily my bother keeps the boxes for his cartridges so I can take those with me. Mine takes a 50 and a 60, I think.
          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


          • #20
            Quoth AFpheonix View Post
            A rant from my husband:

            If he tells you that you need to upgrade your computer's memory to get it to run faster, please believe him, for he knows what he's doing.

            Besides, it's a cheap fix.
            I don't know about cheap. Just ordered more memory for our computers at home, and it's costing about $250. Then again, we're getting 4 1G sticks. Man, going from 512M to 2G is going to be niiiiice.

            Quoth AnqeiicDemise View Post
            I hate those printers.. they're such a pain to fix whenever the paper gets jammed, or a label gets stuck to the rollers... /rant
            Sticky labels are evil! Trust me, it's a pain to clean off sticky labels no matter what kind of printer you're dealing with. I've had them come loose in the laser printers before. Not pretty.

            My company currently has at least 5 different types of printer, 4 different types of fax machine, and 2 different types of copier and I get to order the ink and toner for all of them. Needless to say, I keep a list of where they are, what they are, what they take, and how much we pay for it.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #21
              Quoth AnqeiicDemise View Post
              I hate those printers.. they're such a pain to fix whenever the paper gets jammed, or a label gets stuck to the rollers... /rant
              I hated those things. When the last one at work *finally* got replaced...I beat the crap out of it with a hammer It was at the point that we couldn't get parts for it, and ribbons () were starting to become difficult to find. Getting tractor-feed paper was easy--many local hospitals and similar firms still use those things. At least once it was gone, I got a nice Lexmark printer server thingie to play with
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #22
                The problem with people who "know what their cartridge looks like," is that the boxes the ink cartridces come in are sealed and the cartridge is in a foil envelope. The rumdums expect you to open the box and envelope to see if that is their cartridge. How difficult is it to remember HP 21 and 22?

