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Toilets & Other People's Kids.

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  • #31
    Quoth jrh215 View Post
    The woman leaves and comes back inside a few minutes later. She approaches my sister and says, "Since you would not let my son use your restroom, I was forced to let him urinate all over the front of your sidewalk."
    Mmkay...she wasn't "forced" to make the kid wait. Technically, could you not have called the cops on the woman and kid for public indecency (or whetever the term is these days)?

    (am I evil in wishing that she had bundled the kid in the car whereupon he had peed all over everything?)
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


    • #32
      I am sorry, but I obviously missed the part where your failure to plan constitutes an emergency on my part.
      We used to have a White Castle in Indianapolis that was one of the first ones built. There was one set of the grills and 6 stools. Indiana does require that places that serve food have public restrooms, but this place was grandfathered. The staff restroom was in the basement, with the lockers for the employees, as well as the mechanism (open) for the freight elevator where we received inventory. There was also lots of material that was either dangerous or valuable. Generally, five people a day threw the restroom law card, and refused to understand we were not going to expose ourselves to litigation for some idiot getting injured by messing with something he shouldn't, or end up with an employee having their wallet stolen (White Castle does not allow employees to have ANY money on them while on duty.)

