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random electronics rants

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  • random electronics rants


    SD does NOT stand for San Disk, it stands for Secure Digital.
    telling me you have a sandisk memory card doesn't narrow the field downas they make EVERY memory card I carry in the store!!!

    DON"T tell me you will recognize your ink cartridge when you see it... YOU WON"T!!! they all look the same!!!!

    DON'T go looking for your 10 year old antique printer on my sales floor so you can see what ink you need, I'm NOT LYING when I tell you it hasn't been made in 10 years so I don't carry it!!!!


    just my 2 cents worth


  • #2
    Ohhhhhhhhh, I had that crap. back when I was working at Office Max. People, if you have had, a printer for a couple of years, yes it is an old one. And yes, most of the ink, will look alike. I so wanted to tell them, that if they wrote the numbers of the cartridge down, that they could get it taken care of now
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      Quoth tignish View Post

      DON"T tell me you will recognize your ink cartridge when you see it... YOU WON"T!!! they all look the same!!!!
      Ummmmmmmmm i memorized.... the design.... on the box the ink my printer needs comes in... so yeah... I WILL RECONGNIZE IT!!!


      • #4
        Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
        Ummmmmmmmm i memorized.... the design.... on the box the ink my printer needs comes in... so yeah... I WILL RECONGNIZE IT!!!
        Actually, I really DO have the cartridges my printer needs memorized ... HP 27 and 28... yet I can't remember the actual TYPE of HP printer to save my life. But I doubt Tignish was talking about people who really do know what they're looking for.

        My sincerest condolences for what you have to put up with, Tig, and I hope you have many a blessed, Stupidity free day in the near future.
        And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


        • #5
          Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
          Ummmmmmmmm i memorized.... the design.... on the box the ink my printer needs comes in... so yeah... I WILL RECONGNIZE IT!!!
          But what about the inevitable packaging redesign? Then you'll be one of those people going "It used to come in a box that looked like this, and the design was kind of a thingy, lemme sketch it for you..."
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #6
            Quoth tignish View Post
            SD does NOT stand for San Disk, it stands for Secure Digital.
            telling me you have a sandisk memory card doesn't narrow the field downas they make EVERY memory card I carry in the store!!
            Just like the people who call and ask if I have a charger for their phone. I ask what model, they say "Well, it's the (insert carrier's name) phon! (duh!).

            DON"T tell me you will recognize your ink cartridge when you see it... YOU WON"T!!! they all look the same!!!!
            That's why I keep that little handy-dandy card that came with my printer showing me which ink cartridges my printer takes. Also, luckily my portible printer takes the same ink cartridges, so I don't need to remember that one!
            Quote Dalesys:
            ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


            • #7
              Quoth Broomjockey View Post
              But what about the inevitable packaging redesign? Then you'll be one of those people going "It used to come in a box that looked like this, and the design was kind of a thingy, lemme sketch it for you..."
              Shh, they do that to make people buy the new boxed printer thinking it is a new model. Shhhhhhhhh..
              Quote Dalesys:
              ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


              • #8
                mmmmm, laserjet

                I've printed well over 500 pages, and still have plenty of toner. And now you can get really inexpensive personal ones for $100, but you'll be limited to b&w.
                Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                The Office


                • #9
                  Quoth Shabo View Post
                  I've printed well over 500 pages, and still have plenty of toner. And now you can get really inexpensive personal ones for $100, but you'll be limited to b&w.
                  I got mine for nothing. My company retired two older HP lasers some months ago. Printers only seem to last about 3-4 years where I work--the constant use usually ends up killing them. But with these, the only thing wrong was that they were a bit noisy. After I'd taken them apart, cleaned out all the crud, and reassembled them...they work fine. Not too bad for about 20 minutes worth of work
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                  • #10
                    my favorite is when people walk up to me and say 'Hi! I need ink for my Hp printer 21398473297642ABKSHGS' and expect me to know what they are talking about. I work at the canadian version of wal-Mart. our Home E department is a little larger then my living room. I have one aisle with 4 old old old printers but a how aisle devoted to 3 different brands of printer cartidge. Just because you told me the style of your printer you purchased 4 years ago doesnt mean i have a flipping idea of what kind of cartridge it takes!

                    Same thing to the people who dont know if their camera takes a duo or an SD card and rattle off some brand and random numbers.

                    If your not sure feel free to bring in your old cartidge or your camera. Then we'll talk

                    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


                    • #11
                      Quoth tignish View Post
                      DON"T tell me you will recognize your ink cartridge when you see it... YOU WON"T!!! they all look the same!!!!
                      Gah, so, so very true.

                      They replaced the sales assistant desk the other day, and they found three laser cartridges under the old one. They're in sealed plastic bags, but without their boxes or any sort of identifying information. I figure they must have been down there for about 3 or 4 years.

                      And they brought them up to me to find out what printer they go to. *sigh*

                      Thankfully, it's dead easy to go online and find out what cartridge/ink your printer uses. I have to do that a lot, here, because we buy a lot of used/surplus printers and fax machines and I'm the one that stocks the toner/ink.

                      When I get a printer, it's going to be a laser. Ink tanks cost way too much money for how little you end up getting out of them. I only need black and white, but I know that the color laserjets are getting pretty nice, and the prices are still coming down.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        Quoth tignish View Post
                        ATTENTION CUSTOMERS!!!!
                        DON"T tell me you will recognize your ink cartridge when you see it... YOU WON"T!!! they all look the same!!!!
                        I never remember what number my printer carts are, but I can remember what model are the printers. So if they have the HP flip book at the shelf, I can find them quickly, otherwise I need to check each and every box for the models list they will work in.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Jack7957 View Post
                          I never remember what number my printer carts are, but I can remember what model are the printers. So if they have the HP flip book at the shelf, I can find them quickly, otherwise I need to check each and every box for the models list they will work in.

                          When I worked at Office Max I had gotten to the point that for the more common printers I had the cartridges memorized right down to the price. All someone had to so was give me the printer model number, and I could give me the cartridge number and the price of it without looking. That's been over 6 or 7 years...Now I couldn't even tell you the model of printer I have..If someone asks me, I'm just like "ummmmmm"...
                          Just sliding down the razor blade of life.


                          • #14
                            Quoth JustADude View Post
                            Actually, I really DO have the cartridges my printer needs memorized ... HP 27 and 28... yet I can't remember the actual TYPE of HP printer to save my life. But I doubt Tignish was talking about people who really do know what they're looking for.

                            My sincerest condolences for what you have to put up with, Tig, and I hope you have many a blessed, Stupidity free day in the near future.

                            you memorized the numbers, that works, SCs think they will recognize what the actual CARTRIDGE looks like. not so useful.


                            • #15
                              I have enough trouble convincing my parents that we should subnet our router or change it to WPA encryption...then I have explain to them what it all is without going through a full Cisco Net Academy course.

                              I'd hate working in an electronics store.

