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SCs calling from the same state? Call center woes

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  • #16
    Yeah, I agree with the same areas except I have to add that the cheapest unpleasant people I deal with that are problematic are either little old ladies from Florida, New York or Massachusetts or locals of rural Arkansas or Utah. I usually end up giving out a freaking discount and discounted delivery fees..
    "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


    • #17
      Quoth calulu View Post
      Yeah, I agree with the same areas except I have to add that the cheapest unpleasant people I deal with that are problematic are either little old ladies from Florida, New York or Massachusetts or locals of rural Arkansas or Utah. I usually end up giving out a freaking discount and discounted delivery fees..
      if it makes you feel better, those of us on the wasatch front don't really like the people in rural utah either...
      ... not that those of use on the front are perfect angels (except of course those of us on these boards )
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #18
        Quoth dekydrose View Post
        For me, it's either New Jersey or California. Obviously not EVERYONE from those states are idiots...but my hardest calls are generally people in those two.
        We don't service NJ, but I love my Cali customers! Other than the "like, my internet, like, isn't like working, and you, like, need to totally fix it, like, now!" customers and a handful of first gen immigrants when the channels in their native language stop working, everyone is fairly laid back and able to follow basic troubleshooting steps.

        My least favorite states are Missouri and Louisiana. 80% of the calls I get from St. Louis and the surrounding areas are from incredibly rude people and 80% of the calls from Louisiana are from people who know nothing about technology and speak some incomprehensible muttering dialect of English. Everyone who calls in sounds like the only food they have access to is peanut butter.


        • #19
          BaristaTrav: what did my fellow Canuks do to you? I'm fully willing to apologize for my fellow countrymen/women. (as long as I am allowed to apply corrective measures to them!)

          I worked 4 years computer Helpdesk servicing USA customers. Our managers were always warning us to not let the customer know we were Canadian, "...because some of them get cranky about not being helped by an American...", which was total BS...

          I cannot count the number of customers who said "Thank God I got an English speaking American!", and when I told them I was actually in Canada - Not a single one complained! In fact most were pleased by that! "Oh well you're like brothers to the USA anyhow!" or my favorite: "Ah Canada! You do any hunting? I was up North near so-and-so and ...." LOL.

          Then there was these two women who practically started gushing when they found out I was Canuk... I used my French on them (all two sentences that I know) and I swear the almost swooned.

          Customers like that were few and far between though...
          *There is no greater gift than to be reborn with every heartbeat*
          *Grudges should only be held for as long as it takes to deliver a proper vengence!*

