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Entitlement Prick and his wife

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  • Entitlement Prick and his wife

    This is from my days as a movie theatre manager. A little backstory is needed to clarify:

    When I worked for United Artists Theatres (now apart of Regal) these little entertainment coupons were put in coupon books around the country to get people to come buy overpriced movie tickets and concessions. The deal that they got was this:

    1. First they had to buy the coupon book for whatever price it was listed for.
    2. Each entertainment coupon was basically just a discounted ticket. At the time, first run movies were like $8.00 per ticket. The entertainment coupons came with two attached together. Presenting coupon dropped your ticket price to $6.50.

    Pretty easy, IMO. Along with the coupons was, what I call, an advertisement for the current concession combo. At the time, it was like "1 Lg Popcorn, 2 Lg Drinks, 1 Lg Candy for $xx.xx".

    So, onto the SC part:

    The guy gets his tickets and comes up to the concession stand presenting the "advertisement", stating that he wanted it. Of course, he had to show up the day after this combo had just been phased out. When receiving this "advertisement", we simply rang up a combo on our tills, as there wasn't any price difference.

    The concessionist stated that he couldn't do it, as the combo was no longer offered, so the dude asked for a manager. The following is the exchange the best I can remember:

    SC: The dude
    Me: um... I can't remember who this is.

    SC: I want this combo (gives me the "advertisement")
    Me: Sorry sir, we can no longer do this as this combo was just replaced with the new current combo.
    SC: I paid for this. I want it now!
    Me: Sir, you didn't pay for this. This is just an advertisement on what combo we're offering at the moment.
    SC: I bought the coupon book and this was in it. I want it now. (he's now believing that since it was in the coupon book, it was a free combo for him since he used the entertainment coupons)
    Me: Sir, this is not a free coupon. This simply states what combo we have. It is just like you ordering it normally, but since this combo was phased out, I cannot do it.
    SC: I want your name and the number to the corporate office.
    Me: Ok (gives name and gets the number)

    In the long run, he called me in to corporate and complained that I wouldn't serve him and I was rude. Of course it got back to my DM who asked me about it. After hearing my explanation, he sided with me, but told me in the future to just give them customer whatever they wanted.

    The guy received coupons for free stuff and movie passes from corporate to shut him up, so he basically won.

    I worked at 4 different theatres over 4 years, so I have plenty of stories to go around.

  • #2
    I buy those Entertainment coupon books. I always get suckered into it. I give most of the coupons away but there are always some really good ones that I like in there!

    Come to think of it, I don't recall any movie theatres being in this addition.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      It because the theatres are trying to gouge as much money out of people at the moment. I got to a Cinemark close to work for $4 matinees.


      • #4
        I hate Entertainment coupons... and Entertainment Cards... people fail to understand the whole concept of UP TO... as in rooms UP TO 50% off... meaning that the discount is at the discretion of management up to being half off... if it's even a penny off we are meeting the lettering of the advertising exactly...
        sorry bout the slight thread jack
        back on topic
        Dear Lord... the ad even had a price on it and the person thought it should be free I weep for humanities future.
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #5
          Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
          I hate Entertainment coupons... and Entertainment Cards... .
          I'll take my little coupon book and card and go away now....

          however, I know am not an sc about mine. just thought I'd add that...I just like to save money.
          "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


          • #6
            Got news for Entitlement Prick, we used to get those coupon books (loved 'em) and if I recall correctly, it said right in the book that the offers were subject to change at the establishment's whim.

            Many's the time I went into a advertised restaurant with a coupon, only to see a little tent on the table saying the offer had been didcontinued. That's just how it worked.

            No point getting angry about it. Usually, one nice dinner out paid for the cost of the book, so everything else was just gravy.


            • #7
              Yeah we have instroe coupons that print out at the registers that are really just ads for different things in the store. We have people waving them in our faces all day long telling use that "Try Del Monte Pineapple Chunks" means everything from a discounted price to several free cans.

              General rule of thumb, If I can't scan it, it's not a coupon.
              "Sometimes, I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!"


              • #8
                Many's the time I went into a advertised restaurant with a coupon, only to see a little tent on the table saying the offer had been didcontinued. That's just how it worked.
                Frankly, it shouldn't work that way. If it's in the coupon book that you've purchased and the coupon hasn't expired ... restaurants shouldn't be cancelling the offer.
                "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                • #9
                  Well, I do agree with you, but it is in the fine print. Heck, we pulled up to a place we planned on trying out and realized we were staring at the burned out shell of a place that had been gutted by fire.

                  But on the upside, the dinner offers are buy one, get one free. If you pay 25 bucks for the book and have one nice dinner out with your SO or a date, that pretty much pays for the book. And there are a LOT of similar coupons inside.

                  We discovered several wonderful places to eat like this. One place we complimented so highly the manager gave us back our coupon and told us to come back anytime for another of the same offer. See what being nice gets you!


                  • #10
                    Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
                    I'll take my little coupon book and card and go away now....

                    however, I know am not an sc about mine. just thought I'd add that...I just like to save money.
                    I wish I could say you weren't the exception and that most people are like you... sadly, I get so many people who refuse to read the fine print that yell at me like it's my fault...

                    *edited because I'm an idiot and didn't get it right the first time...
                    Last edited by smileyeagle1021; 04-09-2008, 03:20 PM.
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                    • #11
                      Entertainment Books are generally worth it only for the Restaurant Deals, especially if you eat out a lot. We used to get them most years just for that, as a book like that (with the profits going to charity mainly) so we had lots of different places to try out to eat, because the offers were generally pretty good and genuinely saved you money. The coupons however for other services, ugh. We found it was worse with the accommodation, the "Special Rates" were generally beaten when we called the hotels and cited other things we had for discount purposes.

                      Regardless, sometimes I wonder if people hoard these coupons just to use them after the expiry date, and see if they get what they want. Same people who demand products at a price that they remember from "some promo", and cite a promo from anywhere between 3mths to over 12mths ago.
                      - Boochan


                      • #12
                        Ha! I used to work as a manager for Regals Theater years ago and oh the stories I could tell.. those damn coupon books were the worst because people would always misread the fine print.
                        "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                        • #13
                          Quoth calulu View Post
                          Ha! I used to work as a manager for Regals Theater years ago and oh the stories I could tell.. those damn coupon books were the worst because people would always misread the fine print.
                          Yes, too many stories about Regal and theatres in general.

                          When Regal took over, we had to revert back 10 years in our policies/procedures to do what they wanted.

                          I miss working the theatre (I moved to projection... greatest job ever), but I wouldn't go back unless I was desperate.

